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    Post your Dark souls ''improvement'' idea :)


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    Post your Dark souls ''improvement'' idea :) - Page 3 Empty Re: Post your Dark souls ''improvement'' idea :)

    Post by WandererReece Sat Jan 19, 2013 12:08 pm

    Sentiel wrote:Similary, if a Gravelord gets invaded by DW, he can't infect the said DW as a revenge, because he's likely to have his boss dead and with dead boss, there's no Gravelord Sign.

    Not true. A gravelord can infect a host that has defeated the boss. I was really surprised when I returned to the Burg and found red phantom enemies even though the boss was dead.

    I think they can also infect hollow people.

    There's a thread somewhere about it. You'd think there would be more gravelord invasions in the game because of this. I think the gravelord infection rate should be improved somehow.

    Also, you right about the darkwraith and darkmoon part.

    Aznul wrote:Then perhaps they could include some areas which have perpetual day/night as an added environmental effect. This could certainly add an interesting spin on things. As well as another thing to try and predict about a host as you invade, especially if you use items that are more effective during one part of the cycle.

    Maybe some vampires and werewolves to go with it.

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    Location : Sitting here in limbo, but I know it won't be long. Sitting here in limbo, like a bird without a song. Well they're putting up resistance, but I know that my faith will lead me on. Sitting here in limbo, waiting for the dice to roll.

    Post your Dark souls ''improvement'' idea :) - Page 3 Empty Re: Post your Dark souls ''improvement'' idea :)

    Post by Odinbear Sat Jan 19, 2013 1:12 pm

    How about... You know how there is world tendency in DS? I like the idea of being summoned, into different variations of the same level. Where you might encounter multiple red phantom enemies and enemies in different locations than the previous co-op. all dependent on the character tendency or world tendency of the host. Also , how about a slightly different variation of game in each NG+ you progress into.

    Replay ability is the goal here.

    I also would like to see, other events, perils or options that can be done after defeating the boss in each area. Gravelord being an example ( if it worked better on your first play through. ).
    Maybe even the ability to be invaded in some " boss dead" areas ( by 2 invaders?) and just before invasion you can see summon signs to summon help. The " dead area" invasion idea could maybe be implemented as HARD mode.

    ... As you progress through NG playthroughs, new covenent items, leveling etc become available.

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    Post your Dark souls ''improvement'' idea :) - Page 3 Empty Re: Post your Dark souls ''improvement'' idea :)

    Post by lalliman Sat Jan 19, 2013 2:43 pm

    WandererReece wrote:Maybe some vampires and werewolves to go with it.
    I'm not sure if you're sarcastic or not, but i'd love me some werewolfs twisted
    Vampires have never really been my cup of tea. Although, people have been asking for enemies that would stalk the player and wait for the right moment to attack. Seems like a job fit for a vampire. Of course because it's Dark Souls they wouldn't look like conventional vampires but more like this:

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    Post your Dark souls ''improvement'' idea :) - Page 3 Empty Re: Post your Dark souls ''improvement'' idea :)

    Post by Bloodpact91 Sun Jan 20, 2013 8:39 pm

    Rolling through ghost... not being able just got me killed since i figured , you know , you can roll through them...

    Posts : 1798
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    Join date : 2012-07-10

    Post your Dark souls ''improvement'' idea :) - Page 3 Empty Re: Post your Dark souls ''improvement'' idea :)

    Post by WandererReece Mon Jan 21, 2013 11:40 am

    lalliman wrote:
    WandererReece wrote:Maybe some vampires and werewolves to go with it.
    I'm not sure if you're sarcastic or not, but i'd love me some werewolfs twisted
    Vampires have never really been my cup of tea. Although, people have been asking for enemies that would stalk the player and wait for the right moment to attack. Seems like a job fit for a vampire. Of course because it's Dark Souls they wouldn't look like conventional vampires but more like this:

    1st: What is in that picture? I know it's a vampire, but I never seen on like that before.

    2nd: I got the idea from Elder Scrolls. You can turn into a vampire. Then you have to feed on people to stay "human". If you don't feed, then you look more like a vampire. You also get special skills, but you burn in the sun. I thought it would be cool if we could become vampires and werewolves, or at least have them in the game.

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