by V0rador Fri Mar 22, 2013 10:25 am
Hmmm, i'm not sure I can entirely agree with some of the criticism directed towards sports games. Personally, I've only really played Fifa properly so I can't comment on any of the others. For a while it was just updated teams and more content whilst the mechanics of the game remained the same. Fifa 13, however, is vastly different to Fifa 12 and the other previous titles. Historically you would press the pass button and the ball would go to a team mate who would carry on running with it as if he'd had it the entire time. Now there is a 'first touch' element added to the game, generally the better the player the better his first touch is. The defensive system has been completely re-written too, you can't just hold down 2 buttons and let the CPU tackle for you anymore, you actually have to employ some tactics to win the ball back. There are lots more changes like this that make this game completely different to its predessors, it could easily have a different title and be sold as a stand alone game. I won't go on about it anymore though, lol.
COD is a cash cow, but it is quite fun so I understand why people keep going back to it. Skyrim is pretty much Oblivion with dual weilding and Dragons, the Dragons sold it for me so yeah, I like it. Resident Evil, loved 1 and 2, the rest get gradually worse in my opinion. Halo, I love Halo, Reach made me play Halo less and less for 2 reasons; they removed the ranking system and they removed the BR. Final Fantasy, still enjoying the games that are coming out but I prefer the turn-based versions. Oh, and FFVII is the best.