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    Peacocking Thread

    Town Crier
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    Peacocking Thread Empty Peacocking Thread

    Post by Tolvo Wed May 01, 2013 11:24 pm

    Well What is it We have a thread for telling our interesting tales, we have many for discussing our tactics, now throw that all out the window. Well What is it

    This is the official thread for inflating your ego and boasting about your probably fictional PvP skills. I don't want to see any humility, in here we brag and tell probably fake stories about awesome things we've done while playing Dark Souls in a PvP atmosphere.

    Peacocking Thread 3378427106 So this one time I invaded a world only to see three dudes standing there in full dragon body. :dragon-eye: Upon spotting them I see all three doing a Point Forward at me and then they roar. One was white and the other gold, the host was wielding a Murakumo. This I took great offense to since the Murakumo is my weapon. :pharis: MY FREAKING WEAPON! :pharis: What a poser, trying to match the almighty Tovlo? Naturally I was angry, and so I removed my armor and pulled out my Mura as well. Using the dragon stone I became a dragon myself and roared. :dragon-stone: Slowly the host walked forwards towards me and I pointed at him, prompting his buddies to stand aside in the burg and watch us fight. Sure enough we ran for each other and just then I noticed the invisible Pursuers flying towards me. The Eye The Eye The Eye Quickly I thought then thinking it over I decided to move quickly. Rolling through them I ran straight for the stairs and up the corner dispelling them against a wall as the dragons roared in anger. Well What is it I taunted them ready for the fury of these gankers as all three charged me. As they ran up the steps I did one jumping attack landing on them and dealing massive massive damage for some critical bruising. Evil Fex But they hadn't had enough as they tried to kick me off, I hadn't had my last hurrah yet though. Duel Rolling into them I managed to get through a hole in their defense and ran for the firebombers and stood on the opposite end of the bridge. Look Skyward It was there I made my final stand and did a look skyward, knowing how disappointed I was in the gankers lack of true skill and honor. Rushing towards me they didn't realize until it was too late. They had no poise! With a simple kick I stopped the host just as a firebomb hit him and his buddies stunning them, they were on NG+ so the damage was gnarly! Rolling backwards he couldn't get away as the summons blocking him and just then I did an R2 with the Mura finishing him off. Falling to their knees all of them slowly faded away as the message showed up, "***** got ***!" Ten standing tall over their fading corpses and the humanity I earned getting added to the counter did I finally gesture. Hurrah MY last Hurrah!

    Now tell me some of your "real" stories of epic battles.
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    Peacocking Thread Empty Re: Peacocking Thread

    Post by Rynn Wed May 01, 2013 11:33 pm

    This one time, I parried this ***** named Rhea for 1700 damage, no hornet ring.

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    Post by SirArchmage Wed May 01, 2013 11:34 pm

    I feel like this is because of Dibsville's post earlier.

    Here is a kitty for you
    Town Crier
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    Post by Tolvo Wed May 01, 2013 11:34 pm

    Pssshh, sounds like some estus chugger. I think I fought them once too, tried to BS me. So I used Force to knock them off a cliff.

    Haha, what a dunce.

    EDIT: Cruel timing, I was talking about that dumb-head Rhea.

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    Peacocking Thread Empty Re: Peacocking Thread

    Post by reim0027 Wed May 01, 2013 11:36 pm

    This one time at band camp . . . I killed a forest host. OMG, right? I have even killed 2 forest hosts.
    Town Crier
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    Peacocking Thread Empty Re: Peacocking Thread

    Post by Tolvo Wed May 01, 2013 11:37 pm

    I once beat a guy cosplaying as Gwyn, he was a hacker with infinite health. So I used Power Within and took out my Lifehunt Scythe and One-shot him. Well What is it

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    Peacocking Thread Empty Re: Peacocking Thread

    Post by SirArchmage Wed May 01, 2013 11:38 pm

    reim0027 wrote:This one time at band camp . . . I killed a forest host. OMG, right? I have even killed 2 forest hosts.
    I have another story about Band Camp, but mine is very different. Much more hot vampires and emo werewolves.
    Town Crier
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    Post by Tolvo Wed May 01, 2013 11:38 pm

    SirArchmage wrote:

    Here is a kitty for you

    I fought this guy once, I would have beat him if he didn't cheat and just vanish whenever I hit him. Probably a plug puller, psshhhh.

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    Peacocking Thread Empty Re: Peacocking Thread

    Post by reim0027 Wed May 01, 2013 11:38 pm

    One shot an infinite health hacker? You are the Chuck Norris of DkS!! I bet you can even kill 2 stones with 1 bird! You da man.
    Town Crier
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    Post by Tolvo Wed May 01, 2013 11:39 pm

    I once headshot two summons with a dung pie then Chain Bs'ed them both at the same time. What a bunch of nubs to fall for that old trick. Look Skyward
    Tyler Durden
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    Peacocking Thread Empty Re: Peacocking Thread

    Post by RANT Wed May 01, 2013 11:40 pm

    this one time I killed three gankers at the same time with the DBF's r2, true story.
    Town Crier
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    Peacocking Thread Empty Re: Peacocking Thread

    Post by Tolvo Wed May 01, 2013 11:41 pm

    I once killed two hosts at the same time with the DBF's R2, beat that!

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    Peacocking Thread Empty Re: Peacocking Thread

    Post by DemonOfFate Wed May 01, 2013 11:41 pm

    I invaded these three guys in the forest, obviously they were bloody gankers, but did that stop me? NO. Looking around i noticed that they we're wearing heavy poise armor, and two of them had the family masks on, where the other one was going all out Orenstien.

    No matter, I thought. Beckon I challenged them, beckoning them to come forward, and they did just that. Thinking quick i threw one of my poison throwing knifes at the host, he tanked right through it, hoping to smash me, but i'm far too good for that.

    I rolled to the right, and came out of my roll with an attack from my mighty halberd, dealing about 340+ damage. Though one of his phantoms managed to sneak behind me, stabbing me with his spear + hornet ring combo. I decided now was the time for a tatical retreat.

    Obviously i fled to my mushroom friends, seeing as how my more favored feline friends had already been killed. As the host trailed behind me, hoping to get a backstab, i suddenly stopped turned around and parried him, sending my mighty halberd through him, but sadly it didn't end there.

    His phantoms approached me, ready to attack me from either side, to bad they didn't see my mushroom friends approaching. In a flash, one of the phantoms was down, i used this chance to rush towards the host before he could heal.

    As i brought my halberd down upon him, the phantoms tried to backstab me, resulting in a falcon punch by my mushroom friends to his face. With all of them dead, i did the only thing i could, i praised the mother****ing sun. Praise the Sun

    Town Crier
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    Peacocking Thread Empty Re: Peacocking Thread

    Post by Tolvo Wed May 01, 2013 11:46 pm

    This one time I fought a guy and just as he was rushing towards me he fell off the side of the burg. A week later I got a message from his loved ones that he literally died of embarrassment.

    What a scrub. Point Down
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    Peacocking Thread Empty Re: Peacocking Thread

    Post by Animaaal Wed May 01, 2013 11:48 pm

    So I get summoned for the 4 Kings and the host says, "You need a ring blah blah blah." I called him a :roll: tryhard :roll: and he black crystals me....I beat em anyway in the load screen... Well What is it
    Town Crier
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    Post by Tolvo Wed May 01, 2013 11:49 pm

    Loading screens? Sounds like you got a bad PS3 build.

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    Peacocking Thread Empty Re: Peacocking Thread

    Post by SirArchmage Wed May 01, 2013 11:50 pm

    Tolvo wrote:This one time I fought a guy and just as he was rushing towards me he fell off the side of the burg. A week later I got a message from his loved ones that he literally died of embarrassment.

    What a scrub. Point Down
    Loved ones? He really is a scrub. Real men don't know anyone and cry themselves to sleep at night clutching a copy of Dark Souls while whispering "Praise the Sun" over and over again until they get exhausted from crying and fall asleep.
    Soris Ice Goldwing
    Soris Ice Goldwing

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    Peacocking Thread Empty Re: Peacocking Thread

    Post by Soris Ice Goldwing Wed May 01, 2013 11:51 pm

    I once did large amounts of damage to two phantoms a host had. He used up all of his flasks healing them and what do you know, he pulled the plug on me. Wimp!
    Tyler Durden
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    Peacocking Thread Empty Re: Peacocking Thread

    Post by RANT Thu May 02, 2013 12:02 am

    I once had a 75 win streak in the forest.....wait, that one actually happened, nvm.

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    Peacocking Thread Empty Re: Peacocking Thread

    Post by reim0027 Thu May 02, 2013 12:06 am

    So, this one time, I did over 1,800 damage to Manus in 1 hit. Wait, no, that's true.

    So, this one time, I did over 2500 damage to a Forest host in 1 legit hit. Wait, no, that's true also.

    Damn, this is hard. I'm just too good to come up with false over the top pwning.
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    Peacocking Thread Empty Re: Peacocking Thread

    Post by Rynn Thu May 02, 2013 12:10 am

    This one time, I killed an infinite health hacker, without the use of bleeding*

    *This is a true story. Turns out their HP isn't infinite.

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    Peacocking Thread Empty Re: Peacocking Thread

    Post by IIdoneus Thu May 02, 2013 12:11 am

    So one time in Darkroot, I saved a kitten stuck in a tree and helped deliver a baby, all while fighting off several invaders who all had endless casts of pursuers. Do you know how difficult it is deliver a child while continuously doing darkwood grain flips!?

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    Peacocking Thread Empty Re: Peacocking Thread

    Post by Ghadis_God Thu May 02, 2013 12:16 am

    So I fought this lagswitcher in the arena, guy had a BKGA and Black Flame. I laughed at his pathetic scrubbyness and bsed him to death throught the lagswtch, preserving my OVER 9000 STREAK. I fought him again a few matches later and it didn't go any better for his sorry arse, Look Skyward how do you even lose a lagswitch anyway?
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    Post by Maneater_Mildred Thu May 02, 2013 12:33 am

    I beat my 1st hacker the other day. I couldn't hurt him, so I took off my sack, he fell down dead. Yes my face is that OP.
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    Peacocking Thread Empty Re: Peacocking Thread

    Post by sparkly-twinkly-lizard Thu May 02, 2013 1:20 am

    got 5 titanite slabs in one stroll through the g.hollow then picked up another on my way to the 4 kings, the game then pronounced its undying love for me by giving me a vagrant to play with while simultaneously floor glitch killing an hp hacker. (actually these were seperate incidents but... the T slabs did all happen in succsession.)

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