This is the official thread for inflating your ego and boasting about your probably fictional PvP skills. I don't want to see any humility, in here we brag and tell probably fake stories about awesome things we've done while playing Dark Souls in a PvP atmosphere.
So this one time I invaded a world only to see three dudes standing there in full dragon body. Upon spotting them I see all three doing a at me and then they roar. One was white and the other gold, the host was wielding a Murakumo. This I took great offense to since the Murakumo is my weapon. MY FREAKING WEAPON! What a poser, trying to match the almighty Tovlo? Naturally I was angry, and so I removed my armor and pulled out my Mura as well. Using the dragon stone I became a dragon myself and roared. Slowly the host walked forwards towards me and I pointed at him, prompting his buddies to stand aside in the burg and watch us fight. Sure enough we ran for each other and just then I noticed the invisible Pursuers flying towards me. Quickly I thought then thinking it over I decided to move quickly. Rolling through them I ran straight for the stairs and up the corner dispelling them against a wall as the dragons roared in anger. I taunted them ready for the fury of these gankers as all three charged me. As they ran up the steps I did one jumping attack landing on them and dealing massive massive damage for some critical bruising. But they hadn't had enough as they tried to kick me off, I hadn't had my last hurrah yet though. Rolling into them I managed to get through a hole in their defense and ran for the firebombers and stood on the opposite end of the bridge. It was there I made my final stand and did a look skyward, knowing how disappointed I was in the gankers lack of true skill and honor. Rushing towards me they didn't realize until it was too late. They had no poise! With a simple kick I stopped the host just as a firebomb hit him and his buddies stunning them, they were on NG+ so the damage was gnarly! Rolling backwards he couldn't get away as the summons blocking him and just then I did an R2 with the Mura finishing him off. Falling to their knees all of them slowly faded away as the message showed up, "***** got ***!" Ten standing tall over their fading corpses and the humanity I earned getting added to the counter did I finally gesture. MY last Hurrah!
Now tell me some of your "real" stories of epic battles.