And here's some more screenshots if anyone wants to look at some. (Or use them
Garuda boss fight.
Ifrit boss fight.
A Black Mage casting his limit break speciality: meteor.
A Marauder and his Chocobo companion in battle.
The Crystal and Dragon infested region of Mor Dhona.
A Black Mage casting a spell.
Titan boss fight.
Moogles in The Black Shroud.
Magitek armour in Mor Dhona.
Costa Del Sol.
A dead Goobbue.
Chocobo stables in the city of Ul'dah.
A Bard playing their harp.
A White Mage casting cure.
A Marauder taking a break in a more tropical clime in La Noscea.
Thaumaturge overlooking Thanalan.
Sunset in the city of Limsa Lominsa
Night time in the city of Limsa Lominsa.
Miqo'te guides in the city of Limsa Lominsa.
A WildWood Elezen at Treespeak Stables.
A Hellsguard Roegadyn at Sweetbloom Pier.
A Plainsfolk Lalafell in the city of Ul'dah.
A Highlander Hyur in the city of Ul'dah.
A Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te in the city of Ul'dah.
The Adventure's guild in the city of Gridania.
Chocobo Stables in the city of Gridania.
The Conjurer's guild in the city Gridania.
The markets in the city of Ul'dah.
A Gladiator in action against a Marlboro.
A Lancer in action against a Adamantoise.
An Archer in La Noscea.
There are more, I will add later. For now enjoy and feel free to use them.