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    Shield Design Winners to be announced next week + New interviews


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    Shield Design Winners to be announced next week + New interviews Empty Shield Design Winners to be announced next week + New interviews

    Post by Sargerus Thu Jun 20, 2013 2:55 am

    Gametrailers Interview Highlights:

    -Mirror Knight: when the boss reaches 20% of its health, it will become more agressive and powerful.
    -Lifegems: slower health regen than Estus, can be used while moving.
    -Combat: combat physics improved via motion capture.
    -Story: Storytelling to be similar to Dark Souls.

    Nerdreactor Interview Highlights:

    -Development: Game is about 60% done.
    -Staff: DkSII team is 50-60% bigger than DkS.
    -Weapons: There will be new variations of weapons.
    -Story: There will be some connections regarding the lore and characters of the first Dark Souls. The theme of fire will mostly be maintained as well.
    -Length: DkSII will be a little bit longer than DkS was.
    -PvP: A game mode similar to the Arena in DkS is planned.

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    Location : Where all the lag is

    Shield Design Winners to be announced next week + New interviews Empty Re: Shield Design Winners to be announced next week + New interviews

    Post by StiffNipples Thu Jun 20, 2013 3:17 am

    Sargerus wrote:
    -Lifegems: slower health regen than Estus, can be used while moving

    I've seen this posted a few times, and I'd like to clarify something/have it clarified.

    I think what they mean is that it's effect can be benefitted from while moving, but to physically use it (ie. crush it/consume it) you have to be monentarily still. I'm sure I saw in one of the demos/interviews a character used this item and stopped moving to 'crush it' then kept moving, and it slowly regenerated his HP while he ran.

    However if you can consume them without pausing in your movement then I think that makes them very powerful. Even a small pause like the time it takes to consume Green Blossom would be better than no pause imo.

    Posts : 434
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    Location : Where all the lag is

    Shield Design Winners to be announced next week + New interviews Empty Re: Shield Design Winners to be announced next week + New interviews

    Post by StiffNipples Thu Jun 20, 2013 5:29 am

    Brian Hong wrote:The way the life Gem gems will replenish your health but more slowly [than the Estus Flask] but you won't have to be standing still to receive the benefits of using that Life Gem, you can still move around while your health is replenishing.

    I'm going with they mean you get the benefit while you move, not you can consume it while moving.

    Posts : 142
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    Join date : 2012-08-25
    Location : Locked away in the Undead Asylum or wandering Lordran.

    Shield Design Winners to be announced next week + New interviews Empty Re: Shield Design Winners to be announced next week + New interviews

    Post by Marionx Fri Jun 21, 2013 5:26 pm

    At first, I thought you were mistaken about From Software announcing the winners of the Shield design contest being next week, but then I saw the video. I'm pretty excited about that as well as the game.

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    Shield Design Winners to be announced next week + New interviews Empty Re: Shield Design Winners to be announced next week + New interviews

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