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    Thoughts on the sheild design winners

    Steel Dragon74
    Steel Dragon74

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    Thoughts on the sheild design winners Empty Thoughts on the sheild design winners

    Post by Steel Dragon74 Tue May 21, 2013 2:34 am

    First off sorry if there is already a topic like this, I havent seen one but let me know if there is

    So now that voting has been closed on the sheild design contest for a while I'd like to know what your thoughts are on the three winning designs - What did you vote for?, did your favourite win?, what do you think should have won instead?, what kind of characters do you think will use them?, will you be using any of these sheilds when the game comes out?

    Here are my thoughts on the winners

    Small sheilds

    Winner: Sheild of Ash

    I like this Sheild, though I dont tend to use small sheilds much I could see myself using it. I cant envision what kind of character would use this at the moment but have a similar sense of eyecathing yet simple feel to the sheild

    Medium sheild

    Winner: Ire

    This is my personal favourite sheild of the three and the one I voted for. I can see this sheild being used by a character clad in shining silver armor with white lion fur accents. I will definatly be using this sheild

    Large sheild

    Winner: Marcus Sheild

    Personally I prefer the second place Tally sheild (which I can see being carried by some sort of prisoner or a knight who became lost in a maze and went mad after years alone or something) but this sheild could have the potential to make an interesting character......... Maybe?

    Those are my thoughts now lets here yours

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    Thoughts on the sheild design winners Empty Re: Thoughts on the sheild design winners

    Post by O1va_ Tue May 21, 2013 4:02 am

    They all look the same. I'm not sure how that blue and white color scheme and asking about my email adress and password is going to fit into dark souls atmosphere, but I guess the people that voted these know better.

    In other words, anyone know if these can be seen somewhere by people that are not in facebook?
    Duke's Archivist
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    Thoughts on the sheild design winners Empty Re: Thoughts on the sheild design winners

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Tue May 21, 2013 4:06 am

    Thoughts on the sheild design winners 93b1f3d009a89a877d59c030553350ff
    Duke's Archivist
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    Thoughts on the sheild design winners Empty Re: Thoughts on the sheild design winners

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Tue May 21, 2013 4:07 am

    Thoughts on the sheild design winners Fd44e8ca34f102b79ad4137e88f46448
    Duke's Archivist
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    Thoughts on the sheild design winners Empty Re: Thoughts on the sheild design winners

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Tue May 21, 2013 4:07 am

    Thoughts on the sheild design winners 25cbed07566dfb5a2141b50c499e979d

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    Thoughts on the sheild design winners Empty Re: Thoughts on the sheild design winners

    Post by O1va_ Tue May 21, 2013 4:24 am

    Thank you Pendant.

    I like the small shield, don't love it but I like it.

    The meium with the lion, may be a little too 'epic' for me. I think no-one could possibly carry this fancy looking shield in a world where you get your *** kicked in every corner, if you know what I mean lol

    Now the large shield... the large shield... theres a pigs face... I don't get it. What am I missing? Lion I get, courage and all, but a pig? Help me out here.. Maybe if I was a battlechef? I can't say if I like it or not, I don't get it.
    Looking Glass Mind
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    Thoughts on the sheild design winners Empty Re: Thoughts on the sheild design winners

    Post by Looking Glass Mind Tue May 21, 2013 4:56 am

    Hmmm. Confusing set of themes. Wonder what the devs are seeing in them.

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    Thoughts on the sheild design winners Empty Re: Thoughts on the sheild design winners

    Post by Hue Tue May 21, 2013 5:07 am

    I knew ire would win.

    I'm surprised they chose a tribute to an youtuber though, wonder what will be the lore behind it

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    Thoughts on the sheild design winners Empty Re: Thoughts on the sheild design winners

    Post by Saturday-Saint Tue May 21, 2013 5:31 am

    I like Ire.

    The Marcus Shield looks great, but I am deeply upset that it will be in the game.

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    Thoughts on the sheild design winners Empty Re: Thoughts on the sheild design winners

    Post by Sargerus Tue May 21, 2013 5:33 am

    Guys, those that won by vote DON'T have a guaranted place in-game:

    From will select among the TOP 30 voted designs, 2 per template

    For the 6 winners – 2 per template - selected by Fromsoftware among the 30 most voted designs for each shield templates:

    o One Dark Souls 2 game signed by Dark Souls development team.
    o Custom shield design included and playable in Dark Souls II
    o Creators credited in the game

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    Thoughts on the sheild design winners Empty Re: Thoughts on the sheild design winners

    Post by Halicarnassis Tue May 21, 2013 6:56 am

    I think marcus's shield is pretty rubbish actually. What does a pig have to do with the theme in DkS2? No idea. What a load of hogs-wash! lol! hogs.. I made a funny.

    Ash shield is cool, but like Sarg said; FROM will decide which ones they want to use and I guess that will also boil down to ease of design for the games engine and fit into the theme..

    It would be great if they would consider all the entries, because this community has come up with some of the most orignal designs I have seen on facebook.

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    Thoughts on the sheild design winners Empty Re: Thoughts on the sheild design winners

    Post by Hue Tue May 21, 2013 6:58 am

    ENB's avatar is a pig

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    Thoughts on the sheild design winners Empty Re: Thoughts on the sheild design winners

    Post by StiffNipples Tue May 21, 2013 7:36 am

    Wait so FROM hasn't selected these yet, these are just the top voted on Facey atm?

    I really don't like the ENB one. Sure it's skillfully designed, but it really doesn't have any place in the game. In fact there are a lot of shields that look good, but don't really have any place in the game, most of which shamelessly take from other games or from characters/events in Dark Souls 1. There were a lot of original designs in that contest that didn't get the votes they deserved, and a lot of designs that received a lot of votes that would never fit within the Dark Souls universe (like the ENB one).

    I do like the Tally Shield though, along with a few others, I think FROM could easily make it fit with lore or a cool character.

    The other two shields aren't bad either, the Lion one is impressive and could easily be the shield of a fallen prince, who for his whole life was praised and let to win, fatally bested when faced with an opponent not paid by his father king. However I think they're looking more for a design like on the Crest/Dragon Crest shield, not something 3D like the Effigy shield, but who knows, they might like it and make a model for it.

    All in all I'm really glad FROM makes the final decision on what shields make it in the game because if it was left to the community we'd end up with whatever 4chan or reddit thought was funny at the time voted to the top (Like this sort of stuff for example)
    Jim Jam 94

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    Thoughts on the sheild design winners Empty Re: Thoughts on the sheild design winners

    Post by Jim Jam 94 Tue May 21, 2013 1:10 pm

    I'm quite annoyed that The Marcus Shield won because the pig is literally a copy and paste Image (or trace?) of the SECOND result on Google when you search "Pig head"

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    Thoughts on the sheild design winners Empty Re: Thoughts on the sheild design winners

    Post by SadPanda Tue May 21, 2013 1:39 pm

    Marcus Shield shouldn't have won, Tally Shield was mediocre IMO.

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    Thoughts on the sheild design winners Empty Re: Thoughts on the sheild design winners

    Post by Hue Tue May 21, 2013 2:12 pm

    The winners will be chosen from the 1st 30 shields, which means the first page and the two top rows of the second.

    Surely FROM won't choose the Marcus Shield, sure it got a lot of votes, because of ENB's great contribution to the community, but you need to picture that the main character would be defending himself with the head of a pig.
    Tally Shield weighs 5 tons (and it's nowhere near as well done as the comparable Havel's Shield)

    I like Iron Oak Tall Shield and Resilience , it looks like you could actually lift them from the ground. Resilience's description should say that it has some magical power, but in fact, it's just the character's stubborn-ness in doing what he has to do.
    Iron Oak would be something like demon's greathammer in dark souls, made from a tree not quite like others. (but enchanted and decorated this time)

    Silver Crest, Blue Eye, Blood Frozen and Mirror Shields would look awesome with a nice shader and special power to them (such as ridiculous fire def for blood frozen, detection of invisible objects and characters for blue eye and so on)

    I like the idea behind the Mask of the Enemy.

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    Thoughts on the sheild design winners Empty Re: Thoughts on the sheild design winners

    Post by Slarg232 Tue May 21, 2013 3:15 pm

    A Pig Headed shield would be silly, but we have a giant headwrapping as big as you are, and weapons that look like no one our size should be able to lift it?

    Marcus has honestly earned a tribute in DkS2 if From decides to give it to him. He's probably one of the biggest driving forces with Dark Souls, along with Rosie, Xskulled, and Spy.
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    Thoughts on the sheild design winners Empty Re: Thoughts on the sheild design winners

    Post by sparkly-twinkly-lizard Tue May 21, 2013 4:21 pm

    ugh i may have to make a fb acount to look at the top 30....
    Steel Dragon74
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    Thoughts on the sheild design winners Empty Re: Thoughts on the sheild design winners

    Post by Steel Dragon74 Tue May 21, 2013 5:10 pm

    Wow this blew up quickly, before I logged off there were no post now there are 17

    I didnt realise that From would pick from the top 30 but Im extremely happy that they are, There are some awesome sheilds in there

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    Thoughts on the sheild design winners Empty Re: Thoughts on the sheild design winners

    Post by SadPanda Tue May 21, 2013 6:21 pm

    Slarg232 wrote:A Pig Headed shield would be silly, but we have a giant headwrapping as big as you are, and weapons that look like no one our size should be able to lift it?

    Marcus has honestly earned a tribute in DkS2 if From decides to give it to him. He's probably one of the biggest driving forces with Dark Souls, along with Rosie, Xskulled, and Spy.
    Ugh, Rosie and Spy are intolerable, Xskulled is at least creative and has well made videos. Most of Rosie's videos are just her running around being cheap, but she claims she's just screwing around and doesn't get flak for it. /dsg/ uploader master race.
    Anyways, I think if they make it like the Effigy Shield, so that it's easy to miss, then the people that hate it with a passion just don't pick it up. It's not fully confirmed to be in the game, but if it is, at least give it some cool niche.

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    Thoughts on the sheild design winners Empty Re: Thoughts on the sheild design winners

    Post by Hue Tue May 21, 2013 6:27 pm

    sparkly-twinkly-lizard wrote:ugh i may have to make a fb acount to look at the top 30....

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    Thoughts on the sheild design winners Empty Re: Thoughts on the sheild design winners

    Post by Seignar Tue May 21, 2013 6:33 pm

    I don't understand the hate for the Marcus Shield. Seriously people, the Marcus Shield is Dark Souls comedy. It is done serious enough to be able to be taken seriously with an appropriate description (the thing is we don't take pigs seriously enough) like "This is the shield belonging to the wise *name* of *place*, *place description of how pigs and relatives are important to country*. *Effect*"; but silly enough to be taken as a joke.

    Explain to me how We can permit wearing a Boar Helm, a royal lady's dress, a giant yellow pillar, use a dancing Trident, smash katanas on the ground, throw voice acting stones that seems like they were made for a..., Throw dung at people,wear a diaper, have ridiculous looking mimics (but awesome), but we can't have a shield that simply has a serious pig design?

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    Thoughts on the sheild design winners Empty Re: Thoughts on the sheild design winners

    Post by Slarg232 Tue May 21, 2013 6:39 pm

    SadPanda wrote:
    Slarg232 wrote:A Pig Headed shield would be silly, but we have a giant headwrapping as big as you are, and weapons that look like no one our size should be able to lift it?

    Marcus has honestly earned a tribute in DkS2 if From decides to give it to him. He's probably one of the biggest driving forces with Dark Souls, along with Rosie, Xskulled, and Spy.
    Ugh, Rosie and Spy are intolerable, Xskulled is at least creative and has well made videos. Most of Rosie's videos are just her running around being cheap, but she claims she's just screwing around and doesn't get flak for it. /dsg/ uploader master race.
    Anyways, I think if they make it like the Effigy Shield, so that it's easy to miss, then the people that hate it with a passion just don't pick it up. It's not fully confirmed to be in the game, but if it is, at least give it some cool niche.

    Why is your definition of cheap the only definition of cheap? Rosie has fun with it, and brings a laugh to many a people, myself included. Watching the Hackdirt Brethren episode was hilarious, as was Gank-ster's Paradise. Just because a large part of this community has a very large self righteous stick up their bum doesn't mean her videos aren't hilarious. Who said this game was supposed to be only a series of duels?

    Us invaders, we love the cheap stuff. That's why we invade.

    Spy has a great number of playthrough videos, and is of great help to anyone who is trying to find anything.

    Xskulled has some amazingly creative builds, I'll give him that. The Dark Souls Shuffle is also hi-larious, and when my friends say that bows are worthless I always point them to his video on that. Not to mention Shieldus, or similar. I'm honestly really sad I forgot him for a second.

    And I even forgot people like OnlyAphro, JblackMel, and Vageta. Any one of them deserves some sort of recognition, it's true, but I still think ENB deserves it the most (Might be a little biased, he's the reason I'm on these forums, and part of the reason why this forum is as big as it is; whenever he was asked where to go for a lore discussion, he sent people here).

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    Thoughts on the sheild design winners Empty Re: Thoughts on the sheild design winners

    Post by SadPanda Tue May 21, 2013 6:51 pm

    Slarg232 wrote:
    SadPanda wrote:
    Slarg232 wrote:A Pig Headed shield would be silly, but we have a giant headwrapping as big as you are, and weapons that look like no one our size should be able to lift it?

    Marcus has honestly earned a tribute in DkS2 if From decides to give it to him. He's probably one of the biggest driving forces with Dark Souls, along with Rosie, Xskulled, and Spy.
    Ugh, Rosie and Spy are intolerable, Xskulled is at least creative and has well made videos. Most of Rosie's videos are just her running around being cheap, but she claims she's just screwing around and doesn't get flak for it. /dsg/ uploader master race.
    Anyways, I think if they make it like the Effigy Shield, so that it's easy to miss, then the people that hate it with a passion just don't pick it up. It's not fully confirmed to be in the game, but if it is, at least give it some cool niche.

    Why is your definition of cheap the only definition of cheap? Rosie has fun with it, and brings a laugh to many a people, myself included. Watching the Hackdirt Brethren episode was hilarious, as was Gank-ster's Paradise. Just because a large part of this community has a very large self righteous stick up their bum doesn't mean her videos aren't hilarious. Who said this game was supposed to be only a series of duels?

    Us invaders, we love the cheap stuff. That's why we invade.

    Spy has a great number of playthrough videos, and is of great help to anyone who is trying to find anything.

    Xskulled has some amazingly creative builds, I'll give him that. The Dark Souls Shuffle is also hi-larious, and when my friends say that bows are worthless I always point them to his video on that. Not to mention Shieldus, or similar. I'm honestly really sad I forgot him for a second.

    And I even forgot people like OnlyAphro, JblackMel, and Vageta. Any one of them deserves some sort of recognition, it's true, but I still think ENB deserves it the most (Might be a little biased, he's the reason I'm on these forums, and part of the reason why this forum is as big as it is; whenever he was asked where to go for a lore discussion, he sent people here).
    Rosie stole the brethren video idea from Iwont4get, and I haven't bothered to watch the other video. The videos itself aren't that bad, but the way s(he) acted when people started saying she was a guy was ridiculous. She spam deleted comments, took down videos, and even went through a couple other uploader's videos personally insulting them. Also, I think anything goes in PvP, but most of her videos she's the host. The only one I can remember where she was an invader was the one where she used iron flesh and spammed dark beads. Sure they were gankers, but come on, try a challenge. Plus, that Undercover Sun-Bro video was impossible to watch, and some people wonder why new players flock to look up guides on how to beat the game. I guess the DaS community just has a different view on humor. Plus, Afro is good, but definitely not the best /dsg/ uploader.
    And don't get me started on JblackMel...

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    Thoughts on the sheild design winners Empty Re: Thoughts on the sheild design winners

    Post by SlothAlmighty Tue May 21, 2013 7:09 pm

    There were a ton of better shield designs than those. I hope From Soft actually chooses some cool ones.

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