SadPanda wrote:
Rosie stole the brethren video idea from Iwont4get, and I haven't bothered to watch the other video. The videos itself aren't that bad, but the way s(he) acted when people started saying she was a guy was ridiculous. She spam deleted comments, took down videos, and even went through a couple other uploader's videos personally insulting them. Also, I think anything goes in PvP, but most of her videos she's the host. The only one I can remember where she was an invader was the one where she used iron flesh and spammed dark beads. Sure they were gankers, but come on, try a challenge. Plus, that Undercover Sun-Bro video was impossible to watch, and some people wonder why new players flock to look up guides on how to beat the game. I guess the DaS community just has a different view on humor. Plus, Afro is good, but definitely not the best /dsg/ uploader.
And don't get me started on JblackMel...
So, people personally insult someone and they can't retaliate? I would delete personal insults on any video of mine as well....
Aphro brought us the Legend, he himself is Legend.
And what's wrong with Mel?
Iron Flesh is in the game. Dark Bead is in the game. Don't like what's in the game? Tough. Not everyone submits to the same "Moral Code" as the high and mighty "You must buff, bow, and then play a game of twister before anyone attacks" crowd.
The Undercover SunBro was, in my personal tastes, a bit too far, but it also reminded me that anyone can grief/try to ruin my game. Anyone. Silly as it sounds, it made me a better player because I realized you can't trust anyone and started playing mostly by myself after seeing that.
Funny thing is, ideas cannot be copywritten, unless they are actually made. If that person didn't make the video, it's fair game for anyone to take.