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    Obtaining the BDCR w/o 10 Intelligence

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    Obtaining the BDCR w/o 10  Intelligence Empty Obtaining the BDCR w/o 10 Intelligence

    Post by Animaaal Mon Jul 01, 2013 2:16 pm

    Is there anyway to get the Bellowing Dragon Crest Ring without trading, or without having 10 intelligence?

    Thanks in advance.
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    Obtaining the BDCR w/o 10  Intelligence Empty Re: Obtaining the BDCR w/o 10 Intelligence

    Post by Sentiel Mon Jul 01, 2013 2:19 pm

    I'm not sure, but I think not. I know Logan will talk to you in Archives regardless of your Int, but Griggs is stuck up and won't talk to you at all without 10 Int.

    I can trade you the ring if you want and are on PS3.
    Chosen Undead
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    Obtaining the BDCR w/o 10  Intelligence Empty Re: Obtaining the BDCR w/o 10 Intelligence

    Post by TehInfamousAmos Mon Jul 01, 2013 2:31 pm

    It is in Sens afaik.
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    Obtaining the BDCR w/o 10  Intelligence Empty Re: Obtaining the BDCR w/o 10 Intelligence

    Post by Dibsville Mon Jul 01, 2013 2:33 pm

    There is no way to get Bellowing or Lingering without talking to Griggs unless another player drops it for you.
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    Obtaining the BDCR w/o 10  Intelligence Empty Re: Obtaining the BDCR w/o 10 Intelligence

    Post by Animaaal Mon Jul 01, 2013 3:40 pm

    Sentiel wrote:I'm not sure, but I think not. I know Logan will talk to you in Archives regardless of your Int, but Griggs is stuck up and won't talk to you at all without 10 Int.

    I can trade you the ring if you want and are on PS3.

    A very "thank you" Sentiel.

    I appreciate the offer, but I think I'll do without. I'm starting to develop a strong dislike for "giftbroing", duping, and muling because of what it's starting to do to the game.

    I think it reflects poorly on people who've used the mule for pvp only, and since I'm already apart of the "onebro" club, I think (in my own idealistic way) it's best if I just do without.

    I shouldn't have the ring if I shouldn't have the ring.

    PS-Thanks for the offer again Sentiel, and thank you Dibs and Amos for responding to the question.

    PSS-Just to reiterate, I have no problems with pvp mules and feel horrible for a couple people who've gotten banned who've using it for that reason.

    PSSS-Also, I know I'm strange. Shrug 

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    Obtaining the BDCR w/o 10  Intelligence Empty Re: Obtaining the BDCR w/o 10 Intelligence

    Post by Hue Mon Jul 01, 2013 3:59 pm

    PS-Thanks for the offer again Sentiel, and thank you Dibs and Amos for responding to the question.

    PSS-Just to reiterate, I have no  problems with pvp mules and feel horrible for a couple people who've gotten banned who've using it for that reason.

    PSSS-Also, I know I'm strange. Shrug 

    Doesn't it go like PPPS?

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    Obtaining the BDCR w/o 10  Intelligence Empty Re: Obtaining the BDCR w/o 10 Intelligence

    Post by Elifia Mon Jul 01, 2013 4:14 pm

    Hue wrote:

    PS-Thanks for the offer again Sentiel, and thank you Dibs and Amos for responding to the question.

    PSS-Just to reiterate, I have no  problems with pvp mules and feel horrible for a couple people who've gotten banned who've using it for that reason.

    PSSS-Also, I know I'm strange. Shrug 

    Doesn't it go like PPPS?

     Yes. Post-Post-Post-Scriptum. Translated: After-After-After-Written. As opposed to After-Written-Written-Written tongue

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    Obtaining the BDCR w/o 10  Intelligence Empty Re: Obtaining the BDCR w/o 10 Intelligence

    Post by WaffleGuy Mon Jul 01, 2013 4:45 pm

    Animaaal wrote:
    Sentiel wrote:I'm not sure, but I think not. I know Logan will talk to you in Archives regardless of your Int, but Griggs is stuck up and won't talk to you at all without 10 Int.

    I can trade you the ring if you want and are on PS3.

    A very "thank you" Sentiel.

    I appreciate the offer, but I think I'll do without.  I'm starting to develop a strong dislike for "giftbroing", duping, and muling because of what it's starting to do to the game.

    I think it reflects poorly on people who've used the mule for pvp only, and since I'm already apart of the "onebro" club, I think (in my own idealistic way) it's best if I just do without.  

    I shouldn't have the ring if I shouldn't have the ring.

    PS-Thanks for the offer again Sentiel, and thank you Dibs and Amos for responding to the question.

    PSS-Just to reiterate, I have no  problems with pvp mules and feel horrible for a couple people who've gotten banned who've using it for that reason.

    PSSS-Also, I know I'm strange. Shrug 

    You're free to do as you want and I'm not trying to change that, but I don't really know what you mean with 'what it's doing to the game'.
    I know people dropping gifts for inexperienced players is bad as they will not learn to play the game a lot of us have, but you're certainly experienced. If you know you can get certain items etc., but feel it really saves you a few hours to get the exact thing you otherwise would, then I don't see a problem with anything. That's all. I'll zip now. :razz:
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    Obtaining the BDCR w/o 10  Intelligence Empty Re: Obtaining the BDCR w/o 10 Intelligence

    Post by Sentiel Mon Jul 01, 2013 4:49 pm

    TehInfamousAmos wrote:It is in Sens afaik.
    That's Slumbering, not Bellowing. Bellowing and Lingering are only sold by Griggs.

    Animaaal, the offer stands, in case you change your mind. happy
    I have a spare, or two, so it can happen that I accidently drop them somewhere. I have holes in my pockets. winking 
    Tyler Durden
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    Obtaining the BDCR w/o 10  Intelligence Empty Re: Obtaining the BDCR w/o 10 Intelligence

    Post by RANT Mon Jul 01, 2013 9:05 pm

    i thought griggs dropped them when you killed him? guess not.
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    Obtaining the BDCR w/o 10  Intelligence Empty Re: Obtaining the BDCR w/o 10 Intelligence

    Post by Animaaal Mon Jul 01, 2013 10:07 pm

    Hue wrote:
    Doesn't it go like PPPS?
    Don’t care, but thanks.

    Elifia wrote:Yes. Post-Post-Post-Scriptum. Translated: After-After-After-Written. As opposed to After-Written-Written-Written tongue

    For those that care about this sort of thing.

    WaffleGuy wrote:...You're free to do as you want (thank you) and I'm not trying to change that, but I don't really know what you mean with 'what it's doing to the game'. (It's too long to explain.  A couple buddies I know can't beat the Capra at sl 30 without a +5 fire weapon, the mule has undisputedly brought more hackers to the ps3, and muling or using the "bb" distracts from the natural co-op, etcetcecetce)
    I know people dropping gifts for inexperienced players is bad as they will not learn to play the game a lot of us have, but you're certainly experienced. If you know you can get certain items etc., but feel it really saves you a few hours to get the exact thing you otherwise would, then I don't see a problem with anything. (again, the only problem I see with people using the mule for pvp is it takes away from co-op, and the low-level griefers is pretty self explanatory.  And also, I have a 5 hour character I just put in the kiln.  Imo, if someone doesn't have the time, then they don't have the time.  I have a family, I get it.  But if someone wants to have +15,+10,+5 everything, when they probably couldn't beat the 4 kings solo, then it ruins the game....again, there's too much to explain.)That's all. I'll zip now. :razz:...

    I  appreciate what you're saying, but I completely disagree.  Does it save time for the die hard pvp community? Sure.  But they are a small part of the community.  It would be nice to hear some of them say, "Ya, I like using it, but it ruins the game.  I'd do without it for the sake of the community."  

    But no one does.....Shrug...or at least very few of them.  I also don't like having my save files %$#@ed with.  And like I said, making characters is pretty easy.

    I agree there should be a deleveling mechanic or a pvp character creation mode, but this is a poor alternative.

    And who the hell voted Amos down for no reason???? Because he was wrong???  Some of you people need to go back to the other forums, leave us alone.

    Regardless, question answered, the pointless was pointed out, and a very nicely put counter-opinion based on what I said about "ruining the game" was stated.

    Lock would be appropriate.



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