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Lord of Ash
14 posters

    The Heist! (Dark Souls Stealth Event!) (Hosted by the Sunlight Coalition)


    Where would you like the event to be? (Pick Two)

    [ 6 ]
    The Heist! (Dark Souls Stealth Event!) (Hosted by the Sunlight Coalition) - Page 5 I_vote_lcap21%The Heist! (Dark Souls Stealth Event!) (Hosted by the Sunlight Coalition) - Page 5 I_vote_rcap [21%] 
    [ 8 ]
    The Heist! (Dark Souls Stealth Event!) (Hosted by the Sunlight Coalition) - Page 5 I_vote_lcap29%The Heist! (Dark Souls Stealth Event!) (Hosted by the Sunlight Coalition) - Page 5 I_vote_rcap [29%] 
    [ 4 ]
    The Heist! (Dark Souls Stealth Event!) (Hosted by the Sunlight Coalition) - Page 5 I_vote_lcap14%The Heist! (Dark Souls Stealth Event!) (Hosted by the Sunlight Coalition) - Page 5 I_vote_rcap [14%] 
    [ 6 ]
    The Heist! (Dark Souls Stealth Event!) (Hosted by the Sunlight Coalition) - Page 5 I_vote_lcap21%The Heist! (Dark Souls Stealth Event!) (Hosted by the Sunlight Coalition) - Page 5 I_vote_rcap [21%] 
    [ 2 ]
    The Heist! (Dark Souls Stealth Event!) (Hosted by the Sunlight Coalition) - Page 5 I_vote_lcap7%The Heist! (Dark Souls Stealth Event!) (Hosted by the Sunlight Coalition) - Page 5 I_vote_rcap [7%] 
    [ 2 ]
    The Heist! (Dark Souls Stealth Event!) (Hosted by the Sunlight Coalition) - Page 5 I_vote_lcap7%The Heist! (Dark Souls Stealth Event!) (Hosted by the Sunlight Coalition) - Page 5 I_vote_rcap [7%] 

    Total Votes: 28
    Poll closed
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    Age : 32
    Location : The Dark Side of the Moon

    The Heist! (Dark Souls Stealth Event!) (Hosted by the Sunlight Coalition) - Page 5 Empty Re: The Heist! (Dark Souls Stealth Event!) (Hosted by the Sunlight Coalition)

    Post by Serious_Much Mon Aug 05, 2013 6:21 am

    Please tell me people turned up, I'd feel bad if I ditched you only for it to fail bounce 

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    The Heist! (Dark Souls Stealth Event!) (Hosted by the Sunlight Coalition) - Page 5 Empty Re: The Heist! (Dark Souls Stealth Event!) (Hosted by the Sunlight Coalition)

    Post by Wilkinson3424 Mon Aug 05, 2013 6:46 am

    RIP in Peace. 
    Moderator Trainee
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    Age : 32
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    The Heist! (Dark Souls Stealth Event!) (Hosted by the Sunlight Coalition) - Page 5 Empty Re: The Heist! (Dark Souls Stealth Event!) (Hosted by the Sunlight Coalition)

    Post by Serious_Much Mon Aug 05, 2013 6:56 am

    That sucks mate, sorry I couldnt help you out sad

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    The Heist! (Dark Souls Stealth Event!) (Hosted by the Sunlight Coalition) - Page 5 Empty Re: The Heist! (Dark Souls Stealth Event!) (Hosted by the Sunlight Coalition)

    Post by Wilkinson3424 Mon Aug 05, 2013 8:08 am

    big hug 

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    The Heist! (Dark Souls Stealth Event!) (Hosted by the Sunlight Coalition) - Page 5 Empty Re: The Heist! (Dark Souls Stealth Event!) (Hosted by the Sunlight Coalition)

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