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    League of Legends

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    League of Legends - Page 5 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by dancash1808 Tue Jul 30, 2013 4:30 pm

    You use his ultimate as a teleport that messes people up. if your in a trapped situation its faster than a recall and unless they get an interrupt on you you get away generally. 
    if you splitpush and the enemy team force a fight you can get there in time. if you have vision on a low hp enemy you can hunt them down modereately effectively. its a free target teleport which gives it many applications. frankly I think he is underrated.
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    League of Legends - Page 5 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Spurgun Tue Jul 30, 2013 5:24 pm

    Been playing a ton of Zed lately. I really didn't get how good he is the first time i tried him. He's really safe and farm/waveclear easily, combined with the ability to burst your opponent as soon as you hit 6. And he's mobile (easy to outplay people by jumping to your shadows).  Although i dislike the BoTRK rush that most people seem to do with him. The cutlass doesn't really give you more damage than a brutaliser, and the daggers you have to build on him to get it are completely useless. So i prefer to get either a bilgewater cutlass first then a brutaliser to give me some damage,  and only buy the BoTRK when i can buy it in one go, since the daggers are essentially wasted gold on him.

    Also got a penta with him earlier happy

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    League of Legends - Page 5 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Slarg232 Sat Aug 03, 2013 2:36 pm

    So what does everyone think of the new Master Yi?

    Visuals, I love the update, it made him look really cool.

    For Gameplay, I don't notice much difference, but then I hardly played him either.
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    League of Legends - Page 5 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by PlasticandRage Sat Aug 03, 2013 3:02 pm

    Man I miss LoL. I know the laptop I've been borrowing can't handle it so I haven't even tried. Any day now I should be getting the call that my computer is ready.
    Doctor Snuggles

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    League of Legends - Page 5 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Doctor Snuggles Sat Aug 03, 2013 4:11 pm

    The new Master Yi does quite a bit more damage than he did before because of his true damage and Q. Easier to stay alive as well since getting kills while your ult is up basically refreshes your Alpha Strike which makes you untargetable. He's pretty good.

    Spurgun, the reason it is rushed is because of the active of both Cutlass and BotRK. Zed's ult does a % of the damage done while a target is marked once the mark ends. Cutlass deals flat magic damage and BotRK deals % of max health. If you pop those while your ult is active it boosts your damage by a substantial amount.
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    League of Legends - Page 5 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Spurgun Sat Aug 03, 2013 4:44 pm

    I know that. But the cutlass itself doesn't actually give you that much power. All it gives you is sustain (the 100 magic damage from the active is just pitiful). The power spike comes from completing the BoRTK and getting the 15% health active. 

    It kind of depends on what you want to do. If you just want to farm up with zed (which is a surprisingly viable tactic, despite him being an assassin) then you could go straight for the BoRTK. But if you want to kill your opponent earlier then you should get a brutaliser before the BoRTK.
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    League of Legends - Page 5 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Carphil Sat Aug 03, 2013 6:37 pm

    I belive Yi is getting a nerf soon. His true damage its dealing way too much damage early to mid, when before he could only shine late game if built AD.

    Been playign with him lately and won every match so far, so my tip is, play him while hes OP silly
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    League of Legends - Page 5 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Spurgun Sat Aug 03, 2013 6:55 pm

    He's just copying Irelia sad
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    League of Legends - Page 5 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by dancash1808 Mon Aug 05, 2013 10:29 am

    Haha, new yi is strong but I wouldent call it OP.
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    League of Legends - Page 5 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Latitoast Mon Aug 05, 2013 3:57 pm

    Veigar is fun to play.
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    League of Legends - Page 5 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by dancash1808 Tue Aug 06, 2013 9:17 am

    oh hell yes. so fun big grin except he has the same problem for me as nasus... I never want to close out the game (the phrase "we cant end I need 1500 ap" may have been uttered).
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    League of Legends - Page 5 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Latitoast Tue Aug 06, 2013 4:37 pm

    Yeah, it's fun when you have a bunch of AP, but it's usually late game when you're hitting people for a bunch of damage with your spells.
    Doctor Snuggles

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    League of Legends - Page 5 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Doctor Snuggles Tue Aug 06, 2013 7:19 pm

    I think Veigar has the highest possible damage output in the entire game with one combo of spells. That being said, he's one of the hardest champions to properly use because of his potential. You have zero defenses, one of if not the most difficult stuns to land in the game and he's almost entirely single target except his small AoE W.

    He's still one of my favorites. Greybeard Veigar is the best skin in the entire game. Nuking people as Gandalf has never been more satisfying.
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    League of Legends - Page 5 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Latitoast Tue Aug 06, 2013 9:07 pm

    He does have the highest possible damage output, because he has an unlimited amount of damage output based off how much he farms and enemy champion kills. I've gotten my AP so high that my Ult could kill AP champs in one hit because of all the AP scaling, and the enemy AP scaling.
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    League of Legends - Page 5 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by dancash1808 Wed Aug 07, 2013 10:16 pm

    Oneshotting the enemy vayne every time she tried to teamfight was a satisfying experience.
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    League of Legends - Page 5 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Reaperfan Thu Aug 08, 2013 1:40 pm

    Latitoast wrote:He does have the highest possible damage output, because he has an unlimited amount of damage output based off how much he farms and enemy champion kills. I've gotten my AP so high that my Ult could kill AP champs in one hit because of all the AP scaling, and the enemy AP scaling.
    It'd be interesting to compare him and Nasus. I've seen a video where someone found the highest possible value Nasus Q could reach in a game. Btw, it was tested due to minion scaling, where minions get progressively stronger to the point where no amount of damage could push a wave back before they pushed the towers/nexus, so by "highest possible" it's more based on time limit rather than an actual cap.

    Anyway, what if someone took that and applied it Veigar? I think Veigar would win simply because of Deathcap and it's percentage-based increase, but it'd be fun to see just how high it could get.
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    League of Legends - Page 5 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Latitoast Sun Aug 11, 2013 4:19 am

    League of Legends - Page 5 YkqLhE1

    I enjoyed that game.
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    League of Legends - Page 5 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by dancash1808 Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:26 am

    You know when you just get one of those games... (I was an execution silly doesnt count. kennen threw it by base tower diving lulz) 
    League of Legends - Page 5 Wellth10

    Ranked Y U SO BALANCED.
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    League of Legends - Page 5 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by dancash1808 Sat Aug 17, 2013 7:06 am

    Made it to silver 2. 2 of the 3 wins which got me there were because one of the enemy team ragequit after they got bullied. unsure how to feel about getting to silver because people cant handle getting ganked/losing lane. because one of those teams would have undoubtedly beaten us had their adc not given up after losing 3 kills to us in bot in the first 4 minutes.
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    League of Legends - Page 5 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Doctor Snuggles Sat Aug 17, 2013 5:42 pm

    It doesn't get better the higher you go. Yes - as you rise through the Tiers most players will have a better understanding of mechanics and strategies but their Ego just explodes out of control. Apparently players in Diamond are even bigger babies than Bronze.

    Only reason to really keep playing Ranked is the end of season rewards that you may get if you're Gold or higher.
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    League of Legends - Page 5 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Reaperfan Sat Aug 17, 2013 6:03 pm

    Doctor Snuggles wrote:It doesn't get better the higher you go. Yes - as you rise through the Tiers most players will have a better understanding of mechanics and strategies but their Ego just explodes out of control. Apparently players in Diamond are even bigger babies than Bronze.

    Only reason to really keep playing Ranked is the end of season rewards that you may get if you're Gold or higher.
    It's why I stay out of ranked. Too much pressure from other players because of some ultimately meaningless rank. If I'm not a pro or trying to be a pro, my rank doesn't really matter so I never bother to sweat about it.

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    League of Legends - Page 5 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Slarg232 Sat Aug 17, 2013 6:51 pm

    Any of you guys play Dawngate? I'm downloading the Demo now, want to know what to expect.

    Figured this didn't need it's own topic.
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    League of Legends - Page 5 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Latitoast Sat Aug 17, 2013 8:43 pm

    Ashe and TF tried to top lane against me with Riven, I had a near braindead Nasus trying to help.

    This is the results.

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    League of Legends - Page 5 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by TehInfamousAmos Sun Aug 18, 2013 6:46 am

    Ehh, it does get better throughout gold in my experience, plat has the highest rate of toxicity and low diamond is filled with people newly promod players.Diamond I 90 points + is probably the best place to be
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    League of Legends - Page 5 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Latitoast Sun Aug 18, 2013 11:46 am

    I've found that generally anyone above level 20 that still use Master Yi or Teemo to be toxic.(No offense if you legitimately like the champs, but I've found most Teemos and Yis to only want to use them because they're good champions, and don't really care about lore, design, etc.)

    Aside from the fact that 99.9% of them instalock and refuse to play support, they're usually brain dead, and will always insult the team on how they suck and he's the best player in the game. That and I've found people who only have Master Yi and Teemo, they haven't bought any other champs. It's people taking champions who are really good without giving any other champion a try, only wanting "the best"

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