I'm looking this way for help because I need a few invasions to get the world 5 pure white. Unfortunately I died once and now the sister (Selen Vinland) of that knight (Garl Vinland) at boss 5-3 doesn't give me the reward for killing the knight. She only says that something is not quite clean here (or a similar remark).
Who of you guys can invade me today in the time from 04:30 p.m. UTC (in Germany it is 06:30 p.m.) to 08:00 p.m. UTC? My soul level is 15 so you need to have a toon in the level of approx. 5 - 26 or so.
I only hope that I can win the fights because If I die in body form my world 5 will become even darker.
Also I hope that I have picked up the Crest of Vinland since I only really wanted to get the DSS.
BTW, how many times will I have to win a fight against a black phantom to get my world 5 to pure white?
All three demons are dead and also the black phantom in the swamp and I died only once in body form in this world. Is this possible to calculate?
Many thanks for helping me in advance.
best wishes