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    want to be invaded at sl 15..


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    want to be invaded at sl 15.. Empty want to be invaded at sl 15..

    Post by Micha369 Tue Aug 06, 2013 5:30 am

    Hello Folks,

    I'm looking this way for help because I need a few invasions to get the world 5 pure white. Unfortunately I died once and now the sister (Selen Vinland) of that knight (Garl Vinland) at boss 5-3 doesn't give me the reward for killing the knight. She only says that something is not quite clean here (or a similar remark).

    Who of you guys can invade me today in the time from 04:30 p.m. UTC (in Germany it is 06:30 p.m.) to 08:00 p.m. UTC? My soul level is 15 so you need to have a toon in the level of approx. 5 - 26 or so.

    I only hope that I can win the fights because If I die in body form my world 5 will become even darker.
    Also I hope that I have picked up the Crest of Vinland since I only really wanted to get the DSS.

    BTW, how many times will I have to win a fight against a black phantom to get my world 5 to pure white?
    All three demons are dead and also the black phantom in the swamp and I died only once in body form in this world. Is this possible to calculate?

    Many thanks for helping me in advance.

    best wishes

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    want to be invaded at sl 15.. Empty Re: want to be invaded at sl 15..

    Post by AnCapaillMor Tue Aug 06, 2013 6:37 am

    Once you beat a boss, you can't be invaded in that area. You'e killed all 3 bosses so can't be invaded there. Getting pure white was always a pain, i found it better to play the first playthrough offline to get the PWWT events.

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    want to be invaded at sl 15.. Empty Re: want to be invaded at sl 15..

    Post by Micha369 Tue Aug 06, 2013 6:46 am

    AnCapaillMor wrote:Once you beat a boss, you can't be invaded in that area.

     Oh dear, you are right! I totally forgot this yesterday evening!
    So, this quest one more time is not fulfillable anymore! Too bad!

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    want to be invaded at sl 15.. Empty Re: want to be invaded at sl 15..

    Post by Walter_White Tue Aug 06, 2013 7:42 am

    and killing invader doesn't change WT it changes CT only...

    But PWWT is easy online:

    Server median is one, or two under PWWT (in most cases one under PWWT). Relogin to Demons Souls Server until the Archstone isn't getting brighter, kill one boss, go to Nexus -> PWWT. Kill yourself in Nexus, so the WT won't chnage, if you die there.
    Or make sure you can do all PWWT events in one row, without returning to the nexus. The change isn't happening upon dying, but upon returning to the nexus after you died.

    But in this ng you are screwed, no way to get PWWT in 5 without a boss, or BP to kill.

    DSS you get from human Garl before the maiden is dead, or after sniping the maiden and the suicide of Garl, no special WT needed for that.

    Last edited by Walter_White on Tue Aug 06, 2013 10:38 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : fixed BP / human Garl - thx twig)

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    want to be invaded at sl 15.. Empty Re: want to be invaded at sl 15..

    Post by Micha369 Tue Aug 06, 2013 8:42 am

    Until now I haven't understaood this tendency stuff. I got a nice page where everything is explained and I asked in this forum and I still get contradictory answers.

    here I read:
    Defeating a Black Phantom player gives me +30% in the direction of white world tendency.

    Qustion: Isn't an Invader a Black Phantom Player? So If I kill an invader my wt becomes brighter.

    Defeating the host player results in no change! What does this mean? If I invade as a Black Phantom I invade the hosts world. If I kill the host the wt doesn't change, ok?
    That is clear. I cannot change my wt by invading people!

    Defeating a Phantom Player gives me 15% in the direction of a black world. How can I fight against a Phantom Player and defeat him? What is a Phantom Player? If a Phantom Player is something different than a Black Phantom Player then a Phantom Player can only be a Blue Phantom, right? So how can I kill a Blue Phantom?
    The Blue Phantom only can die on his own, can't he? Does this shift my wt 15% to black?

    There are only two possibilities to fight against other players, aren't there? Either I invade or I'm invaded. In the first case I'm the Black Phantom and the host is in body form. If I kill the host -> no change of my wt.
    In the 2nd case I'm in body form and a Black Phantome gets into my world. If I kill the Invader my wt goes to white (+30%).

    Help me! Please! HHEEELLLLPPP!

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    want to be invaded at sl 15.. Empty Re: want to be invaded at sl 15..

    Post by AnCapaillMor Tue Aug 06, 2013 8:46 am

    Think it's the black phantom from PBWT, each world has a unique NPC bp. If i remember correctly, killing the black phantom and the primevil demon in the same world(do not return to nexus between these kills) will get 1 boss kill short of PWWT.

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    want to be invaded at sl 15.. Empty Re: want to be invaded at sl 15..

    Post by Walter_White Tue Aug 06, 2013 9:14 am

    hmm both wikis state, that killing an invader shifts your WT....but i never saw that happen. But could also be my playstyle, cause when i go for invading/getting invaded my WT Events are already done and i don't care about it any more so i don't have a closer look for it and don't have events to be sure about the WT...nevertheless, without bosses you can't get invaded, so we can't prove it wrong

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    want to be invaded at sl 15.. Empty Re: want to be invaded at sl 15..

    Post by Micha369 Tue Aug 06, 2013 9:16 am

    what I also not understand:

    world 1-1, to get Miralda to appear I must have a pwwt. (or at least 90%). Miralda always attacks me. So I have to kill her. And this results in my wt to drop by 90% to the direction of black? This is crazy!

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    want to be invaded at sl 15.. Empty Re: want to be invaded at sl 15..

    Post by AnCapaillMor Tue Aug 06, 2013 9:31 am

    Micha369 wrote:what I also not understand:

    world 1-1, to get Miralda to appear I must have a pwwt. (or at least 90%). Miralda always attacks me. So I have to kill her. And this results in my wt to drop by 90% to the direction of black? This is crazy!

    Dunno if that's correct but in order to fix it, make it go PBWT, kill her Black Phantom then the primevil demon and you'll be close to PWWT again. The only things that change in world on PWWT is that gate opening and the dragons not appearing at the resting place. How far are you in world 1?

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    want to be invaded at sl 15.. Empty Re: want to be invaded at sl 15..

    Post by twigsterxd Tue Aug 06, 2013 10:09 am

    Micha here's a good way for you if you don't want invasions or co op help. Start a new toon, (online). Before you leave nexus, log offline, load toon and play offline. As long as you offline and don't die, you wt won't shift towards black. Kill phalanx and world 1-1 is pwwt. Just for knowledge, if you start a fresh game from offline start, it takes 2 boss kills to get pwwt.
    If you quit for the night, and didn't do pw events, make sure you're offline because the server will shift your tendency if you go online.

    @Walter- can't copy/paste but 2 posts above you said you get dss from BP garl. Mistake bud, BP garl gives you his weapon. You get dss from human garl.

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    want to be invaded at sl 15.. Empty Re: want to be invaded at sl 15..

    Post by Walter_White Tue Aug 06, 2013 10:37 am

    twigsterxd wrote:
    @Walter- can't copy/paste but 2 posts above you said you get dss from BP garl. Mistake bud, BP garl gives you his weapon. You get dss from human garl.

    sorry - you are right and BP Garl appears on PWWT what is not normal for Demons Souls, normaly human form appears with PWWT and BP with PBWT, but 5 was always strange winking 

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    want to be invaded at sl 15.. Empty Re: want to be invaded at sl 15..

    Post by Micha369 Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:12 am

    twigsterxd wrote:Micha here's a good way for you if you don't want invasions or co op help. Start a new toon, (online). Before you leave nexus, log offline, load toon and play offline.
    I'm not so familiar with the PS3 (since I'm usually a PC-only-player).
    How can I stay in offline mode?

    I start a new toon and in nexus I quit the profil, right? Then I'm still in the game in the main menu that has the two options "start new game" or "load a game"

    How do I log off to be offline? I don't want to switch off my internet router.
    Where is the place on PS3 to log off?
    I'm not familiar with online playing so forgive me pleasy for this questions!

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    want to be invaded at sl 15.. Empty Re: want to be invaded at sl 15..

    Post by Reaperfan Wed Aug 14, 2013 7:06 am

    twigsterxd wrote:I'm not so familiar with the PS3 (since I'm usually a PC-only-player).
    How can I stay in offline mode?

    I start a new toon and in nexus I quit the profil, right? Then I'm still in the game in the main menu that has the two options "start new game" or "load a game"

    How do I log off to be offline? I don't want to switch off my internet router.
    Where is the place on PS3 to log off?
    I'm not familiar with online playing so forgive me pleasy for this questions!

    Staying offline is pretty easy. You don't have to disconnect your internet or anything. If you want to play offline, before loading the game, just sign out of PSN. Load up the game and when you select "Load Game" from the title screen it should give you a message saying something like "can't find the network, do you want to play offline?" Say okay, and start playing. At that point your play session has been disconnected so you can sign back into your PSN after loading your character if you want and it won't reconnect you unless you stop playing and go back to the main menu.

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    want to be invaded at sl 15.. Empty Re: want to be invaded at sl 15..

    Post by twigsterxd Wed Aug 14, 2013 10:25 am

    Easier way to explain it bud. Reaper is right but I'm gonna tell you a way that you will understand better. Turn on ps3, sign into psn, start new toon and once you revive in nexus, press ps3 button and sign out. Go back to game, you will see a message saying, "You have signed out from the Playstation Network..."
    Load game and your sign in box will appear, cancel it by hitting the circle button. It will say you are not signed in. Would you like to sign in. Select cancel, you get a second message saying Start game in offline mode. Hit "X" Select your toon. Once loaded, if you want to go online to talk with friends, just press ps3 button and sign in. But as Reaper said, if you quit game and you are online, make sure to sign out before loading toon again.

    Not to step on your toes Reap, but, micha has broken English so it needed to be explained so he understood big grin

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    want to be invaded at sl 15.. Empty Re: want to be invaded at sl 15..

    Post by Micha369 Thu Aug 15, 2013 4:54 am

    Does this mean I can stay offline within the game but online to talk in the chat rooms and to friends? This would be great!

    I will try this when I start a new toon to go for platinum (not sure jet whether I really want to take this on). ATM I still pleased with my sl 45 toon.

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    want to be invaded at sl 15.. Empty Re: want to be invaded at sl 15..

    Post by AnCapaillMor Thu Aug 15, 2013 4:56 am

    You'll be off the PSN so no chat rooms etc.
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    want to be invaded at sl 15.. Empty Re: want to be invaded at sl 15..

    Post by Reaperfan Thu Aug 15, 2013 6:27 am

    AnCapaillMor wrote:You'll be off the PSN so no chat rooms etc.
    He can log back in as long as the game starts in offline mode. Once it's loaded in offline mode the game will stay that way until he goes back to the title screen and the message that checks if they're online or not.

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    want to be invaded at sl 15.. Empty Re: want to be invaded at sl 15..

    Post by Micha369 Thu Aug 15, 2013 8:31 am

    This sounds good! Thanks for that info. Next time I feel like this I'll try it out.

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    want to be invaded at sl 15.. Empty Re: want to be invaded at sl 15..

    Post by twigsterxd Thu Aug 15, 2013 10:26 am

    yes micha but remember, if you quit game and you are talking to your friends online, tell them you brb, log off psn, start game then log onto psn and talk to your friends. I do this all the time. Forget I'm offline, set up co op, not seeing friends sign and remembering 10 minutes later I'm offline LOLOL

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    want to be invaded at sl 15.. Empty Re: want to be invaded at sl 15..

    Post by Micha369 Thu Aug 15, 2013 11:36 am

    Hello twigsterxd,

    Why should I quit the game once it is loaded and I put it into offline mode?
    I relog to PSN but keep the game offline. So I could discuss within the community.

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    want to be invaded at sl 15.. Empty Re: want to be invaded at sl 15..

    Post by twigsterxd Thu Aug 15, 2013 3:29 pm

    log onto psn, start game, create your character, go to nexus. Press ps button and log off. Go back to game. You will see a logged out of network message. Click ok, it takes you to main screen. Click load, when it asks you to sign in, cancel it. Next click NO, then cancel button. You will see your selection screen. Load that toon. Once loaded, press ps button and log onto psn network. Don't quit game or you will have to log offline and start over.
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    want to be invaded at sl 15.. Empty Re: want to be invaded at sl 15..

    Post by Reaperfan Thu Aug 15, 2013 5:20 pm

    Micha369 wrote:Hello twigsterxd,

    Why should I quit the game once it is loaded and I put it into offline mode?
    I relog to PSN but keep the game offline. So I could discuss within the community.
    What he means is that whenever you quit the game and go back to where you pick your character, the game checks again to see if you can get online.

    So if you set it up to where you're playing offline, log back in to talk with people, quit the game, and then pick a character without logging back out then the game will log you back into online mode when you go to pick a character. So be sure you sign out every time you need to reload your game if you want to stay offline.

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    want to be invaded at sl 15.. Empty Re: want to be invaded at sl 15..

    Post by Micha369 Fri Aug 16, 2013 5:05 am

    Reaperfan wrote:
    Micha369 wrote:Hello twigsterxd,

    Why should I quit the game once it is loaded and I put it into offline mode?
    I relog to PSN but keep the game offline. So I could discuss within the community.
    What he means is that whenever you quit the game and go back to where you pick your character, the game checks again to see if you can get online.

    So if you set it up to where you're playing offline, log back in to talk with people, quit the game, and then pick a character without logging back out then the game will log you back into online mode when you go to pick a character.  So be sure you sign out every time you need to reload your game if you want to stay offline.
    Ah yes, now I understand the point! Thank you all for your help!

    Best Wishes

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