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    Is PVP on PC version still active ?


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    Is PVP on PC version still active ? Empty Is PVP on PC version still active ?

    Post by kikolka Thu Sep 12, 2013 6:16 am

    Hi there, I am curious, if pvp on pc version is still "crowdy". When I play, I can get only few invasions. As a forest hunter with the ring, I can invade just cca 1 player per hour. With red eye orb is little bit better but not like some youtubers who invade almost instantly. And as for red singns..I have not seen single red sign for my 3 playtroughs. I am worried because I enjoy pvp very much and I was looking for SL120 to start real pvp like on youtube, but the dark souls seems dead to me :-\ .
    Is it because GFWL connectivity problems ?

    I did not try Darkmoon covenant for invasions tho. As for the signs, I did not see neither gravelord or dragon sings...I can sometimes see white or gold signs tho...

    Any thoughts? Thank you (sorry for bad english)

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    Is PVP on PC version still active ? Empty Re: Is PVP on PC version still active ?

    Post by VaDoom Thu Sep 12, 2013 6:23 am

    Hello and welcome here!
    I have good results in the township on PC between 100-120. I often see up to 2-3 red signs at the same time here. Invasions are OK too, but I suggest killing manus first to prevent the infinite fog wall.
    It's definitely less crowded than PS3 IMO, but there still is some action. Good luck happy

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    Is PVP on PC version still active ? Empty Re: Is PVP on PC version still active ?

    Post by Laharls_Wrath Thu Sep 12, 2013 6:56 am

    I tend to pvp at SL100 almost exclusively (well, I also use it to level from 70 onwards most of the time) and as VaDoom said, the township is pretty active, I usually get near constant fights there if people connect, for some reason it never actually occurred to me to kill Manus and just give up on hosting there but anyway
    Forest is also pretty active depending on time of day and at SL50 Anor Londo is a great spot to invade as well
    other than that, Burg can be hit or miss but check twitch because people like to host FCs there

    also, I'd recommend trying for organized duels and FCs, outside of just random invasions, as DSCFix really makes these shine

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    Is PVP on PC version still active ? Empty Re: Is PVP on PC version still active ?

    Post by kikolka Thu Sep 12, 2013 7:39 am

    What about kiln and it's honorable duels ? Iread somewhere it's pretty activethere too...but I don't know it it was on PS3 or sth...
    Mental Gear
    Mental Gear

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    Is PVP on PC version still active ? Empty Re: Is PVP on PC version still active ?

    Post by Mental Gear Thu Sep 12, 2013 6:07 pm

    I did a lot of SL100 invasions, some duels and 2v1 at the Kiln over the past two weeks, was always quite active there in the evening. Sometimes it takes a bit longer for people to connect to me, but once it works there's some fun to be had. The percentage of fair fights was pretty high too.
    Four days ago in Oolacile Twonship, playing for 3h, I saw four dragon eyes, some eye of death users and the rest was using RSS. Got invaded almost constantly there.
    On Tuesday I was trying to invade in the forest, but got only three matches.

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    Is PVP on PC version still active ? Empty Re: Is PVP on PC version still active ?

    Post by kettpower Fri Sep 13, 2013 4:47 am

    player base is for sure much smaller than let's say on PS3, so you have to be more careful when, where and @ what sl you try to PVP. for me invading works way better than being summoned/summoning, no issues with GFWL here.... but i'm not using DSCFIX

    try following things:
    - play on weekends and check the steam page of dark souls, it has a counter how many people are "In-Game". I'm pretty sure this is just for the steam version, but it gives you some idea how active online is atm, 2000-3000 are good numbers
    - for random invasions as darkwraith: try sl50 @ lord areas, sl35-40 in anor londo, catacombs, sen's
    - sl 100-120: no random invasions, unless you are very patient: go to the PVP spots and host (forest, burg, township,..) also try the rss/eye of death there
    - based on my experience township is the most active PVP spot for duels on PC
    - know the restrictions each covenants has: forest hunters can't invade downward without any limit; for darkmoons a higher sl is better; dragon eye PVP is generally hard to get...

    good luck!

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    Is PVP on PC version still active ? Empty Re: Is PVP on PC version still active ?

    Post by AnCapaillMor Fri Sep 13, 2013 5:18 am

    Township and burg. Dukes can be fairly active at times too. Haven't pc'd for awhile but the kiln was so so with activity.

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    Is PVP on PC version still active ? Empty Re: Is PVP on PC version still active ?

    Post by kikolka Fri Sep 13, 2013 11:03 am

    Thank you guys, I think I can get a picture of PVP on PC now. happy

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