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    Idea for faith build?


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    Idea for faith build? Empty Idea for faith build?

    Post by C7081 Tue Jan 24, 2012 10:16 am

    Anyone has a few builds I could try?
    I really don`t know how to do a fth-build.
    Dex/Fth seems to encourage faster casting and dmb or slb buff, but Str/Fth would allow the use of the Grant or any other heavy weapon.
    Or Int/Fth for a glass cannon mage...

    Really have no clue.

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    Idea for faith build? Empty Re: Idea for faith build?

    Post by PPG-3- Tue Jan 24, 2012 10:31 am

    i dont see anyone swinging around that grant...and ive checked it out. it has really good stats. could be effective.

    also, if your going 50str. You can also use dragon king axe (the one off gaping dragon) since thats enchantable. so you can have two good heavy weapon options for a tank. or use something lighter that you can take to +15 and enchant that too.

    theres options. personally, i already have 2 faith chars and neither were built to use the grant. and i never see anyone using it. i'd give that a go.
    Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden

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    Idea for faith build? Empty Re: Idea for faith build?

    Post by RANT Tue Jan 24, 2012 10:56 am

    i just finished a str/fai hybrid and its pretty awesome, i use the demon great machete with sunlight blade and man serpent gs as my back up but it depends on your fighting style.

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    Idea for faith build? Empty Re: Idea for faith build?

    Post by PPG-3- Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:02 am

    yeah those were the two options I was thinkg of too. Just the weight of haveing two heavy weapons and the lack of versatility would be a questions. but with 40str. Those are two great choices.
    Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden

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    Idea for faith build? Empty Re: Idea for faith build?

    Post by RANT Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:14 am

    yeah, i have 40 str plus the sunlight blade it does a lot of damage but remember dex hybrids can use better armor because their weapons are really light compared to ultra greaswords, i prefer gswords and ultra gswords, and id rather sacrifice poise and pick my armor by the way it looks than the ugly mask combos you always see on str builds.

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    Idea for faith build? Empty Re: Idea for faith build?

    Post by belkaizer Tue Jan 24, 2012 3:58 pm

    i dont think grant is worth it. it weights a lot and is a very slow weapons for needing 50 str and 30 int. i have use it with 50 str 50 faith and it doesnt seem that impresive to be honest. i prefer a zwei +15 to be buffed and even unbuffed does decent damage pve wise and weights less. on my 170 i find myself using a claymore for buffing and greatsword of artorias to switch when the buff wears out.

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    Idea for faith build? Empty Re: Idea for faith build?

    Post by Nitos-Apprentice Tue Jan 24, 2012 4:13 pm

    Grant is the hardest hitting unique weapon with a massive 731 AR with 50 str and 50 faith and its R2 is Wraith of Gods. If your going faith may as well use wraith of gods and tranquil walk of peace to hit people with that grant and sunlight spear them as well. If you don't plan on using wraith of gods or tranquil walk of peace there really isn't a point to having points in faith I suppose. I mean theres darkmoon blade and sunlight blade but that doesn't really seem like a 'faith' build to me.

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