sparkly-twinkly-lizard wrote:I'd like to see a new covanent, the slaves of Avarice,
location: that random bricked up door way guarded by a balder knight in sens (it would open if wearing the symbol of avarice and lead to the treasure vault of sens)
Cov item: coins 10 gold coins for max rank (you only get 3 a plathru) 10 silvers=1 gold and 10 coppers= 1 silver.
online component: copper eye orb, similar to red eye orb, targets at your level give copper coins targets 20 levels above give silver and targets more than 50 levels over give gold coins.)
Rewards: upon joining the mimic head stops hurting you, at +1 its defense doubles (40's or so) and gains 5 pounds of weight (to represent the growing weight of your greed) at +2 its poise doubles (30) and it gains another 5 pounds, at + 3 your greed is your driving force and as such sustains you restoring 3 hp a second, again it gains 5 pound weighing in at 25 pounds, the heaiviest armor in the game. getting to plus three would require 4 playthru's or 1 playthru and 700 copper coins/70 silver coins.
Whoa, you have really given this a thought. Sounds interesting