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Ser Winston
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    Putting Down Dark Souls...


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    Putting Down Dark Souls... Empty Putting Down Dark Souls...

    Post by JBeast Wed Jan 18, 2012 6:09 am

    After spending the past 3 hours or so in the Kiln trying to PvP I think I may be done with Dark Souls for a while.

    I've beaten the game with 6 different characters, and a bunch of times on NG+ and ++ and I've pretty much done everything there is to do (save figuring out what the hell the pendant is for :x)

    I'm been bored with PvE for a while, and have been playing mostly PvP, but with the lag issues, farmers, griefers, lagstabbers, etc I'm pretty much fed up. The only thing that makes me even more upset is the fact that trying to invade or summon takes FOREVER. I just don't see why it has to take so long...

    Anyway this game is incredible, and I've been having a lot of fun with it, but I think I may have to retire for a while... I just can't take fighting a handful of honorable PvP players every hour...

    That's the end of my rant. Anyone have any words of encouragement or just feel like telling me to quit?

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    Putting Down Dark Souls... Empty Re: Putting Down Dark Souls...

    Post by FexDS Wed Jan 18, 2012 6:12 am

    I'd say play Demon's Souls for a while and enjoy that silly

    Everyone gets tired of every game, but some we keep going back to. If you take a break you will come back refreshed and discover new things as updates and changes in the playerbase change the game.

    Do stick around and help with the wiki tho! :p
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    Putting Down Dark Souls... Empty Re: Putting Down Dark Souls...

    Post by Godless Servant Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:02 am

    I'd say go to new game +++++++ and see how hard things hit but if you're bored take a break for sure, you're allowed.
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    Putting Down Dark Souls... Empty Re: Putting Down Dark Souls...

    Post by BLA1NE Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:18 am

    I know how you feel. I've been there many times... Usually after a session of PvPing in the Kiln late at night, too! (Mostly because, at that time, I ONLY get connected with Japanese players who lag like hell and just don't have the same etiquette we do.) But you'll come back around!

    If you feel like you've done everything, here's what I recommend, the ultimate test of knowledge and skill: a speed run!

    I didn't think I'd ever do it, but I did on a whim a few days ago and it was a lot of fun. Since then I've been planning out my route (I improvised the first time!) and I can't wait to do it again (probably Thursday). Try it, it's a lot of fun!

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    Putting Down Dark Souls... Empty Re: Putting Down Dark Souls...

    Post by aRustySlot Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:23 am

    Try to record it blaine. I've watched the genuine 1h26 run on youtube and find it fascinating. I don't think I'd ever try it (I tend to die a lot when rushing).
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    Putting Down Dark Souls... Empty Re: Putting Down Dark Souls...

    Post by BLA1NE Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:36 am

    You know what, I was really sad that I don't have a capture card and wouldn't be able to record it, but now I think my phone might do.

    I need to place it in an awkward spot though, so the colors are off (especially on the health bar) and the angle is a bit skewed... but it's better than nothing! Check out my lol @ Darkmoon thread for a sample video, let me know what you think of the sample quality.

    I'm thinking of doing the run on Thursday, so I'll have time to experiment some more with different ways to setup my phone for a better picture.
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    Putting Down Dark Souls... Empty Re: Putting Down Dark Souls...

    Post by Serious_Much Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:54 am

    Do some Crazy challenge runs or get up to NG+++++++ (think that's the last one?)

    but there's more to extend game time with this than just laggy PvP you know silly

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    Putting Down Dark Souls... Empty Re: Putting Down Dark Souls...

    Post by GrEeNgObLiN Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:24 am

    New dlc soon...

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    Putting Down Dark Souls... Empty Re: Putting Down Dark Souls...

    Post by mpaschke Wed Jan 18, 2012 10:05 am

    I'm finding a lot of fun PvP in PWoA. I'm using a lvl40 Faith build w/Fire Uchi. Yes, there will be some idiots, but the action is basically non-stop. Takes no more than a minute to invade and USUALLY it's 1-1. I like this SL as well since people really have to focus their points (although I do sometimes get connected to someone obviously higher in SL with full Havel's doing backflips and throwing Crystal Soul Spear's around) but still, all-in-all, the fights are always interesting, the terrain is great for all kinds of play styles and it's a blast!

    Come join the fun winking
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    Putting Down Dark Souls... Empty Re: Putting Down Dark Souls...

    Post by Carphil Wed Jan 18, 2012 10:11 am

    Has anyone tried to go to the far NG possible? and what happens when you beat it?

    Btw, good day or good night everyone big grin
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    Putting Down Dark Souls... Empty Re: Putting Down Dark Souls...

    Post by Ser Winston Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:48 pm

    Don't worry about quitting, Dark Souls has a way of luring people back.

    I got stuck on the Four Kings on NG+++, and I'm now taking a break while I enjoy the nostalgia of the MGS HD Collection. Playing MGS2 makes me see Dark Souls's camera controls as heavenly.

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    Putting Down Dark Souls... Empty Re: Putting Down Dark Souls...

    Post by theAnimus Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:48 pm

    Well, as your sig says.... D3 sooner than later, my friend!
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    Putting Down Dark Souls... Empty Re: Putting Down Dark Souls...

    Post by Carphil Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:51 pm

    I got stuck on the Four Kings on NG+++, and I'm now taking a break while I enjoy the nostalgia of the MGS HD Collection. Playing MGS2 makes me see Dark Souls's camera controls as heavenly.

    Try to play Devil may Cry 4, the camera auto moves back and foward and you can't walk with your character, he gets stuck in place while getting stabbed by demons

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    Putting Down Dark Souls... Empty Re: Putting Down Dark Souls...

    Post by deadagain Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:58 pm

    I wish I could stop this game has me by the throat
    "My name is deadagain and I'm an addict"

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    Putting Down Dark Souls... Empty Re: Putting Down Dark Souls...

    Post by strangejoy Wed Jan 18, 2012 1:16 pm

    As others have noted, the kiln is deteriorating due to a-holes who have nothing better to do then camp, attack people who are bowing, etc. My advice is to go somewhere else for a few nights. As mpaschke noted, Painted World is a great alternative, with honorable duelers using the arena type area. If that doesn't work, take a break.

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    Putting Down Dark Souls... Empty Re: Putting Down Dark Souls...

    Post by theAnimus Wed Jan 18, 2012 1:18 pm

    Why not put on your evil gloves and go hinder some people in Tomb of Giants? That's always fun.

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    Putting Down Dark Souls... Empty Re: Putting Down Dark Souls...

    Post by JBeast Wed Jan 18, 2012 4:53 pm

    Never tried PvP in PWoA... people just fight by the bonfire I'm guessing? I may have to try that out... Only question is do I make a new character for low level PvP since all the ones I use now are at about the 120 SL mark...

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    Putting Down Dark Souls... Empty Re: Putting Down Dark Souls...

    Post by Cloudrunner Wed Jan 18, 2012 5:31 pm

    strangejoy wrote:As others have noted, the kiln is deteriorating due to a-holes who have nothing better to do then camp, attack people who are bowing, etc. My advice is to go somewhere else for a few nights. As mpaschke noted, Painted World is a great alternative, with honorable duelers using the arena type area. If that doesn't work, take a break.

    Every now and again though you'll find painted world hosts who like to bottleneck you at the bridge entrance to the level. If you are going to invade there, it's often a better idea to use the stone close to the bridge leading to the boss. That will spawn you at the very top of the tower with all the crows. It's much less likely there'll be a trap waiting for you up there, just make sure not to fall while sidestepping the crows.
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    Putting Down Dark Souls... Empty Re: Putting Down Dark Souls...

    Post by Carphil Wed Jan 18, 2012 5:34 pm

    Cloudrunner wrote:
    strangejoy wrote:As others have noted, the kiln is deteriorating due to a-holes who have nothing better to do then camp, attack people who are bowing, etc. My advice is to go somewhere else for a few nights. As mpaschke noted, Painted World is a great alternative, with honorable duelers using the arena type area. If that doesn't work, take a break.

    Every now and again though you'll find painted world hosts who like to bottleneck you at the bridge entrance to the level. If you are going to invade there, it's often a better idea to use the stone close to the bridge leading to the boss. That will spawn you at the very top of the tower with all the crows. It's much less likely there'll be a trap waiting for you up there, just make sure not to fall while sidestepping the crows.

    That happened to my darkwraith mage, first time the host used CMW on his Washing pole and killed me in 2 hits, he used dried finger, I invade again and quicly switched to Soul Spear, I shot once, he dodge by rolling through the spell with dark wood grain ring, I shot again, this time he blocks with his parrying shield but breaks his guard, shot again, he died.

    Happy ending big grin
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    Putting Down Dark Souls... Empty Re: Putting Down Dark Souls...

    Post by Serious_Much Wed Jan 18, 2012 5:51 pm

    I just found it incredidble when on my first playthrough I was going to four kings, I was invaded and seconds later my phantom is one shotted by a CSS, then I was finished off by a CHSM/CSS combo and feeling quite ashamed of my noobish self..

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    Putting Down Dark Souls... Empty Re: Putting Down Dark Souls...

    Post by kyoke Wed Jan 18, 2012 6:20 pm

    I'm enjoying PvP invading in the Darkroot Garden (behind the doors). I mostly run up against 2 campers that are farming for invaders like me, but there's SO much action that I'm able to invade about once every couple of minutes (since that's generally how long it takes for the battle to be over, one way or the other).

    At SL60 it is so damn satisfying to take out 2 farmers, but if I lose, at least I know what the stakes are.

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    Putting Down Dark Souls... Empty Re: Putting Down Dark Souls...

    Post by kyoke Wed Jan 18, 2012 6:22 pm

    ... but my least favorite thing about invading in the Garden is spawning with the white fog right behind you, so your visibility of the potential campers is... well, hampered.

    Immediately upon being summoned you have to tweak the camera angle just to see if there are people waiting for you. But, whatevs.

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    Putting Down Dark Souls... Empty Re: Putting Down Dark Souls...

    Post by strangejoy Wed Jan 18, 2012 6:28 pm

    JBeast wrote:Never tried PvP in PWoA... people just fight by the bonfire I'm guessing? I may have to try that out... Only question is do I make a new character for low level PvP since all the ones I use now are at about the 120 SL mark...

    People fight in the circular area that can be easily accessed from the bonfire if you have the shortcuts all open. You can use your 120 SL and still get some action. You will sometimes run into a tournament, so don't be alarmed if you see a bunch of phantoms. Hopefully a-holes won't ruin that area too... We shall see.

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    Putting Down Dark Souls... Empty Re: Putting Down Dark Souls...

    Post by JBeast Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:26 pm

    I like this Painted World... silly

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    Putting Down Dark Souls... Empty Re: Putting Down Dark Souls...

    Post by strangejoy Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:29 pm

    Give it a shot and let us know how it turns out. It's been a few weeks since I've been there, so hopefully it's still the same.

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