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    First really ****ty thing I realised about the arena mode.


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    First really ****ty thing I realised about the arena mode. - Page 5 Empty Re: First really ****ty thing I realised about the arena mode.

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Mon Sep 03, 2012 4:05 am

    Tristan wrote:LMFAO at that video. His commentary is moronic and hypocritical. I don't think I have ever seen a video of Brigade's that he hasn't BSed someone.

    I think this topic is hilarious with a lot of people contradicting themselves. Int is very strong if it hits you and is more common than Faith. Melee/physical dmg builds have been buffed into OPness also.

    Dude dont label his vids as moronic or hypocritical. He is expressing his opinion. You dont have to like it but you have to accept that is it out there.

    I personally like his vids and while I dont agree with some things he says most of his points are valid enough for a DkS player.

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    First really ****ty thing I realised about the arena mode. - Page 5 Empty Re: First really ****ty thing I realised about the arena mode.

    Post by Tristan Mon Sep 03, 2012 4:40 am


    My rant aside, you guys are telling me I raised faith to 50 to use SS and can't use it outside of PvE? To hell with that. I'm using the character I built and I frankly don't give a rats nest if you find it cheap. :evil: This kind of stuff makes me want to retire. It's this unfair mentality that is ruining games today.

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    First really ****ty thing I realised about the arena mode. - Page 5 Empty Re: First really ****ty thing I realised about the arena mode.

    Post by fujiphoenix Mon Sep 03, 2012 9:28 am

    dr_calamitus wrote:
    WarriorOfBenOwnage wrote:
    dr_calamitus wrote:

    twop got nerfed hard, homing soulmass and grater magic shield got nerfed, hard,

    so, dont say things didnt get nerfed plz

    TWOP was always nerfed wasn't it? And Homing Soulmass actually works better from what I've seen. Who used Greater Magic Shield anyways? Wasn't it already almost useless? And those are by no means the only spells available that I've seen. Check out this Martyrsbrigade video for an example of how a Faith/Int hybrid works awesomely with the new content.

    I'm just not seeing your point here. Build diversity will always exist, it even did back in the GiantMomBKGA days. Even if those two builds are the top two now, that's better that the top ONE they used to have. . .

    twop was not always nerfed, clearly you didnt play on the days of the origional console release

    homing soulmass used to hit you mid roll, iframe? whats an iframe?

    greater magic shield used to make you invulernable as long as you didnt swap off the shield for 45s-60s

    my point is, those builds are gone, and now faith can just wotg spam, ( learn to roll plz), and int? well, you can argue all you want but i have yet to go against a caster since 1.0.4 that can actualy hit me

    Are you serious? TWoP was an instant win if you caught someone with it. And it lasted for a really long time. The invincibility on greater magic shield was a glitch, and a game breaker at that. Something that makes you immune to all forms of damage for a full minute is just wrong. They did figure out away to gain that effect again tho, its called hacking your game.

    It does kind of suck that they made the duration for GMS so short, as well as fix the glitch. That was unnecessary.
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    First really ****ty thing I realised about the arena mode. - Page 5 Empty Re: First really ****ty thing I realised about the arena mode.

    Post by Forum Pirate Mon Sep 03, 2012 8:59 pm

    I agree with the general sentiment of your comments tristan (though I like martyrs videos, even where I have different opinions) but there's nothing wrong with being elitist, especially when you're obviously very good at something.

    the healing between rounds in the arena thing is a serious advantage to players with the faith to do so, though one could argue that it only balances the comparitively high damage potential of the other magics. WoG is downright weak compared to high level pyromancy and sorcery, and lets not even pretend the lightning spears are good in pvp.

    I must also point out that WoG is really easy to roll punish or block in most players hands and has s**t for casts. If the player is good enough to stop you punishing their WoG, its that the player is good not that the spell is good.

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    First really ****ty thing I realised about the arena mode. - Page 5 Empty Re: First really ****ty thing I realised about the arena mode.

    Post by Tristan Mon Sep 03, 2012 10:35 pm

    WoG is downright weak compared to high level pyromancy and sorcery, and lets not even pretend the lightning spears are good in pvp.

    I must also point out that WoG is really easy to roll punish or block in most players hands and has s**t for casts. If the player is good enough to stop you punishing their WoG, its that the player is good not that the spell is good.

    I agree with this pirate.

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    First really ****ty thing I realised about the arena mode. - Page 5 Empty Re: First really ****ty thing I realised about the arena mode.

    Post by Jansports Tue Sep 04, 2012 8:53 am

    2012 Dark Souls arena NOT bringing Velka's and a heal attuned on your sweet Sorcery build.

    But seriously Sorcery isn't bad now and Velka's is awesome, sure you can't bring WoG like you can at 120 but even just "heal" at 12 fai will be a pretty solid incentive to at least consider.

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    First really ****ty thing I realised about the arena mode. - Page 5 Empty Re: First really ****ty thing I realised about the arena mode.

    Post by ManiacDiscord Tue Sep 04, 2012 5:50 pm

    Jansports wrote:2012 Dark Souls arena NOT bringing Velka's and a heal attuned on your sweet Sorcery build.

    But seriously Sorcery isn't bad now and Velka's is awesome, sure you can't bring WoG like you can at 120 but even just "heal" at 12 fai will be a pretty solid incentive to at least consider.

    I had thought this as well, would a mere 12 faith and Velkas talisman be all an int person would need for basic heal spells to do the trick?

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    First really ****ty thing I realised about the arena mode. - Page 5 Empty Re: First really ****ty thing I realised about the arena mode.

    Post by Tristan Tue Sep 04, 2012 6:28 pm


    At Sl.99 probably... with 3 minutes you should only need to use the 5 casts split into 2 separate scenarios(assuming you never die). 2 to 3 consecutive casts would suffice to bump you back up to above 75% hp if you have around 1800hp which is a rofap vit build with no MoM.

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    First really ****ty thing I realised about the arena mode. - Page 5 Empty Re: First really ****ty thing I realised about the arena mode.

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