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    Do you want easy mode?


    Want easy mode?

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    Do you want easy mode? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you want easy mode?

    Post by Sloth9230 Mon Feb 11, 2013 10:47 pm

    JumpsU3vs1 wrote:I played Demon's Souls after I played Dark Souls, and honestly I think Demon's Souls is a little more hardcore. I found it to be a tougher game, and PVP is even less forgiving. The world tendency to pure black made your average mobs really dangerous, and players had lower HP bars in general. Less padding for damage. And the BP NPCs were 1hko machines, like Satsuki. Dark Souls is casual compared to that.

    It's true, though my lack of experience might have had something to do with it. Those BP's were monsters though!

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    Do you want easy mode? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you want easy mode?

    Post by Hugh_G_Johnson Tue Feb 12, 2013 12:02 am

    Sloth9230 wrote:Only if worked like this and is then followed up by this.

    After you die a certain amount of times in a level, the game will give you the option of playing on "easy mode". If you take it, then you won't be able to get some items, like slabs and therefore the 100% achievement, and you won't be able to PVP, or co-op, on that character... ever. The game, and I, will also make fun of you at every chance it gets.

    That's a good idea, but perhaps a bit harsh. Obviously; people on easy mode have no place in pvp, but I don't see why they should be kept out of co-op. As a wise man once said co-op is already the easy mode. If some poor dude can't beat a level with co-op, then easy mode probably won't help without co-op.

    On the other hand, screw easy mode.

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    Do you want easy mode? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you want easy mode?

    Post by Sloth9230 Tue Feb 12, 2013 12:30 am

    Hugh_G_Johnson wrote:

    That's a good idea, but perhaps a bit harsh. Obviously; people on easy mode have no place in pvp, but I don't see why they should be kept out of co-op. As a wise man once said co-op is already the easy mode. If some poor dude can't beat a level with co-op, then easy mode probably won't help without co-op.

    On the other hand, screw easy mode.

    I'm not sure who that wise man is, but he sounds handsome.

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    Do you want easy mode? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you want easy mode?

    Post by SirPatrick Tue Feb 12, 2013 12:36 am

    One of the draws to this game was that I heard it was one of the hardest games ever, now that was enough for me to buy the game once the price was right. Dark Souls did not disappoint.

    I let my 12yo nephew play Dark Souls, he loved it.. he was so scared in the game... he was almost so scared to even just go around a corner and had to turn the game off as I refused to take over for him.. now I can relate to that, I was trying to rank up heaps before going after the bosses and was definitely in fear of the enemies... I don't know any game that has done that to me, fantastic!! My nephew came over another weekend and I finally had to go around the corner for him (at undead parish to go under the gate), then he played all day and loved the game.

    If it is too scary for some kids to go around corners then a spell with a limited use for seeing enemy through a wall (2 uses) is enough to make the game "easy" for the younger kids? Maybe the alluring skull to be a spell and lure out certain enemies or make it more clear and broad what the skull can lure? ( I never used it so I don't know )

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    Do you want easy mode? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you want easy mode?

    Post by Myztyrio Tue Feb 12, 2013 1:10 am

    I really didn't expect anyone on a souls forum this dedicated to say yes. Blasphemy!

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    Do you want easy mode? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you want easy mode?

    Post by LunarFog Tue Feb 12, 2013 1:28 am

    I swear to everyone who reads this; when the release date for Dark Souls 2 gets close I'm going to post a thread asking people if they want an easy mode for Dark Souls. I'm going to get their IGN's. I'm going to spend the next few months griefing them as much as I possibly can to make sure they don't ever come back.

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    Do you want easy mode? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you want easy mode?

    Post by Archandes Tue Feb 12, 2013 12:39 pm

    When they want easy mode, just broaden the summoning range (or maybe limitless, with some drawback for higher SL player) when you do private summoning. Make it able summon 2 player if y want the game easier.

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    Do you want easy mode? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you want easy mode?

    Post by LunarFog Tue Feb 12, 2013 2:06 pm

    Archandes wrote:When they want easy mode, just broaden the summoning range (or maybe limitless, with some drawback for higher SL player) when you do private summoning. Make it able summon 2 player if y want the game easier.
    hey, what's your gamertag?

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    Do you want easy mode? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you want easy mode?

    Post by DE5PA1R Tue Feb 12, 2013 6:00 pm

    JumpsU3vs1 wrote:I played Demon's Souls after I played Dark Souls, and honestly I think Demon's Souls is a little more hardcore. I found it to be a tougher game, and PVP is even less forgiving. The world tendency to pure black made your average mobs really dangerous, and players had lower HP bars in general. Less padding for damage. And the BP NPCs were 1hko machines, like Satsuki. Dark Souls is casual compared to that.

    The intensity and difficulty in DeS was focused on the level and the mobs as opposed to the bosses. DkS was reversed. Solo O&S? Did you kill Gwyn before you found out you can parry him? Christ, THAT was hard.

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    Do you want easy mode? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you want easy mode?

    Post by Acarnatia Tue Feb 12, 2013 6:06 pm

    I killed Gwyn repeatedly before at NG++ before I ever started studying parrying >.>
    I still haven't yet learned to parry in pvp.
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    Do you want easy mode? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you want easy mode?

    Post by Serious_Much Tue Feb 12, 2013 6:09 pm

    I did okay on gwyn, crystal sorceries wooped his *** by that point! I have to say though I believe Gwyn would be as awesome as flamelurker if you couldn't parry him, his hard attacking mentality is really annoying to be defensive against.

    Solo O&S was *** horrible though, must have done them over 20-30 times before figuring it all out.

    I agree though, demon's levels/mobs are harder, while dark has more difficult bosses....

    Then again flame lurker bucks the trend, thats an absolute amazing fight to be honest, my favourite ever was my first fight with him, I won after a long hard lot of trouble. I hope there's plenty more fights like this in the upcoming souls games.
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    Do you want easy mode? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you want easy mode?

    Post by Carphil Tue Feb 12, 2013 6:24 pm

    To OP, no. This is where the Soul games shine. Not having any other dificult except hard.

    Lets see if I can come up with some examples.

    COD caimpaign mode - easy (easy), medium (easy), hard (easy), veteran (veteran!)

    on veteran the games its actually chalenging! at the point of you diyng in just one or two bullets. but then, you don't have to play on veteran, and most people don't.

    about dark souls, liking or not, you HAVE to play on hard mode. and this is where the fun begins.

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    Do you want easy mode? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you want easy mode?

    Post by Sloth9230 Tue Feb 12, 2013 6:40 pm

    Fap mode: The PC will auto release WOG's whenever enemies get near him/her, and sunlight spears will constantly rain down on all enemies.

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    Do you want easy mode? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you want easy mode?

    Post by aprilmanha Tue Feb 12, 2013 7:19 pm

    Carphil wrote:To OP, no. This is where the Soul games shine. Not having any other dificult except hard.

    Lets see if I can come up with some examples.

    COD caimpaign mode - easy (easy), medium (easy), hard (easy), veteran (veteran!)

    on veteran the games its actually chalenging! at the point of you diyng in just one or two bullets. but then, you don't have to play on veteran, and most people don't.

    about dark souls, liking or not, you HAVE to play on hard mode. and this is where the fun begins.

    I don't see how your example there is in favour of Dark Souls at all. Can you elaborate a little?

    I'm for easy mode personally, I like the control style of Dark souls and would like to see it used more, but dislike being made to replay tedious areas over and over when stuck with a tougher section along way from any bonfire. Its unnecessary and interrupts my enjoyment of the good combat.

    Heck by some points I was so bored with the boss door runs I would begin to just sprint passed all the enemies rather then take them out, which made me realise that Dark Souls difficulty only came from it wearing on the players patience, not any skill barrier, and once you knew the key to killing something, it was a walk in the park. (Unless you chose to make it harder for yourself by restricting yourself within the game, which you can do in any game anyway)

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    Do you want easy mode? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you want easy mode?

    Post by Emergence Tue Feb 12, 2013 7:19 pm

    There is easy mode in the form of stackable AR boost. You just have to earn it one piece at a time and gradual. Eventually your efforts pay off and you can earn the right to use:

    Dusk Crown+Bellowing+TCC+CSS+RTSR

    NG+ is easy mode folks. Put your big boy/girl pants on and earn it.

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    Do you want easy mode? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you want easy mode?

    Post by Sloth9230 Tue Feb 12, 2013 7:44 pm

    aprilmanha wrote:

    I don't see how your example there is in favour of Dark Souls at all. Can you elaborate a little?

    I'm for easy mode personally, I like the control style of Dark souls and would like to see it used more, but dislike being made to replay tedious areas over and over when stuck with a tougher section along way from any bonfire. Its unnecessary and interrupts my enjoyment of the good combat.

    Heck by some points I was so bored with the boss door runs I would begin to just sprint passed all the enemies rather then take them out, which made me realise that Dark Souls difficulty only came from it wearing on the players patience, not any skill barrier, and once you knew the key to killing something, it was a walk in the park. (Unless you chose to make it harder for yourself by restricting yourself within the game, which you can do in any game anyway)

    Have you considered that maybe, just maybe, Dark Souls isn't for you? The whole point of the game is that it's supposed to be challenging, at least the first time around. The fun comes from overcoming obstacles. Remove the obstacles and you're left with an extremely boring game. If you find that tedious or boring, then this game is probably not for you. There's plenty of other games you can play, stop trying change this game.

    If there is an easy mode, then it should be completely cut off from online. That's both co-op and PVP. DMC doesn't offer co-op, neither does God of War, or any other action adventure game I can remember.

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    Do you want easy mode? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you want easy mode?

    Post by aprilmanha Tue Feb 12, 2013 8:02 pm

    Sloth9230 wrote:
    Have you considered that maybe, just maybe, Dark Souls isn't for you? The whole point of the game is that it's supposed to be challenging, at least the first time around. The fun comes from overcoming obstacles. Remove the obstacles and you're left with an extremely boring game. If you find that tedious or boring, then this game is probably not for you. There's plenty of other games you can play, stop trying change this game.

    If there is an easy mode, then it should be completely cut off from online. That's both co-op and PVP. DMC doesn't offer co-op, neither does God of War, or any other action adventure game I can remember.

    You might well be right, but my point has always been, I do enjoy over coming the challenges, I just don't like being made to repeat bits I've over come repeatably when working on the next challenge.

    Its like every time you make a mistake in your homework, having to write out all the bits you have already gotten 100% on, all over again before allowing another try at the question you got stuck on.

    Does that analogy make any more sense of what I'm trying to get at?

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    Do you want easy mode? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you want easy mode?

    Post by WandererReece Tue Feb 12, 2013 8:15 pm

    aprilmanha wrote:I just don't like being made to repeat bits I've over come repeatably when working on the next challenge.

    Its like every time you make a mistake in your homework, having to write out all the bits you have already gotten 100% on, all over again before allowing another try at the question you got stuck on.

    Does that analogy make any more sense of what I'm trying to get at?

    Yes, you don't like things in games that resemble real life. In real life you have to redo all of your homework. In Dark Souls you have to redo some areas.

    However, I love all of the realism. It's just not for you. Just like Elder Scrolls isn't for me. Honestly, all of the absurd and totally unreal stuff in the Elder Scrolls just ruined it for me. i just don't get why that series always gets high ratings.

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    Do you want easy mode? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you want easy mode?

    Post by Sloth9230 Tue Feb 12, 2013 8:17 pm

    Believe me, everyone who PVP's knows what you're talking about. Eventually, playing through the main game becomes more of a chore than anything. Making the game easier won't do anything to remedy that though.

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    Do you want easy mode? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you want easy mode?

    Post by DE5PA1R Wed Feb 13, 2013 12:20 am

    Emergence wrote:There is easy mode in the form of stackable AR boost. You just have to earn it one piece at a time and gradual. Eventually your efforts pay off and you can earn the right to use:

    Dusk Crown+Bellowing+TCC+CSS+RTSR

    NG+ is easy mode folks. Put your big boy/girl pants on and earn it.

    Magic build? Pfft.

    Red Tearstone Ring is an excellent example of taking the risk/reward dynamic to the extreme, though.

    I'd like to add that the 'chore' of playing through the same areas after dying is:
    1) A form of discipline (ultimately the only form of punishment available to a game developer: the player's time).
    2) A tool to build tension. One of the reasons you don't want to lose during a boss fight is because you know you'll have to play through the same thing again. On your way, you could die and lose your accumulated souls you left in the boss room. This contributes to suspense.

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    Do you want easy mode? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you want easy mode?

    Post by aprilmanha Wed Feb 13, 2013 5:06 am

    WandererReece wrote:
    Yes, you don't like things in games that resemble real life. In real life you have to redo all of your homework. In Dark Souls you have to redo some areas.

    I don't think you quite got what I was getting at, I was just using an example that the average age group would relate to. I kinda feel sorry for anyone who went through school repeating the same homework over and over until they got 100%! Lol

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    Do you want easy mode? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you want easy mode?

    Post by WandererReece Wed Feb 13, 2013 10:42 am

    aprilmanha wrote:
    WandererReece wrote:
    Yes, you don't like things in games that resemble real life. In real life you have to redo all of your homework. In Dark Souls you have to redo some areas.

    I don't think you quite got what I was getting at, I was just using an example that the average age group would relate to. I kinda feel sorry for anyone who went through school repeating the same homework over and over until they got 100%! Lol

    Which is at least half of the students.

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    Do you want easy mode? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you want easy mode?

    Post by DE5PA1R Wed Feb 13, 2013 3:19 pm

    I don't think you quite got what I was getting at, I was just using an example that the average age group would relate to. I kinda feel sorry for anyone who went through school repeating the same homework over and over until they got 100%! Lol

    Which is at least half of the students.

    Half of what students?

    I attended 10 schools, private and public, from kindergarten through 12th grade in Texas and Kansas, then attended a junior college followed by a university. I've literally never heard of a student having to turn in homework, then the teacher marking what was wrong, then the student having to redo it until they got it right.
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    Do you want easy mode? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you want easy mode?

    Post by Serious_Much Wed Feb 13, 2013 3:53 pm

    I've only ever had to redo something once, and that's cus it sucked and got an E grade (it was art so it doesn't matter anyway, which I'm AWFUL at)

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    Do you want easy mode? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you want easy mode?

    Post by Slarg232 Wed Feb 13, 2013 4:39 pm

    I want HARDCORE mode, where if you die, your character dies.

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