so i go to dukes.. SAME ****, township -> SAME ****.
unless theres a fightclub or a tourney or whatever i wouls say at BEST 1 / 5 fights might be good. and i dont care about "honorable" heck ill take ganks all night, i just recorded (or thought i did but for some reason my capture card wasnt on) like 3 really good 2v1 and one 3v1.
AND THEN DIED 6 TIMES IN A ROW TO THE BUILDS MENTIONED ABOVE **there was also a gold tracer in there**
i get it, every now and then when im having a bad day, ill switch to something else to get a kill or two under my belt and then SWITCH BACK. but these guys are non stop with it. i dont see how people enjoy themselfs doing that.
on that note, i dont know what it is, but i just cannot parry online. me and my friends will practice via RSS and have it down pat, but when im being spammed at i just cant pull it off. anyways...
what are your thoughts on the matter? is it a nusance? what do you do when this happens to you? do you infact do this, and if so why?
edit: removed any "altered" curse words
Last edited by Jodecho on Wed Mar 20, 2013 10:32 pm; edited 1 time in total