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    Introduce Yourself V2.0


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    Introduce Yourself V2.0 - Page 3 Empty Hello Dark Souls community

    Post by Anarchist26 Sun Jun 23, 2013 3:20 pm

    Hello everyone!

    I'm Jon, a 22 year old engineer in an electronics company. I play basketball, bass guitar and video games.

    Right now the Souls series is my favorite of all the games I've played.

    This is the most solid Souls community I've seen after looking around.

    Hope to meet you in pvp and co-op!


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    Introduce Yourself V2.0 - Page 3 Empty Re: Introduce Yourself V2.0

    Post by brandons66 Thu Jun 27, 2013 10:17 pm

    Hello my fellow Demon souls/Dark souls addicts. My name is Brandon, hopefully you caught on to that, as it is evident by my username! 

    A little about me, I am 18, I work at a retail company, and I am pursuing the career field of Political Science in the fall.

    Originally I had a PS3, so my first game with the souls series is of course, Demon souls!. Due to some circumstances though, I traded in my PS3 and I am now enjoying Dark Souls on the 360. I am excited to be apart of this community, as it seems the most flourished from what I have seen. I hope to see some of you in game, have fun fellow adventures!

    Edit: I actually lost my original copy of Dark souls, so earlier today I got a new copy. Now I made a new character, and I am exploring the Undead Burg.

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    Introduce Yourself V2.0 - Page 3 Empty Re: Introduce Yourself V2.0

    Post by Grumpy Sun Jun 30, 2013 9:11 pm

    Greetings,  I am an old school gamer (started back before there were consoles and computers ran over the phone lines).  I have been playing DS since the start (my kid got me started when he picked it up for me),  but I have only started to really get back into it when I found this site.  Of course I have issues trying to decide what style I want to play, so I have started over repeatedly.  Lot of good info on here.  Almost forgot I am on the xbox.

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    Introduce Yourself V2.0 - Page 3 Empty Oh look, another hollow for you to kill.

    Post by Gryph Tue Jul 02, 2013 12:05 am

    Gah. introductions, how brilliant - these always go swimmingly with me; so excuse any... hiccups or social protocols I skip over in this introduction. Another thing; my spelling is terrible, its due to a head injury I sustained whilst I was younger, I have a minor case of dyslexia.

    Alright well, now that that's out of the way; I'm a Dark souls fan (who would have guessed) I guess I'll cover why I like this game so much first. I'm going to be frank; the first thing that drawed me to Dark souls was the art style; as a kid I grew up reading lord of the rings, and the surreal, high-fantasy eldritch style of the game gave it a massive draw to me personally.

    The second thing that attracted me was the difficulty; I've always been competitive, but I was never a person for online gaming, but being able to compete AGAINST the game sounded like an angel singing from heaven. I had always been a fan of dungeon crawler games, although I enjoyed oblivion whenever it came out, it always felt too easy and never had any risk to it.

    Another thing that grabbed me was the story; I had always been fed my games story via a narrow straw; but the idea of leaving the story to the gamer is such a thing of genius! ... mad genius. Such as believing who is the first born, was Lord Gwyn REALLY a bad guy, etc etc.

    The final thing; " Prepare to die! " I originally thought that was a threat; but I soon realized it was a piece of advice; the game taught me how to beat the bosses via repetition and actually taking my time to go onto the wiki and trying to do research, I can understand how some people would find that unappealing, I personally find it very rewarding.

    Alright, onto the boring stuff. About me? I've never really gone by my own name, hell, at some points I forget it. Maybe I'm just another hollow? Eh, never really liked being uninsane anyway. Enough of that banter? Alright. Some information about me, eh?

    " If I didn't know any better, I'd say you had feelings for me...oh,dear...please forget I said that... "

    I'm irish, I'm part Russian, from my grandmothers side, I was born in dublin and raised there until I was about four, then I moved to glengormley. I spent most of my childhood playing games or taking my bikes and computers apart, I was never really interested in girls or blokes. I was a quiet kid, I spent alot of my time with my legs crossed in a corner thinking.

    Personally, I see myself as someone who, when is bent on something, will never stop, will never relent or will ever stop until that task is completed (hence why I like Dark souls so much)

    I spent about a year of my life in the armed forces, the marines, as a rifleman, I enjoyed it, like being a big part of a family, until I took an injury and was unable to serve anymore.

    I hope I'm a good part of the community.
    Have a good day, and remember;

    Your happiness is your own.

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    Introduce Yourself V2.0 - Page 3 Empty Re: Introduce Yourself V2.0

    Post by ghostshade Wed Jul 03, 2013 7:48 pm

    Hello my fellow demon souls/dark souls brethren i go by the name ghostshade and started playing demon souls quite a while after it came out and finished my ng around the time dark souls was released. Since then i have tried to make a build i can stick to in dark souls but due to the fact that i suffer from a major case of restart syndrome i have started over from scratch around 10 times so far.

    Hopefully you can help me sort that out happy

    Well since this is a intro thread telling you all something about myself might be helpful winking

    I am a 30 year old swedish Helpdesk tech who likes to hang around with my friends, listen to music and of course play computer and console games in my spare time. I also practice martial arts even if i am suffering from plantar fasciitis at the moment and for that reason is limited in what training i can do.
    Mental Gear
    Mental Gear

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    Introduce Yourself V2.0 - Page 3 Empty Re: Introduce Yourself V2.0

    Post by Mental Gear Fri Jul 05, 2013 7:13 pm

    Hidiho to all forum members here and contributors for the great Wiki.
    My name is Martin or better known as Mental Gear and I'm still pretty new to this game, bought it for PC two weeks ago, finished it once and lost a lot of hair during the process, but I loved it every second. In real life I'm an optician but my true vocation has always been monster/zombie hunter.
    I have been playing games for over 20 years now, starting off on the C64.
    Strangely enough this games combat style reminds me of Kengo 2 just much more versatile, one or two wrong moves and you're dead. I think the combat system and the art style is what gripped me the most and the atmosphere is just insanely great in this game.
    My current character is the son of Oscar, a knight/faith/endurance build with some rp-restrictions to make it interesting. Today the sunbros accepted me as a new member happy
    Honestly, I wasn't as hooked to a game like I am for DaS since I first played Ocarina of time 15 years ago. Can't wait to get my hands on Demon's Souls and Dark Souls 2.
    Hope to be able to join you in some jolly co-op and maybe PvP once I grasp all the info provided by this community. Thanks for all the hard work and the plattform you're providing here.

    Introduce Yourself V2.0 - Page 3 Data_215

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    Introduce Yourself V2.0 - Page 3 Empty Re: Introduce Yourself V2.0

    Post by Valanor Tue Jul 09, 2013 7:20 pm

    I wanted to introduce myself.I've been looking after some things on this wiki about Dark Souls for some time now and I thought a forum would be nice.

    I've started with DS about three weeks ago and I'm now in NG+ with my first char.He is lvl99 now and I've joined the Sunlight covenant now to be summoned more often for Co-op...and because I love Solaire and the whole "Praise the Suuuuuuun!" thing. happy
    (which is why I've saved him in my first playthrough)
    I'm now running almost all the time in human form and I've watched a lot of videos to get a better understanding about stats,weapons and so on,now doing more pvp as well.I'm probably still a noob to most veterans,but it's still fun if I'm not getting insta killed or spammed by the same attacks over and over again.

    I like to co-op with people and have duels in undead burg and so far I've been experiencing mostly nice and polite players which is a very nice experience to make in a game.I love how many players hold to the inoffcial rules of bowing to each other at the beginning of the fight,that some players let you kill monsters first if you were in the middle of a fight (of course some will exploit that),that if you are two against one that you almost always get a nice and fair 1v1 fight if the invader is polite too,and so on.

    Well,thats pretty much it for me and my DS career.I don't know much more to say but: "Praise the Suuuuuun!" happy
    Compulsory Poster
    Compulsory Poster

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    Introduce Yourself V2.0 - Page 3 Empty Re: Introduce Yourself V2.0

    Post by Animaaal Tue Jul 09, 2013 7:27 pm

    Wow. LOTS of new faces.

    Welcome all of you, and keep in mind a lot of us will co-op, help, and duel if we have time. Its one of the best forum atmospheres out there.

    Glad to see so many new faces.

    Also, don't be afraid to post. Some of the conversations might seem intimidating at first, but 99% of the people here answer questions pretty respectfully....rare for a gaming community.

    C ya'll around.Bow 

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    Introduce Yourself V2.0 - Page 3 Empty Re: Introduce Yourself V2.0

    Post by Valanor Tue Jul 09, 2013 7:58 pm

    Thanks for the quick coming welcome!
    Yes,if I have some questions,I will ask them! happy

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    Introduce Yourself V2.0 - Page 3 Empty Re: Introduce Yourself V2.0

    Post by magyaronny Sat Jul 13, 2013 4:36 pm

    Hey everybody, new fish here.
    With Dark Souls 2 coming up i thought it would be fun to make a account and follow up on the news.
    Been playing Dark Souls for 9 months now on 360, and after playing Demon's Souls on PS3, i Switched to PS3 with Dark Souls too.
    Until now i only did PvE, but i'm thinking of taking baby steps in to the PvP world... so if any of you run into me, please be gentle. 


    Valanor wrote:Hi and welcome to this forum!

    I'm quite new as well and I haven't the greatest experience in pvp too.Maybe we can play together some time since I want to learn a bit more pvp.
    Thanks, buddy cheers

    Last edited by magyaronny on Thu Jul 25, 2013 9:48 am; edited 6 times in total

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    Introduce Yourself V2.0 - Page 3 Empty Re: Introduce Yourself V2.0

    Post by Valanor Sat Jul 13, 2013 4:38 pm

    Hi and welcome to this forum!

    I'm quite new as well and I haven't the greatest experience in pvp too.Maybe we can play together some time since I want to learn a bit more pvp.

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    Introduce Yourself V2.0 - Page 3 Empty Re: Introduce Yourself V2.0

    Post by Exclusive Wed Jul 17, 2013 5:36 pm

    Hey Guys! I'm Exclusive. I'm a massive fan of Dark Souls and hope to contribute to this forum!

    See you around happy

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    Introduce Yourself V2.0 - Page 3 Empty Re: Introduce Yourself V2.0

    Post by LukeboyDS Mon Jul 22, 2013 5:16 pm

    I'm LukeBoyDS not that active on here but thought I would say, hello!wave

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    Introduce Yourself V2.0 - Page 3 Empty Re: Introduce Yourself V2.0

    Post by Aendron Mon Jul 29, 2013 8:47 am

    Well, I'm not sure how much attention this will net but why not - might as well follow social convent at least occasionally. I'm Aendron, I've been playing Dark Souls since the start but actually never engaged much in PvP for some or other reason until reason. I've been playing for a few months and I've been thoroughly enjoying myself so far.

    I'm playing on Xbox, so if anyone's up for some duels then shoot me a message - on the forum - and we'll set it up. Cheers.

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    Introduce Yourself V2.0 - Page 3 Empty Re: Introduce Yourself V2.0

    Post by PierreSBK71 Tue Jul 30, 2013 9:41 am

    Oh hey Guys.
    Joined the ranks just yesterday. I'm Pierre, and I'm from Italy!
    A couple of you lads already know me, so...see you around!

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    Introduce Yourself V2.0 - Page 3 Empty Re: Introduce Yourself V2.0

    Post by Undiscovery Wed Jul 31, 2013 9:28 pm

    Tally Ho!
    I've already posted in DkS2 and DeS topics and I finally stumbled here so why not.
    I'm a Demons Souls Vet, Intermediate Dark Souls player. Been playing since they came out, I seem to have to pop one of these games into my PS3 at least once a month.

    I'm a huge fan and theorist of both the lore's of these games as well as their gameplay.

    Good to finally join the Souls Community.

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    Post by Formless Fri Aug 02, 2013 2:40 pm

    Sup. I'm Formless, from Venezuela. I started playing Dark Souls when it came out on PC and i've been addicted to the souls series ever since. Would love to play Demons's Souls but i don't have a Ps3, unfortunately silly.

    Anyways, greetings! I'm glad to join the forums and i'll deffinitely help the community when Dark Souls II comes out. happy

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    Introduce Yourself V2.0 - Page 3 Empty Re: Introduce Yourself V2.0

    Post by AwkwardArtemis Sun Aug 04, 2013 5:19 am

    Hello everybody! wave I'm AwkwardArtemis. I've been obsessed with Dark Souls for over a year now and figured it would be fun to talk to some like-minded people! I play on Xbox if anybody is up for some jolly co op or some duels let me know! happy

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    Post by Extofogeese Mon Aug 05, 2013 10:34 pm

    Ola I'm extofogeese , known as extofogeese2 on PSN, have a few ideas in mind that might prove to be interesting topics, although there will be some wild speculation an generally odd theories. Really want to make some friends for pvp and maybe join one of the forums covenants. My pvp knowledge and skill are seriously lacking, this is something I want to change. Any advice on how to go about this would be greatly appreciated happy

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    Post by Moalover Wed Aug 07, 2013 2:00 am

    Hello everybody, i'm George, i play on xbox and my gamertag is the same as my username 'Moalover', please feel free to add me. I currently have 2 characters, a SL 101 forest hunter in a middle of a NG and a SL 83 Darkwraith in a NG+, i'm just starting to get the feel of pvp in the game.

    About me, i'm 20-something, about to get a degree in engineering, like music, games, horror movies, cats, puppies and to feel the warm blood of my enemies as they cry in agony at my feet. You know, the usual... Anyway i'll se you around tongue

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    Introduce Yourself V2.0 - Page 3 Empty Re: Introduce Yourself V2.0

    Post by Wilkinson3424 Wed Aug 07, 2013 2:56 am

    Hello everyone! Welcome to the forums, we have a very good community and staff here and i'm sure you'll feel right at home here!

    If you have any questions feel free to PM me, or any of the staff members (They have different coloured names,

    Green = Chat Moderator

    Blue = Moderator

    Red = Administrator)

    Here is a thread to help you out if you don't know where to go, made by one of our more influential members, Tolvo!

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    Introduce Yourself V2.0 - Page 3 Empty Re: Introduce Yourself V2.0

    Post by IHateTheFourKings Wed Aug 07, 2013 2:12 pm

    Undiscovery wrote:Tally Ho!
    I've already posted in DkS2 and DeS topics and I finally stumbled here so why not.
    I'm a Demons Souls Vet, Intermediate Dark Souls player. Been playing since they came out, I seem to have to pop one of these games into my PS3 at least once a month.

    I'm a huge fan and theorist of both the lore's of these games as well as their gameplay.

    Good to finally join the Souls Community.
    I have to give you cool points for using "tally ho" in your introduction.
    Say Xbox Again
    Say Xbox Again

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    Introduce Yourself V2.0 - Page 3 Empty Re: Introduce Yourself V2.0

    Post by Say Xbox Again Wed Aug 07, 2013 4:30 pm

    greetings! i've been playing dark souls for two months. (nub lol get rekt) I'm still on my first playthrough and have never engaged in PVP or even Jolly Coop. It looks fun from the videos I've seen, though. I've been invaded twice when I happened to be human, but both times they got themselves killed before I even saw them. 
    Thus, I've soloed every boss so far except the Bell Gargs, but Solaire got himself stunlocked to death after the second one showed up. His noble sacrifice was not in vain...
    Praise the Sun

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    Introduce Yourself V2.0 - Page 3 Empty Re: Introduce Yourself V2.0

    Post by Undiscovery Wed Aug 07, 2013 5:59 pm

    IHateTheFourKings wrote:
    Undiscovery wrote:Tally Ho!
    I've already posted in DkS2 and DeS topics and I finally stumbled here so why not.
    I'm a Demons Souls Vet, Intermediate Dark Souls player. Been playing since they came out, I seem to have to pop one of these games into my PS3 at least once a month.

    I'm a huge fan and theorist of both the lore's of these games as well as their gameplay.

    Good to finally join the Souls Community.
    I have to give you cool points for using "tally ho" in your introduction.

     I do what I can.. cool

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    Post by SolaireOfAstora Sun Aug 11, 2013 11:13 am

    Hail fair travelers! My name's SOLAIRE OF ASTORA. At least that's what my name would be, if i could be so impossibly awesome. My real name is Garth, in all its fantasticosity?

    Surprise, i love dark souls. I've only been playing for a few weeks but have five characters now, even though they're all only about 50 sl or so and haven't really gotten too far in. Only one has beaten seath. Anyway, i'm fifteen and dark souls is my favorite game in the whole wide world. Truly a unique experience, and what i'd consider my most valuable purchase on steam. So i thought, hey, i love dark souls. Other people love dark souls. Time to meet those people!

    And now i'm here. Hopefully i'll find some way to contribute to the community, that would be fantastic. anyway, it's very late and i've rambled out an introduction long enough. See you around!
    Praise the Sun

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