Forum Guidelines-Read this, you really should. Wondering if something belongs on the forum? Worried about getting in trouble for something? Why not read the rules? I know it should be a bit obvious, but sometimes people just assume a Forum is a Forum, the usual rules. But there are some important ones to know about, so head on in and get brushed up on what is appropriate and what isn't!
Introduce Yourself!-Do you tend to lurk, are you interested in joining our happy community but just don't know how to break the ice and get adjusted? Well check out the Introduce Yourself thread. Here you can post some information about yourself and let us know something about the person behind the avatar and name. As well you can read up on your fellow forum members. Even if you are a long time member it couldn't hurt to let some of the new people coming in know about the great people and characters we have waiting around each corner.
Nominate a Thread for Twitter-Think a thread is deserving of some attention? Head here and post it with the reasons as to why you feel it is important. Bring viewers and possibly others to discuss the topic.
The Uploader/Streamer Thread-A thread dedicated to amassing all of the forum's video uploaders and streamers which love to show off footage of Dark Souls. Interested in letting others know about you or simply looking for channels or places to watch? Well head on over to the thread and check it out!
Crystal Magic Weapon-Thread giving in depth and general information on the mechanics of the buff Crystal Magic Weapon.
Dark Sorceries and Manus Catalyst-With the new content out there is a new Catalyst and set of magic. Want to know about the stats relating to them? Check it out here.
Dark Souls Design Works-A thread full of concept art for Dark Souls. Much of it comes from the art books. Both beautiful and inspiring, a must see for fans.
Dexterity's Impact on Casting Speed-This thread will show off just how much Dexterity impacts casting speed when dealing with sorceries. We've seen the videos, but this one takes the cake in that it actually explains the different number of frames between casting speeds.
Magical Adjustment: All Catalysts All Levels-If you are a person who uses sorceries, or casts miracles using Velka's Talisman you definitely need to check this thread out. This will tell you what catalyst to be using at what level, as well as some other tricks in regards to magic using.
Weapons and Magic - What to Use-As the title Suggests, this is a long and impressive catalogue of spells and weapons found in game, their general uses, information, positives and negatives. If you use weapons and spells, you need to check this thread out! If you don't, how the hell are you playing?
Sunlight Blade-Planning on using Sunlight Blade, check this thread out! Blain goes in depth on the application of this buff, the numbers, and some general information about the Miracle.
Gravelord Black Phantom Catalogue-I'm going to place this in both General and Covenants for its uses. First and foremost, for Gravelords this lets you know of ideal locations to Gravelord, as areas with stronger enemies will force people to enter your world to kill them. Second, this shall go into general so that players understand about Black Phantom enemies in game. This will tell them what appears where, and possibly just how dangerous they are. For Christ's sake if you see a black phantom Bonewheel just fight the Gravelord!
Dark Souls Dictionary-Ever heard someone say DSB, or SLB, maybe CMW and MLGS backed up by a TCC CSS and CHSM? Want to find out what these jumbles of letters actually mean? Check out the Dark Souls dictionary, for all your communication needs!
List of Drainable (Humanity) NPC's-Here is a list of NPC's that can be drained by Darkhand, as well as how much. It is still a work in progress, but very useful if you are about to go into NG+ and have any alive and want to take some humanity with you. It is also useful if you ever need some quick humanity for whatever reason, check it out!
Is there Any Downside to Levelling up?-A thread with some useful information about the reasons for not levelling up, and levelling up. Useful for those who are unsure about going past certain ranges, or are unsure about whether to stay a low level or not.
Why Don't I just Upgrade This Weapon?-Ever wondered if you should upgrade a powerful weapon you've found early on, or to invest in others that simply feel right in your hands? Well this thread answers those questions and a few more, especially useful for those who have a Drake Sword.
All of the Builds!-A single spot where you can find links to the many builds for PvP, PvE, Etc, in Dark Souls. Player made of course, and hosted by our very own Acidic cook.
Special Bonuses-This is a thread that details certain bonuses attributed to covenants, and equipment. Interested in knowing what ranking up in the Dragon Cov will give you, or an interesting fact about the damage of your Chaos pyromancies? Well check this out!
Reputation and
The Reputation Thing-Both of these threads contain useful information regarding the Reputation system, its purpose, and a few facts about it. If you are every wondering about how exactly it works and why certain people have reputations of certain types, these two threads should answer anything that comes to mind.
Abbreviations and Acronyms-This thread contains information regarding commonly used Acronyms and Abbreviations. If you are new this is definitely a thread to check out.