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    Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets

    Town Crier
    Town Crier

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    Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets Empty Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets

    Post by Tolvo Sat Apr 07, 2012 6:29 pm

    Resource Threads to Check out for Rookies and Vets!

    I see many people starting new threads asking questions that have already been answered, posting about topics already being discussed, and even some posting topics asking for directions on which threads to check out. To deal with this, as suggested by a member whom which the name of escapes me right now, I'm compiling a list of threads and pages that members of this forum might find useful. PvP, PvE, Lore, anything relating to Covenants, you name it. If I spot it and believe it should be added, I shall. If you wish for a thread of yours to be added merely message me and direct me to it, but know I will only add threads that I believe people will benefit from checking out. If the entire thread is a bit off topic but certain pages are useful link me to those pages and I'll add them to the list. This may be a bit of a slow process, as I have to read through threads and decide, but hopefully I'll have a sizable list in no time. I've already finished the Covenant section as you can see, but as more threads pop up that are important I'll add them in, and post here to let others know it's been updated when warranted.

    Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets 3207319737 General Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets 3358384175

    -Relevant threads-

    Forum Guidelines-Read this, you really should. Wondering if something belongs on the forum? Worried about getting in trouble for something? Why not read the rules? I know it should be a bit obvious, but sometimes people just assume a Forum is a Forum, the usual rules. But there are some important ones to know about, so head on in and get brushed up on what is appropriate and what isn't! great source of videos in relation to Dark Souls. The thread title pretty much says it all, check it out definitely!

    Introduce Yourself!-Do you tend to lurk, are you interested in joining our happy community but just don't know how to break the ice and get adjusted? Well check out the Introduce Yourself thread. Here you can post some information about yourself and let us know something about the person behind the avatar and name. As well you can read up on your fellow forum members. Even if you are a long time member it couldn't hurt to let some of the new people coming in know about the great people and characters we have waiting around each corner.

    Crystal Magic Weapon-Thread giving in depth and general information on the mechanics of the buff Crystal Magic Weapon.

    Dexterity's Impact on Casting Speed-This thread will show off just how much Dexterity impacts casting speed when dealing with sorceries. We've seen the videos, but this one takes the cake in that it actually explains the different number of frames between casting speeds.

    Magical Adjustment: All Catalysts All Levels-If you are a person who uses sorceries, or casts miracles using Velka's Talisman you definitely need to check this thread out. This will tell you what catalyst to be using at what level, as well as some other tricks in regards to magic using.

    Weapons and Magic - What to Use-As the title Suggests, this is a long and impressive catalogue of spells and weapons found in game, their general uses, information, positives and negatives. If you use weapons and spells, you need to check this thread out! If you don't, how the hell are you playing?

    Sunlight Blade-Planning on using Sunlight Blade, check this thread out! Blain goes in depth on the application of this buff, the numbers, and some general information about the Miracle.

    Gravelord Black Phantom Catalogue-I'm going to place this in both General and Covenants for its uses. First and foremost, for Gravelords this lets you know of ideal locations to Gravelord, as areas with stronger enemies will force people to enter your world to kill them. Second, this shall go into general so that players understand about Black Phantom enemies in game. This will tell them what appears where, and possibly just how dangerous they are. For Christ's sake if you see a black phantom Bonewheel just fight the Gravelord!

    Dark Souls Dictionary-Ever heard someone say DSB, or SLB, maybe CMW and MLGS backed up by a TCC CSS and CHSM? Want to find out what these jumbles of letters actually mean? Check out the Dark Souls dictionary, for all your communication needs!

    List of Drainable (Humanity) NPC's-Here is a list of NPC's that can be drained by Darkhand, as well as how much. It is still a work in progress, but very useful if you are about to go into NG+ and have any alive and want to take some humanity with you. It is also useful if you ever need some quick humanity for whatever reason, check it out!

    Is there Any Downside to Levelling up?-A thread with some useful information about the reasons for not levelling up, and levelling up. Useful for those who are unsure about going past certain ranges, or are unsure about whether to stay a low level or not.

    Why Don't I just Upgrade This Weapon?-Ever wondered if you should upgrade a powerful weapon you've found early on, or to invest in others that simply feel right in your hands? Well this thread answers those questions and a few more, especially useful for those who have a Drake Sword.

    All of the Builds!-A single spot where you can find links to the many builds for PvP, PvE, Etc, in Dark Souls. Player made of course, and hosted by our very own Acidic cook.

    Special Bonuses-This is a thread that details certain bonuses attributed to covenants, and equipment. Interested in knowing what ranking up in the Dragon Cov will give you, or an interesting fact about the damage of your Chaos pyromancies? Well check this out!

    Reputation and The Reputation Thing-Both of these threads contain useful information regarding the Reputation system, its purpose, and a few facts about it. If you are every wondering about how exactly it works and why certain people have reputations of certain types, these two threads should answer anything that comes to mind.

    Abbreviations and Acronyms-This thread contains information regarding commonly used Acronyms and Abbreviations. If you are new this is definitely a thread to check out.

    -Relevant pages-

    Dark Souls Wiki-Never forget to search on the wiki for anything you need information on! Questions will get answered, items will be found, bosses will be killed. Before posting a question always check the wiki first, it probably has the information you seek!

    New Player Help-A large amount of general useful information for New Players can be found here, I didn't notice any spoilers, just general tips and ideas. Meaning if you've just gotten the game, this is a great page of the Wiki to check out.

    Faith-Int Talisman/Magic Adjustment Values-A page containing all you need to know about how much faith you'll want with each talisman, another great source of information. If you cast miracles, you'll definitely want to check this thread out!

    Wiki FAQ-A general FAQ for people playing Dark Souls, rather than posting a new thread with a question it's always a good idea to come here first and see if your question has already been asked and answered.

    Online Mechanics-Having trouble understanding just how the multiplayer of Dark Souls works? Well stay confused no longer and check this thread out, it teaches you about general information regarding online play, invasions, co-op, messages, phantoms, bloodstains, etc. A great read all around, check it out!

    NPC's In Game-A list of NPC's that can be found in game. Click on these links to find out any information regarding them.

    Merchants-A list of NPC's in game that sell items and do trade. This page contains information showing exactly what they sell, where they are, and even how much of each item they sell if it is something they don't restock.

    Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets 945058907 PvP Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets 3149687655

    -Relevant threads-

    Dark Souls PvP Introduction-A detailed and well crafted guide on almost all things PvP in Dark Souls. If you are interesting in really being informed, this is the place to check out. It isn't a small few paragraphs, this is an in depth and long discussions. So cook some pizza rolls and get a beer, because this is quite a read. A read that is quite worth it though.

    PSN FC's Chivalry Code-Tired of backstabs and generally pour behavoire by other players in PvP? Well head on down to the PSN Fight Club thread! Generally people post in here when setting up duels, as well many members love to practice with eachother and have a fun time. Interested in duelling without a fear of being BS'ed while you bow? This is the place to go!

    What you Wear, and How it makes you Appear-A thread that explains as unbiased as possible why gear is seen in the way it is. Has someone claimed something is "Cheap," overpowered, a min/maxer set up and you want to find out why people see it such a way? Well check out this thread!

    Xbox Live Fight Club-So, have you been trying to find people to play with on this forum but notice all of your friends on here are on the PS3? Worry no longer, feel free to check out the Xbox fight club, set up matches, and join in on the fights!

    Russian Roulette Duels-The Russian Roulette Duels thread, a great time to be had all around. It is a bit different, but that is the point. Yukon is the one running this, and he's been setting up this interesting form of PvP. Duels where you can end up with a random weapon/piece of equipment, and you've got to figure out how to use it to win. You could end up with a fight of a dagger against a Bonewheel shield, or a Dragonslayer Spear against a Moonlight Great Sword. It's chance, but that's the fun of it. Check it out, and give it your support!

    PvP Advice from Experienced Players-The name of this Thread should really speak for itself, it is full of a great amount of general information about PvP from members of the community who have spent hundreds of hours duelling, invading, hosting, and fighting other players in all sort of ways. A pretty handy thread to check out, literally every page has something useful in it.

    PSN SL 200 Fight Club-Interested in Fight club but too high of a level? Here's the place to go, this fight club I believe meets in Sen's fortress, and is run by Mr. Green Goblin. I know he is always looking for new members, so if you are in the SL200 range and wish to duel like a mad man, check this thread out!

    The Inspiration-This is actually the thread which inspired this collection of links and information, thanks again Wisp! Emergence as well, in here I answered a few general questions and posted some information on Poise, I mainly figured I should give credit to what spawned this thread. Wisp has also added a guide to building an SL120 character for PvP purposes. It is in an early stage but he will be updating it as time goes on.

    Dark Moon Blade-Interested in buffing your weapon with Dark Moon Blade? Well then, check this thread out definitely! It will give you any and all information you could possibly seek regarding this buff!

    For the Glory of Alvina-This thread is dedicated to making gankers pay. Ever had to fight two or three enemies when invading a world, especially in the Forest? Have you ever wanted to find a way to level the playing field and kill them despite their numbers? This is a thread utterly dedicated to that cause, making the Gankers pay, they are commonly known as Forest Farmers in the thread. Ask questions, join us in combat, and add your own ideas and tactics to the thread.

    Parrying in PvP-Though a bit short, this thread has some useful information regarding Parrying in PvP, and a video as well. If you find yourself having a difficult time parrying other players, or merely want to keep your skills honed check this thread out and give it a read through. It's pretty straight and to the point.

    What's the Deal with Poise?-This thread has a listing of what poise is needed for what weapon to escape stagger, as well it has some listings of armor sets that will get you the exact poise you can need.

    How does I shot Flames?-A thread all about the use of Pyromancy in PvP. Interested in learning the art of chaos and destruction, wanting to figure out just how to hit people with those balls of fire you keep tossing? Check this thread out, it has some great information on the use and application of every type of Pyromancy in PvP.

    Backstabs and some ways of COuntering Them-This is a great thread for learning about Backstabs and ways of countering them. It's a pretty self-explanatory thread title really, so check it out!

    Attack Rating vs Real Damage-Ever been confused about how much damage is actually being done to you despite your high defense? Well this thread right here might be able to explain that to you, as well as explain to you why your high damage weapon seems to be doing little to your enemy.

    -Relevant pages-

    PvP Builds-Here you can find a ton of builds designed for PvP, a great source of information for levelling up, choosing equipment, and understand just how to set your character up to get an optimum PvP Experience.

    Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets 639795459 PvE Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets 558843162

    -Relevant threads-

    Trade and Player Help Procedure-A thread containing the procedure for posting threads asking for help or player trades. Please check this out if you intend to go into the Co-Op/Player Trade section of the forum, this way things can get done nice and clean without resolved issues being asked about and bumped up by people who only wish to help.

    A Newbie's Tale-If you are new to Dark Souls and are having a difficult time progressing this is a thread that might give you some insight and help. This is the story of Undead Lee, a being who is learning and progressing through the game as so many have done before. While our tips were intended to help him, they can really help anyone. So if you need help, and I don't blame you for needing it, this thread has a lot of general useful information for plaything through the game.

    -Relevant pages-

    PvE Builds-A source of a ton of builds designed for Co-Op and PvE purposes. If you are looking to kill bosses, kick ***, take the names of hollows, and chew bubble gum, this is a great place to start. Information on gear set ups, how to level your character and place stats.

    Guide to Co-Operative Play-Interested in either summoning players to help you kill a boss, or be summoned to assist others in killing a boss? Well check this page out, it has a great deal of information on great summoning spots, level ranges, tactics, and general communication methods and much much more. Pretty much if you want to get into Co-Op, this is the perfect place to start!

    Bosses-Having difficulty defeating a boss and you've exhausted all of your resources? While I suggest always tackling bosses on your own first to get the full enjoyment, sometimes you just get stuck. Here's where you can check up on information regarding bosses, tactics, even what they can drop. Check it out, I understand how it is sometimes...I've fought the Bed of Chaos after all..

    Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets 3510096238 Covenants Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets 1447589260

    -Relevant threads-

    Gravelords Unite!-Gravelords Unite, a thread where you can ask questions about the covenant, and talk with various members of this legion of defilers. It has a plethora of information regarding cursing worlds. If you are interested in becoming a Gravelord, or have recently become one I highly suggest checking this thread out.

    Gravelord Instructions: How to properly spread misery.-This thread contains pretty much all the information you will need to start off as a Gravelord, as well if you are still an experienced member but need a second opinion on how some of the mechanics work feel free to check this thread out and brush up on how cursing works, great for if you were a player long ago and need to adjust to the patches made in your absence.

    For The Glory of Alvina-If you are interested in becoming a Forest Hunter, or brushing up on the covenant or learning general information about it, it can definitely be found here. This thread has a lot of figures who post frequently and love to discuss forest tactics as well, so it shall be in the PvP information section since it really covers both the mechanics of this cov, and tactics useful in PvP.

    Praise the Sun(bros)!-A thread that is so grossly Incandescent I don't know how you missed it. This thread contains general information about how to get Co-Op going, being an overall on the job Warrior of Sunlight, and ways to properly use spells related to the covenant. If you like to stand on the tips of your toes with both arms raised, this is the thread for you.

    Dark Moon Blades-The Thread of the men and women in dark blue who punish sinners. You can find some tactics within this thread for Darkmooning, as well as members who can answer questions. Admittedly this thread hasn't seen as much life as some of the others, however it can easily be brought back with the activity of Darkmoons asking questions of others, and talking about their own exploits and advice for newer members.

    Gravelord Black Phantom Catalogue-I'm going to place this in both General and Covenants for its uses. First and foremost, for Gravelords this lets you know of ideal locations to Gravelord, as areas with stronger enemies will force people to enter your world to kill them. Second, this shall go into general so that players understand about Black Phantom enemies in game. This will tell them what appears where, and possibly just how dangerous they are. For Christ's sake if you see a black phantom Bonewheel just fight the Gravelord!

    Ranks of Covenants-Ever been curious about what you get out of ranking up in your covenant? Well, wonder no longer! CHeck out this thread that lists off what you get from each level of a covenant.

    -Relevant pages-

    Covenants-Here you can find the list of covenants along with basic information about them, this is useful in deciding just what covenant you would like to be a part of, as you can get a general idea of what you will be doing with your faction.

    Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets 3477152822 Lore Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets 1330857165

    -Relevant threads-

    Acidic Cook's Search for Lore-I'm pretty sure this is the largest collection of information regarding the Lore in Dark Souls, mostly found via Acidic Cook's searching, along with the many people who have joined him on his journey and help out as they could. If you are interested in the lore at all, this is a good place to start.

    Linking Internal and External Lore-This thread focuses more so on the relations of real world Mythology/Theology/etc, and Dark Souls. From the tales of King Arthur, to ancient Japanese tales, everything with some possible influence on the game's story is talked about here.

    Glyphblade's All Secrets Revealed-A thread where a good deal of, but I wouldn't exactly say all of the secrets of Dark Souls have been reveal. silly Another massive set of information regarding the world of Dark Souls and the mysterious lore found within it.

    Magical Theory 201-A thread dedicated to discussing and figuring out everything magical in Dark Souls. This thread mostly pertains to the lore around Pyromancy, Sorcery, and Miracles. It also discusses heavy influences on magic, as well as those who were heavily influenced by magic. Remember, to take this class you need at least two core credits in Lore.

    There's More to Them-This is a thread which focuses on discussing characters and finding out as much about them as possible. The main purpose is to discuss NPC's that aren't as talked about and try and figure out their esulive past, present, and futures. There are some very interesting ideas presented here regarding NPC's most turn a blind eye to.

    Statues and other Important Images around the World-The Truth has decided to take pictures of every Statue he could find in the world, you might think this is a bit silly but to a Lore Hound this is perfect. You never know what you can find out via artwork, check this out if you are in need of properly examining a statue and a few other pieces in Dark Souls.

    -Relevant Pages-

    Basics of Lore-The wiki page containing the basic information regarding the world and lore of Dark Souls.

    Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets 3248139268 Useful Videos Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets 3248139268

    Spell Casting Speed Depending on Dexterity

    Zones without Critical Animations

    Dark Magic Casting Speed and Effectiveness

    cheers Interesting Videos cheers

    Epicnamebro's Video on Dark Souls, Reviews, Balancing, Difficulty, Rewards

    Last edited by Tolvo on Thu Nov 01, 2012 12:37 pm; edited 44 times in total

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    Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets Empty Re: Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets

    Post by ErrJon6661 Sat Apr 07, 2012 6:39 pm

    I've made along with a few other members a new player help page that I direct people to when I can. The issue I feel is that many forum users now are not from the wiki and are not familiar with it.

    If you'd like to include the page here the url is:

    Its got basic pvp and pve tips, faq's about starting a new game, links to other pages, weapon, armor and stat help, basically everything you need to not hate your first playthrough.
    Town Crier
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    Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets Empty Re: Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets

    Post by Tolvo Sat Apr 07, 2012 6:45 pm

    It has been added, very nice work on that page by the way. Joy
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    Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets Empty Re: Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets

    Post by Tolvo Sat Apr 07, 2012 7:11 pm

    I've added more links to the general section, mostly tackling equipment, spell use, and some stats. As well I've added some PvP threads to the mix, I'll be adding more as time goes on of course.

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    Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets Empty Re: Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets

    Post by ErrJon6661 Sat Apr 07, 2012 7:14 pm

    Good work Tolvo, and thanks. I'd like to see more people use the page because I rarely see it brought up in the appropriate places unless I'm doing it.

    Anyways, keep this up and if you need a bit of help feel free to pm me and I'll see what I can do.
    Town Crier
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    Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets Empty Re: Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets

    Post by Tolvo Sat Apr 07, 2012 7:16 pm

    If you know of any threads that you believe would be useful feel free to send me the links and I'll check them out, you can't imagine how many tabs I have to have opened to do this haha. I can't take all the credit also, Emergence stickied the thread and helped set up the Skeleton and make it be more about general information, originally this was just going to be about PvP. As well I can't forget Wisp, which I did for a bit, but now I remember him. This was his idea after all.

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    Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets Empty Re: Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets

    Post by ErrJon6661 Sat Apr 07, 2012 7:21 pm

    Well good work to everyone hahahaha. And I'll shoot you a pm when i come across something of note.
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    Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets Empty Re: Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets

    Post by Tolvo Sat Apr 07, 2012 7:22 pm

    I'll be scanning the forum until then. I suppose I should use my presence in 90% of the threads on the forum for good rather than mild entertainment.

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    Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets Empty Re: Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets

    Post by BartholomewWenceslas Sat Apr 07, 2012 7:24 pm

    Really cool thread cheers I can't think of anything to add to it, but I'm sure it will really help out new players as well as some experienced players.
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    Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets Empty Re: Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets

    Post by Tolvo Sat Apr 07, 2012 7:32 pm

    Thank you, I'm hoping some people get some good use out of this thread. I'm going to take a small break for now, my neck is killing me.

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    Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets Empty Re: Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets

    Post by Rin Sat Apr 07, 2012 8:03 pm tovo made a sticky were doomed

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    Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets Empty Re: Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets

    Post by FexDS Sat Apr 07, 2012 10:16 pm

    Great thread, thank you!
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    Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets Empty Re: Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets

    Post by Serious_Much Sat Apr 07, 2012 10:41 pm

    Well done Tolvo, it's a nice thread to add to the Forum.

    I would give you some plus rep, but frankly I don't think you need my charity silly
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    Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets Empty Re: Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets

    Post by Carphil Sat Apr 07, 2012 10:48 pm


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    Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets Empty Re: Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets

    Post by WyrmHero Sat Apr 07, 2012 11:02 pm

    Wow great thread Tolvo, it will surely help newbies to the forum.
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    Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets Empty Re: Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets

    Post by Tolvo Sat Apr 07, 2012 11:10 pm

    Added the Wiki FAQ. And don't complement me too much, you guys don't want me getting a big head, you better keep me humble and useful.

    Insult me in one post, then praise me in the next. That should keep a stable balance.
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    Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets Empty Re: Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets

    Post by Tolvo Sat Apr 07, 2012 11:46 pm

    Added Builds, online, and Co-Op guides.
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    Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets Empty Re: Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets

    Post by DoughGuy Sun Apr 08, 2012 1:24 am

    Tolvo wrote:Added the Wiki FAQ. And don't complement me too much, you guys don't want me getting a big head, you better keep me humble and useful.

    Insult me in one post, then praise me in the next. That should keep a stable balance.

    Tolvo you have some much reputation! You're such a valued member of the forums!
    You think your so popular? Bah humbug.

    Did I get it right? I dont actually want to insult you cause your such a cool guy so I did my best.

    This should also increase traffic to the archives! Great thread Tolvo.
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    Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets Empty Re: Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets

    Post by Tolvo Sun Apr 08, 2012 8:51 am

    Added PvP Parry Explanation.

    I'm hoping the Archives will see some life as well, I'm hoping people will check out a lot of the other sections a lot more often really.

    You have Emergence to thank for the idea though, originally this was just going to be about PvP, but it was his idea to add Lore, PvE, and Covenant sections. And then of course just PvP was Wisp's idea, I'm just the guy who copy and pastes links haha.

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    Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets Empty Re: Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets

    Post by Yesuurd Sun Apr 08, 2012 9:16 am

    This is a great thread Tolvo, thanks!
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    Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets Empty Re: Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets

    Post by Tolvo Sun Apr 08, 2012 9:17 am

    Thank you Yesuurd.

    By the way, does anyone know of an PvE threads? I can't really find any of interest, I'm thinking about putting Befowler's sunbro thread in there as well, because it has some useful info on Co-Op. But all in all, that section looks a bit lonely.

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    Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets Empty Re: Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets

    Post by Wisp Sun Apr 08, 2012 11:25 am

    Dude this is fantastic and way beyond what i envisioned.
    Town Crier
    Town Crier

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    Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets Empty Re: Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets

    Post by Tolvo Sun Apr 08, 2012 11:29 am

    I'm very glad it is to your liking.

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    Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets Empty Re: Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets

    Post by Emergence Sun Apr 08, 2012 12:03 pm

    Since a lot of great threads are being compiled here, I have been going through and cleaning up the various stickies to reduce clutter. The stickies that remain are either:

    1. A thread that illuminates an overlooked mechanic like Gravelord Instructions
    2. An ongoing body of knowledge thread that is being actively added to like the Search for Lore or PvP tips
    3. Event threads used to coordinate ongoing activities, often times date sensitive like Russian Roulette

    Very comfortable with this above criteria as a determining factor of what merits a sticky. Please consider them before requesting a sticky from the mods.

    Please do not be alarmed if you see your thread missing. To alleviate these threads being forgotten, I have made this thread a Global Announcement, accessible from every section.

    Town Crier
    Town Crier

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    Age : 32
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    Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets Empty Re: Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets

    Post by Tolvo Sun Apr 08, 2012 12:07 pm

    Oh my, a Global. Makes sense though, this thread does involve every section of the forums, thanks again for the support and help Emergence.

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    Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets Empty Re: Resource Threads to Check Out for Rookies and Vets

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