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- [15:23:22] Dibsville joined the chat on 5/31/2013, 3:23 pm
[15:23:29] Insane21 has been disconnected on 5/31/2013, 3:23 pm (session timeout)
[15:23:29] Tehdoomgrasp : At least I have imagination.
[15:23:58] Dibsville : an imagination.*
[15:24:32] Tehdoomgrasp : singular.
[15:24:48] Tehdoomgrasp : I have many imaginations.
[15:24:49] Dibsville : You can not own imagination.
[15:24:56] Dibsville : You can simply have an imagination.
[15:25:01] Dibsville : And you do not.
[15:25:16] Tehdoomgrasp : I bought them online.
[15:25:30] Soris Ice Goldwing : Anyone else feeling like losing their mind?
[15:25:43] Tehdoomgrasp : I am!
[15:25:47] Tehdoomgrasp : not.
[15:26:35] Tehdoomgrasp : You own yourself, therefore you own your imagination.
[15:26:40] Tehdoomgrasp : Simple logic.
[15:27:04] Dibsville : You own your imagination, yes.
[15:27:06] Soris Ice Goldwing : sciddy bibby boob bop!
[15:27:12] Dibsville : Therefore you own an imagination.
[15:27:28] Dibsville : You do not control my imagination, thus you do not own imagination.
[15:27:34] Tehdoomgrasp : "[22:24:49] Dibsville : You can not own imagination."
[15:28:03] Dibsville : You can not own imagination.
[15:29:04] Tehdoomgrasp : Imagination is an intangible concept, if you make it a single "thing" you attribute it tangibility. Since imagination is an abstract concept, you cannot say that there is a single "imagination" for each person.
[15:29:25] Soris Ice Goldwing : You can't define imagination
[15:29:27] Tehdoomgrasp : I am watching a old episode of "friends"
[15:29:53] Tehdoomgrasp : Therefore you can not attribute it things. Like making it a single thing.
[15:30:14] Dibsville : You can, and I just did. There is one imagination to a person, you can not own "imagination", you do not control all imagination as it is. You do not determine my imagination, I do. You can not control "imagination" in its true form, only one of its parts.
[15:30:23] Mellekilla19 has logged off the chat on 5/31/2013, 3:30 pm
[15:31:15] Soris Ice Goldwing : I say it is the void of all creation
[15:31:20] Tehdoomgrasp : There is no "imagination" in it´s true form, since the very concept of imagination is not comprehensible. The idea of imagination is.
[15:32:35] Soris Ice Goldwing : Is What?
[15:32:36] SirArchmage has been disconnected on 5/31/2013, 3:32 pm (session timeout)
[15:32:50] Tehdoomgrasp : Comprehensible
[15:33:24] Dibsville : Imagination is what we as humans use to create concepts, ideas, and bring things to life.
[15:33:36] Dibsville : Imagination is the base of everything, without it there would be nothing.
[15:33:39] Soris Ice Goldwing : Yet it is also hated
[15:33:44] Dibsville : We have to imagine something before it can be done.
[15:34:14] Soris Ice Goldwing : But the idea of something is creating difference or change
[15:34:28] Soris Ice Goldwing : There are those who hate the results
[15:34:31] Dibsville : There is no ideas without imagination.
[15:34:37] Dibsville : There can not be an idea of imagination.
[15:34:41] Dibsville : It has to be there.
[15:34:49] Soris Ice Goldwing : and try to stop it or bend it to their will
[15:35:11] Tehdoomgrasp : It was imagination that lead to "The Final Solution"
[15:35:12] Dibsville : Imagination is something that has been there and will always be there.
[15:35:22] Dibsville : It can not be an idea, because an idea is a root of an imagination.
[15:35:35] Dibsville : The idea must be imagined, thus imagination is required.
[15:35:37] Tehdoomgrasp : How do you know?
[15:35:38] Dibsville : It's a paradox.
[15:35:38] Soris Ice Goldwing : It is a thing of neutral power
[15:35:45] Dibsville : Imagination is required for imagination.
[15:36:03] Dibsville : Doom.
[15:36:03] Soris Ice Goldwing : It can be both good and evil, depending on the person
[15:36:03] Tehdoomgrasp : But the imagination in itself is an idea.
[15:36:35] Soris Ice Goldwing : What is creation?
[15:36:37] Dibsville : But the root of imagination is pure.
[15:36:53] Tehdoomgrasp : Pure what?
[15:36:54] Dibsville : Creation is a cause of imagination being put forth.
[15:37:04] Soris Ice Goldwing : then what of the stems?
[15:37:05] Dibsville : If we imagine something, we can create it.
[15:37:18] Dibsville : We can not create something without first imagining it.
[15:37:27] Soris Ice Goldwing : But if we create it. Will it be loved?
[15:37:36] Dibsville : So imagination must always be here, as it always has, as we could not have created imagination without imagination itself.
[15:37:37] Tehdoomgrasp : But we created the concept of imagination.
[15:38:02] Soris Ice Goldwing : But we don't understand it entirely
[15:38:05] Dibsville : We may have created the concept of imagination, but imagination has always been there..
[15:38:13] Dibsville : We had to imagine that imagination exists.
[15:38:41] Soris Ice Goldwing : We needed the mind of curiosity first
[15:38:45] Dibsville : Imagination could never be fully understood.
[15:38:54] Dibsville : Because we would have to imagine the possibilities of imagination.
[15:38:54] KrazykevS10 joined the chat on 5/31/2013, 3:38 pm
[15:39:09] KrazykevS10 : Imaginationland!
[15:39:10] Dibsville : So we could never imagine all of them, as each possibility would create a new one to be imagined.
[15:39:42] Soris Ice Goldwing : A never ending cycle then
[15:39:50] Dibsville : A paradox.
[15:40:02] Dibsville : Imagination is imagined.
[15:40:03] Tehdoomgrasp : The root of imagination is the mind.
[15:40:07] Dibsville : Imagination created itself.
[15:40:20] Dibsville : The mind would be useless without imagination.
[15:40:21] Soris Ice Goldwing : We found imagination from the concept of it, from it
[15:40:32] Soris Ice Goldwing : we made ideas
[15:40:34] Tehdoomgrasp : Do you know what the theory of self?
[15:40:42] KrazykevS10 : Whatever I just walked in on reminds me of the siblings in Bioshock Infinite.
[15:40:44] Soris Ice Goldwing : and ideas became creation
[15:40:57] Dibsville : But those ideas were used by imagination.
[15:41:17] Dibsville : We came up with the concept of imagination to explain the unexplainable.
[15:41:26] Soris Ice Goldwing : To fund new ones Dibs
[15:41:41] Dibsville : But the new ideas have to be imagined first.
[15:41:53] Dibsville : So imagination holds the unimaginable.
[15:42:16] Tehdoomgrasp : The unimaginable is outside of our imagination by defenition.
[15:42:29] Soris Ice Goldwing : Recycle Dibs. The cycle repeats itself
[15:42:30] Dibsville : But what defines that definition.
[15:42:48] Tehdoomgrasp : Common sense.
[15:42:53] Dibsville : We have to imagine that the definition of what is outside of our reach is because of that said imagination.
[15:42:59] Dibsville : Common sense is the root of imagination.
[15:43:18] Dibsville : It's like the base of the building, you can not imagine something without first having something to go off of.
[15:43:28] KrazykevS10 : Clearly you are just imagining your imagination.
[15:43:30] Soris Ice Goldwing : No it is a stem of imagination
[15:43:34] Dibsville : You can not imagine that a paper will burn if common sense did not tell you that paper was flammable.
[15:43:48] shadowzninjaz joined the chat on 5/31/2013, 3:43 pm
[15:43:59] Dibsville : Maybe a stem.
[15:43:59] Soris Ice Goldwing : But common sense can be lost
[15:44:07] shadowzninjaz : paper = not flammable
[15:44:17] Tehdoomgrasp : Shh!
[15:44:20] Dibsville : Common sense can only be lost to imagination.
[15:44:21] shadowzninjaz : XD
[15:44:30] KrazykevS10 : Common sense is only possessed by approximately 10% of humans.
[15:44:34] Dibsville : If we imagine the contrary, our "base" of ideas is contradicted.
[15:44:38] shadowzninjaz : gg common sense gg
[15:44:41] Soris Ice Goldwing : or stupidity
[15:45:02] Soris Ice Goldwing : And imgination did not take it
[15:45:05] AnCapaillMor joined the chat on 5/31/2013, 3:45 pm
[15:45:09] Dibsville : Stupidity is simply a lack of control on the boundaries of common sense.
[15:45:26] Tehdoomgrasp : Or the lack of control of imagination.
[15:45:27] Dibsville : Stupidity means you can not grasp the outcome.
[15:45:28] AnCapaillMor : dear god my host just started lobbing fireballs at queelag
[15:45:43] KrazykevS10 :
[15:45:59] Soris Ice Goldwing : Or understand what is going on
[15:46:19] KrazykevS10 : I liked it better when you guys talked about cats.
[15:46:22] AnCapaillMor : stupidity is ignorance
[15:46:45] Tehdoomgrasp : Imagine a stupid person thinking that he can fly with the help of paper wings. He imagined it would work... So perhaps stupidity is common sense lost to imagination.
[15:46:53] Dibsville : You can understand what is going on.
[15:46:58] Dibsville : But why it happens can not be imagined.
[15:46:59] KrazykevS10 : Ignorance is a lack of knowledge,stupidity is making obvious mistakes.
[15:47:08] Dibsville : What the outcome is can not be known.
[15:47:08] Soris Ice Goldwing : That is being an idiot cat
[15:47:24] Fluttershy joined the chat on 5/31/2013, 3:47 pm
[15:47:26] Dibsville : You can not make an obvious mistake.
[15:47:36] Dibsville : Rather, you do something on the contrary to what may be right.
[15:47:40] Dibsville : What is a "mistake".
[15:47:42] Fluttershy : Sh!t just got real in here.
[15:48:06] Tehdoomgrasp : idiocy is stupidity taken to the extreme.
[15:48:13] Dibsville : We can not make a mistake if there is no outcome.
[15:48:23] Dibsville : Mistake can only be made if something can be split.
[15:48:24] KrazykevS10 : A mistake is an action with only negative outcome.
[15:48:26] Fluttershy : What are we talking about?
[15:48:30] Soris Ice Goldwing : What about the process then?
[15:48:31] Dibsville : There have to be two sides to a decision.
[15:48:34] KrazykevS10 : Porn.
[15:48:34] Dibsville : Like flipping a coin.
[15:48:42] Dibsville : But maybe the coin will land on the middle.
[15:48:54] Dibsville : Will that be a mistake, an outcome.
[15:49:03] Dibsville : Or will it simply be the stop in the decision.
[15:49:04] AnCapaillMor : name=dibsville, speciality=builds and philosophy
[15:49:11] KrazykevS10 : If I shot myself in the foot,there is no other side to the coin.
[15:49:17] AnCapaillMor : and tom and jerry
[15:49:21] Fluttershy : Did someone get banned?
[15:49:24] Dibsville : You might have missed.
[15:49:25] KrazykevS10 : It would be a mistake and hurt a lot.
[15:49:26] Tehdoomgrasp : It´s an outcome, the mistake would be if he would fail to flip the coin.
[15:49:35] Dibsville : It would not be a mistake.
[15:49:44] Dibsville : Your choice was to shoot yourself in the foot.
[15:49:51] Dibsville : If you did that, you would not have made a mistake.
[15:49:52] Tehdoomgrasp : Because that is the unexpected unknowable "mistake"
[15:50:03] Dibsville : Past judgement will have told you it may have been the wrong decision.
[15:50:09] Dibsville : But by no means would it be a mistake.
Last edited by Dibsville on Fri May 31, 2013 8:46 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Edited for various reasons.)