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    Is Dark Souls getting too easy?


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    Is Dark Souls getting too easy? Empty Is Dark Souls getting too easy?

    Post by morte Wed Jun 26, 2013 3:44 pm

    I know that for me, it was almost a bore to play after my first few characters, I knew all the bosses and their weaknesses, I knew the good and bad movesets, I knew all the tips and tricks. Then, I took a 2-month break.

    IT'S ALMOST LIKE I'M A NUB AGAIN, BUT EVEN WORSE! laughing I know all the tips and tricks, but I can't execute them, heck, I had trouble parrying a hollow! If you guys are getting to accustomed to the game, quit playing it for a while, believe me, it'll be a real challenge in vanilla again!

    Note to mods: Sorry if this is the wrong section or is considered a spam thread or something, that was not my intention. I just got back into dark souls and I also knew that some people on the forums were saying that the game was altogether too easy after a while.
    Duke's Archivist
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    Is Dark Souls getting too easy? Empty Re: Is Dark Souls getting too easy?

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Wed Jun 26, 2013 3:52 pm

    Breaks are always nice but I really don't find myself struggling too much after I get back to it after I take one. I suffer from a bit of rust for about 20 minutes then I'm (mostly) back to where I need to be.
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    Is Dark Souls getting too easy? Empty Re: Is Dark Souls getting too easy?

    Post by Sentiel Wed Jun 26, 2013 4:00 pm

    I took a three month break...maybe longer.
    One of my builds wasn't finished. It was supposed to be SL 55 Dex, but I decided to change it to a SL 100 Quality. The point is that I took this SL 15 toon and cleared the whole game with it with only deaths to Seath and invaders.

    Basically, all you need to remember are enemy locations, their attack patterns, or at least what attacks they can do and how to backstab and the whole game is cakewalk, no matter what NG you're on.

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    Is Dark Souls getting too easy? Empty Re: Is Dark Souls getting too easy?

    Post by IV_Mark_VI Wed Jun 26, 2013 4:09 pm

    Getting gravelorded makes it difficult, especially because they respawn.

    My advice to this game: don`t watch pve videos, stay at low lvl, and go into NG+.  Also, building a `perfect`character can take the fun out of the game.  I`ve never cast a dark bead, and I never will.
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    Is Dark Souls getting too easy? Empty Re: Is Dark Souls getting too easy?

    Post by Sentiel Wed Jun 26, 2013 4:17 pm

    Gravelord BPs are only on NG+ and on further NGs. Not only that, but it also requires someone to Gravelord you, which isn't reliable and there aren't many Gravelords anyway. I do agree that BPs add some nice extra challenge. Who ever had BPs in Chasm will no doubt agree. twisted

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    Is Dark Souls getting too easy? Empty Re: Is Dark Souls getting too easy?

    Post by XachAttack Wed Jun 26, 2013 4:39 pm

    So many chained prisoners... x_x.
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    Is Dark Souls getting too easy? Empty Re: Is Dark Souls getting too easy?

    Post by Sentiel Wed Jun 26, 2013 4:45 pm

    XachAttack wrote:So many chained prisoners... x_x.
    I never expected to say "Oh f*ck!" in this game, especially after so many playthroughs, but this guy, that Gravelorded me, did it. big grin

    Needless to say that after I got my butt back to bonfire I went looking for his Gravelord sign and killed him. We messaged after that, telling him what Gravelording does in there, cos he didn't know about any of the BPs in Township and Chasm. I even Gravelorded him back so he can experience it first hand.

    I went to the secluded roof and he had to beg me to stop, cos he wanted to get his bloodstain back and didn't know how to get on the roof. twisted
    Soris Ice Goldwing
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    Is Dark Souls getting too easy? Empty Re: Is Dark Souls getting too easy?

    Post by Soris Ice Goldwing Wed Jun 26, 2013 4:59 pm

    Evil Sentiel evil. But that does sound like a horrifying tale. Anyway taking a long break or even starting a new toon reminds me that this game is not easy. My 80 is stuck at Sen's! I haven't been there so long and the last guillotine trap kills me.

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    Is Dark Souls getting too easy? Empty Re: Is Dark Souls getting too easy?

    Post by morte Wed Jun 26, 2013 5:02 pm

    Soris Ice Goldwing wrote:Evil Sentiel evil. But that does sound like a horrifying tale. Anyway taking a long break or even starting a new toon reminds me that this game is not easy. My 80 is stuck at Sen's! I haven't been there so long and the last guillotine trap kills me.

    I'm actually doing both. Suddenly being squishy again after I used to run around in good armor with god-tier weapons is always humbling.

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    Is Dark Souls getting too easy? Empty Re: Is Dark Souls getting too easy?

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