I'm interested in making another egghead build. It's meant for low level invasions to scare players a bit.
I don't really know what outfits or themes go well with it. I already made somekind of horror build. The egghead wears guardian armor, plank shield and dragonbone fist. I'm curious if some armors go well with it too. Also, I don't know what playstyle I should use, so feel free to suggest what you like
I don't really know what outfits or themes go well with it. I already made somekind of horror build. The egghead wears guardian armor, plank shield and dragonbone fist. I'm curious if some armors go well with it too. Also, I don't know what playstyle I should use, so feel free to suggest what you like
Last edited by WaffleGuy on Sun Jul 21, 2013 7:50 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Because shut up)