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    Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12)


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    Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12) Empty Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12)

    Post by Brokewilly Mon Mar 12, 2012 1:45 pm

    [img][/img]:::::UPDATE START::::::

    EVENT: Forest of the Damned - Mass Forest Invasion
    DATE: SAT, MARCH 24, 2012
    TIME: 00:01AM EST to 11:59PM EST / 05:01AM GMT to 4:59AM GMT

    Voice Conf. Bridge Dail-in (up to 50 seats available) - US# 1(646)396-6228 / Canada# 1(647)317-9389 / Japan# +81 3 4578 0588 (Voice Bridge Up-time: 08:30:00 AM EST to 11:59:00PM EST / 01:30:00PM GMT to 04:59AM GMT) (PLEASE PM ME ON THIS FORUM TO OBTAIN A PARTICIPANT PIN # TO ACCESS THE VOICE CONF. BRIDGE) (TO AVOID TOLL CHARGES I SUGGEST OBTAINING A GOOGLE VOICE # - THIS WILL ALLOW YOU TO CALL INTO THE BRIDGE FROM YOUR COMPUTER/LAPTOP)


    On-console communications
    XBOX360 - XBOX Text Chat & In-game Voice Chat (The text & voice chat functionality may be able to enhance the above communications channels if you immediately recognize a participants gamertag and would like to talk to them directly.)
    PS3/PSN - PSN Text Chat - (The chat functionality can be accessed using either the PS3 or Sony Vita. Using the Sony Vita provides you the extra benefit of being able to send chats via group messaging without obstructing your in-game view.)

    GESTURES - Prober Bow / Wave (Please note gestures should only be attempted if the opportunity arises - don't allow yourself to be killed trying to gesture. It is especially important for gestures (remember - if possible) to be used between phantom (red,dark,blue,etc) and covenant (GLs in human form) types in order to clearly show you are not a threat and/or participation in this event.


    "Our roots grow stronger from your tears, our canopy darker in your anguish"

    "Papa Nito Loves you haha"

    "The darkness has claimed you, and the forest flourishes in your absence."

    Pre-mass Invasion Checklist
    Since our objective is to maintain maximum pressure at all times on the farmers I recommend all participants take the following actions before the 24 hr mass invasion period:
    1. Stock-up on consumables and items - humanity,clumps, blossoms, divine blessings,resins, poison knifes,Lloyds,cracked eyes, EoDs,etc;
    2. Complete any leveling you have been planning in order to round-out your toon;
    3. Complete any weapon and armor upgrades you have been working on;
    4. Obtain any sorceries, miracles and pyromancies on your wish list;

    Special Requests During Mass Invasion

    • If possible, forest invaders should drop Eyes of Death for the Gravelords participating in the mass invasion and then Black Crystal out – EoDs are a very important resource needed in order to actively gravelord and is not the easiest item to farm. GLs can be easily recognized by the smoky black aura around their center of mass.

    Covenant-specific Tips/Tactics

    - Forest Hunter
    For general hunter tactics and tips please review the following thread:

    - Gravelord Servant
    For specific Gravelord tactics and tips during the event please review the following thread:

    Suggested SL & Forest Location to Maximize Deployment of Gravelord's Curse Effect: SL Baselined @ 120 / Two Locations - (1)Near the bonfire outside Artorias door; (2)At the edge of the tree line before entering the large open area in front of the entryway to Alvina's room - use this map as reference:

    [b]-(Forest) Darkwraith

    Suggested SL & Forest Invasion Location to Maximize Deployment of Gravelord's Curse Effect: Equal to or less than SL110 / Alvina section of the forest

    - Blade of the Darkmoon
    For general Darkmoon Blade tactics and tips please review the following thread:

    Suggested SL & Forest Invasion Location to Maximize Deployment of Gravelord's Curse Effect: Greater than or equal to SL140 / Alvina section of the forest

    :::::UPDATE END:::::

    Greetings to all of my forest hunters, GraveLords and Forest Darkwraiths – this thread is to provide information on the upcoming mass forest invasion to really show campers we will take back the forest - at least for a little while.

    This event is planned for Sat, Mar 24th - this is so the mass invasion doesn't interfere with a FC event occurring on Sat, Mar 17th.

    I plan to set-up a voice conf. bridge (for US based players) and chat session (either Yahoo Chat or Google chat - for US and non-US players) so we can have centralized control and communications. We will also try to maintain a kill list using the white board functionality within the chat session.

    This event should allow lower level forest hunters to be able level-up in the covenant, GraveLords to amass EoDs from kills & gifting from other forest invaders and Forest Darkwraiths to gain new found humanity. Also, all invaders should be able increase their PVP experience for dealing with 3v1, 2v1, 1v1v1, etc situations.

    I will be updating this top post with all pertinent information (conf. bridge #, chat session URL, etc to allow members in the covenants noted above to join in on the fun.

    Anyone having specific ideas to ensure the success of this event - please post - all ideas will be evaluated and considered.

    More information will be provided as soon as it become available.

    Last edited by Brokewilly on Fri Mar 23, 2012 7:49 am; edited 23 times in total

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    Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12) Empty Re: Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12)

    Post by DJ_XHERO Mon Mar 12, 2012 1:50 pm

    You dont mentioned the darkmoon sad

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    Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12) Empty Re: Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12)

    Post by Brokewilly Mon Mar 12, 2012 1:54 pm

    DJ_XHERO wrote:You dont mentioned the darkmoon sad

    DJ XHERO - sorry to leave out your covenant but it some Darkmoons want to join in (hopefully as an ally to the other forest invaders) that is fine with me. The more the merrier in my book.

    A hearty welcome to all my fellow Darkmoons who want to join in the event.

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    Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12) Empty Re: Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12)

    Post by DarkW17 Mon Mar 12, 2012 2:46 pm

    I am in for sure with my Darkwraith but I am SL200, dont know what level you are looking for?

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    Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12) Empty Re: Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12)

    Post by Brokewilly Mon Mar 12, 2012 2:56 pm

    DarkW17 wrote:I am in for sure with my Darkwraith but I am SL200, dont know what level you are looking for?

    DarkW17 - you probably won't have any problems Darkwraithing the forest at SL200 since I know I have fought some pretty high-level hosts when I have invaded in the forest. From a forest hunter point of view we don't have any level restrictions so anyone entering the forest in human form is potential prey for us. You may want to reach out to 'Strangejoy' since he considers himself a Forest Darkwraith - so he may be able to give you better information regarding his invasion experiences (not sure what level his DW is though).

    I recommend you carve out some time and see how successful you are invading the forest with your SL200 toon - you probably will get some successful invasions.

    Any help you can provide with any of your toons would help out greatly.
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    Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12) Empty Re: Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12)

    Post by Tolvo Mon Mar 12, 2012 3:02 pm

    Farming up those eyes to hand out haha, and humanity just in case. When I think about it this is a hell of a lot of Covenants joining the fight to each other, and I love it.

    I don't think there is going to be a level restriction, if you can invade invade. If you can Curse an area curse it. I just think in the 120 area you'll get more activity.
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    Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12) Empty Re: Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12)

    Post by skarekrow13 Mon Mar 12, 2012 3:42 pm

    Count me in on either date although only for a few hours most likely.

    I know I suggested this in the "For the Glory of Alvina" thread but I predict we shall see some hate messages from farmers whose fun time we spoil. So....

    I would like to make a serious proposal that we create a slogan/motto to reply to these messages with. All of the participants obviously know that there is an organized invasion but the farmers might just notice increased activity. A standardized reply message would go a long way in letting them know they're not dealing with a fluke and that the leafers mean business. Note I am not suggesting that we initiate contact via messages as I don't wish to harass people but think that the above adds a touch of legitimacy to our group.

    In spirit of this suggestion I give you my first idea, "We're done taking it treesy on you"
    Or if you prefer a more serious group saying, "Our roots grower strong from your tears, our canopy darker in your anguish" to imply they are crying because we killed them.

    Alternatively, we could make a gesture or equipment item our own for the night.

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    Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12) Empty Re: Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12)

    Post by DJ_XHERO Mon Mar 12, 2012 3:51 pm

    My blade is at you service

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    Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12) Empty Re: Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12)

    Post by Brokewilly Mon Mar 12, 2012 4:06 pm

    skarekrow13 wrote:Count me in on either date although only for a few hours most likely.

    I know I suggested this in the "For the Glory of Alvina" thread but I predict we shall see some hate messages from farmers whose fun time we spoil. So....

    I would like to make a serious proposal that we create a slogan/motto to reply to these messages with. All of the participants obviously know that there is an organized invasion but the farmers might just notice increased activity. A standardized reply message would go a long way in letting them know they're not dealing with a fluke and that the leafers mean business. Note I am not suggesting that we initiate contact via messages as I don't wish to harass people but think that the above adds a touch of legitimacy to our group.

    In spirit of this suggestion I give you my first idea, "We're done taking it treesy on you"
    Or if you prefer a more serious group saying, "Our roots grower strong from your tears, our canopy darker in your anguish" to imply they are crying because we killed them.

    Alternatively, we could make a gesture or equipment item our own for the night.

    I like it!! I think any farmer who initiates PM contact with an invader after getting routed and receiving the same response from different invaders would be great. I am open for any and all ideas - I like the play on words with the "We're done taking it treesy on you" slogan. Nothing wrong with mixing a little humor with the blood:twisted: . The farmers will definitely figure out that something is a foot if they receive the same slogan repeatedly - this idea has been added to the list.

    Any common slogan (or gesture/action) we decide upon will be posted at the top of this thread if a invader wants to use it if he gets any hate mail.

    Keep the ideas coming people - I am writing it all down and will post a summary ASAP.

    Last edited by Brokewilly on Mon Mar 12, 2012 4:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12) Empty Re: Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12)

    Post by Brokewilly Mon Mar 12, 2012 4:15 pm

    DJ_XHERO wrote:My blade is at you service

    Your blade is indeed welcomed and needed by all involved in this event.

    In the tradition of Hamburger Hill - “Us hunters been up on that hill ten times, and they still don’t think we’re serious”
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    Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12) Empty Re: Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12)

    Post by skarekrow13 Mon Mar 12, 2012 4:15 pm

    I just got to thinking that we may want a way to determine who is part of the event as we seem to be including half of the covenants. Maybe we could use a gesture for determining across covenants rather than as part of my earlier idea about responding to farmers. If everyone likes this idea my first thought is "look skyward" as it comes from Shiva and would make it look like we're looking into the trees. Other covenants may or may not have this one though. Alternatively, Dusk's "proper bow" is another gesture from the general area and is a great show of respect. The proper bow between covenants though could be misconstrued as an offer to duel.

    As I'm a Buffalo Bills fan I DO NOT recommend Tebowing/Prayer although Tim Tebow seems like a great guy.
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    Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12) Empty Re: Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12)

    Post by Tolvo Mon Mar 12, 2012 4:16 pm

    As we were discussing the idea in the other thread, does anyone else have suggestions on a sort of gesture to show others that we are on the same side? I suggested Prayer, or Prostration possibly with a mix of a Prism stone. Maybe using a Black Crystal but not leaving through it to let them know we are planning on leaving and mean no harm? Someone threw in the idea of the dried finger but I know as a Forest hunter I cannot use it.

    EDIT: Haha, beaten by a ninja post.

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    Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12) Empty Re: Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12)

    Post by DJ_XHERO Mon Mar 12, 2012 4:22 pm

    I think a ranking with number of kills will be nice (but dont know how to confirm if the score its 100% true) i can donate some items for gifts for the one ho reach more kills like alvira does i think would be a nice idea

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    Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12) Empty Re: Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12)

    Post by DarkW17 Mon Mar 12, 2012 4:26 pm

    Sounds great I will try some invasions this week and see what I get, I usually have success most nights at 200. I like the idea of pray/prost/black crystal everyone has those I don't have look skyward. There should be a common gesture for defeat and a set msg response for hate mail I think?

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    Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12) Empty Re: Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12)

    Post by Brokewilly Mon Mar 12, 2012 4:57 pm

    DarkW17 wrote:Sounds great I will try some invasions this week and see what I get, I usually have success most nights at 200. I like the idea of pray/prost/black crystal everyone has those I don't have look skyward. There should be a common gesture for defeat and a set msg response for hate mail I think?

    Yes - we need to use a common gesture (that everyone has) invading phantoms can use so a dark blue phantom can clearly demonstrate to a red phantom (and vice versa) that we are not a threat but an ally/friend. From personnel experience when I have invaded the forest and a red phantom has also invaded - once the red phantom did a proper bow Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12) 945058907 I was immediately put at ease and we both commence to destroy the farmer. The red spirit kinda went out of his way to show he was not a threat and I could turn my back to him without worrying about BS.

    In regards to a coming up with a gesture when you defeat a host - this would also be a nice touch - having a host see the same gesture over and over again as they fade to black will probably freak them out. Also, a host receiving a common response to their hate mail would also cause them certain amount of consternation.

    My primary objective is to clearly communicate amongst the invading phatoms that this day we have the same objective - take down the campers!
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    Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12) Empty Re: Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12)

    Post by Tolvo Mon Mar 12, 2012 4:58 pm

    I am loving the idea of silly slogans to send to people. I actually just got ten messages from one guy because of it haha. Killed him by stunlocking him and his phantom with the Mura and he messaged me about how in a one on one duel he would destroy me, and that his phantom distracted him and made him lose otherwise he would have killed me easily.

    Tolvo-"Well friend that is one nasty Bark, think you should work on your bite though!"

    So much hate messages I've received, I actually think I just saw one pop up from the dining room on my PS3 haha.

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    Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12) Empty Re: Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12)

    Post by DarkW17 Mon Mar 12, 2012 5:19 pm

    I think proper bow for identifying participating phantoms is great and IMO the good old well whats up or point down would be great for a victory...nothings worse than seeing one of those upon defeat.

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    Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12) Empty Re: Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12)

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Mon Mar 12, 2012 7:01 pm

    What Sl are we looking at. It needs to be good for all covenants. I mean hunters don't have to worry but is there a guideline DM,DW, GLS level that invasions happen at? 120?

    Oh and as always my quote to any hate mail is "Papa Nito loves you!".

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    Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12) Empty Re: Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12)

    Post by DxV04 Mon Mar 12, 2012 7:45 pm

    For gravelords we really should do this at SL 120 since we know there are many people playing at that level and will be affected. I am hesitant to try any other Sl based on prior experience.

    I like for the gravelords to use the same phrase the forest hunters will use in case of any PMs. I personally like the "Our roots grower strong from your tears, our canopy darker in your anguish" It's so fitting! The follow it up with Papa Nito Loves you haha

    I would like for the event to take place on the Sat March 24. IMO gives more time to spread the word? Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

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    Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12) Empty Re: Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12)

    Post by DxV04 Mon Mar 12, 2012 8:05 pm

    As far as a sign for FH or DW or DM that come a black crystal won't work because the option to leave is given before the animation.

    I say just wave and the proper bow should be enough if they rush you maybe just run away. Or fight and after the fight send the message. That is what I do when I am inside the FH area.

    To the FH, for GLs to produce BP Mushrooms we don't have to be inside the Alvina part of the the forest. I have proven this. We can spawn both Stone Giants and Mushroom BPs if we stand by the bonfire outside the Artorias door.

    The reason why I bring this up is if we have lots of Gravelords inside the Alvina part of the forest FH forces that should be funneled to the jumpers are going to be funneled to GL. At the same time that area outside the artorias door is kinda tricky for PvP so maybe GL should shuttle between both areas. Or should we just stay in the Alvina part of the forest?
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    Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12) Empty Re: Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12)

    Post by skarekrow13 Mon Mar 12, 2012 8:40 pm

    I wonder if the GL stays in the Alvina section and the FH go somewhere nowhere near the forest. I practice parties at Sen's and my summon rate is the same. This way the GL only infect people actually in the forest area and not "waste" an infection on a cohort.

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    Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12) Empty Re: Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12)

    Post by DxV04 Mon Mar 12, 2012 8:54 pm

    skarekrow13 wrote:and the FH go somewhere nowhere near the forest.

    I am sorry I don't follow this. What do you mean by that?

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    Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12) Empty Re: Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12)

    Post by Scudman_Slayer Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:00 pm

    so the push back is finally happening eh?
    i will be there with my lvl 215 darkwraith to invade and help you guys push

    to be completely honest i'll just be there to sate my thrist for farmer's blood
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    Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12) Empty Re: Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12)

    Post by skarekrow13 Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:04 pm

    As a FH we can be summoned to the forest regardless of where we are in our world. So I usually camp at Sen's while I am waiting to be summoned. I could be wrong since I didnt GL much but I thought the infection affected players in the same region as the GL. So a GL in the forest affects others in the forest. So if I am at Sen's the friendly GLs will not be able to accidentally infect me. That should be more efficient infections to farmers with no affect on FH invasion rate.

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    Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12) Empty Re: Forest of the Damned - Covenant Event (3/24/12)

    Post by DxV04 Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:10 pm

    skarekrow13 wrote:As a FH we can be summoned to the forest regardless of where we are in our world. So I usually camp at Sen's while I am waiting to be summoned. I could be wrong since I didnt GL much but I thought the infection affected players in the same region as the GL. So a GL in the forest affects others in the forest. So if I am at Sen's the friendly GLs will not be able to accidentally infect me. That should be more efficient infections to farmers with no affect on FH invasion rate.

    AHHHHHH! You are thinking about the other side of the coin haha cool I had completely forgot about that part of it and yes. That is a very very good point!! Brokewilly make a note of that!

    My concern ( I don't know if you read it) was of GLs inside the alvina forest attracting FH invaders. Such FH would be better off invading jumpers. But then again I am worrying too much. nevermind big grin. If a GL is getting the same hunters he should try to walk out to the bonfire so the FH is relased from his lobby. I think that might work.

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