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    Assassins of Vinheim


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    Assassins of Vinheim - Page 5 Empty Re: Assassins of Vinheim

    Post by ErrJon6661 Mon Apr 23, 2012 4:05 pm

    Other than the shield you're using the build is nice. I'd switch the ring of fap for the hornet ring if I were you but thats not necessary.
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    Assassins of Vinheim - Page 5 Empty Re: Assassins of Vinheim

    Post by TehInfamousAmos Mon Apr 23, 2012 4:06 pm

    haha I only am using crest due to the fact to looks better than my usual heater shield upon the set I am wearing aesthetically wise, also I am using FaP so I can survive at least one of the BB'ers attacks winking

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    Assassins of Vinheim - Page 5 Empty Re: Assassins of Vinheim

    Post by ErrJon6661 Mon Apr 23, 2012 4:09 pm

    Shields you may use as an AoV:
    Small Leather Shield
    Leather Shield
    Target Shield
    Crystal Ring Shield
    Dark Hand

    To everyone: I've got a list of equipment and spells you may use on the AoV wiki page, the url is in my signature. Please before you finalize your builds read the page, the whole thing. If you're going to be a part of this covenant you have to follow the rules and I'm getting tired of correcting everyone. Its laid out clearly and if anything is unclear please just ask.
    Chosen Undead
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    Assassins of Vinheim - Page 5 Empty Re: Assassins of Vinheim

    Post by TehInfamousAmos Mon Apr 23, 2012 4:12 pm

    Okay, sorry I never noticed that bit on the wiki page xD my bad bro - okay well I think I'm likely to go with the buckler big grin just cause I'll be like a balder baws xD

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    Assassins of Vinheim - Page 5 Empty Re: Assassins of Vinheim

    Post by ErrJon6661 Mon Apr 23, 2012 4:27 pm

    Just to avoid any confusion here's the section from the page regarding character building, spells, equipment and factions. Like I said if anything is unclear just ask and I'm more than happy to explain/clarify and even reword the wiki page so that its more clear.

    Factions within the covenant

    Your faction within the covenant determines what spells are available for you to use. Your faction also determines what build you are allowed to use. Each faction comes with its own build and suggested equipment to use.
    Vinheim Spooks-
    Upon becoming undead the Spooks use their skill to acquire humanity in order to maintain their own sanity. These spy's have high intellect and use their cunning and wit to hide and launch deadly spells at the unsuspecting target. The goal of this build is to cap int at 40 (or 50 sacrificing other stats to do so) and put minimal stats into vit and end. Some points may be put into dex and str to wield certain weapons also. Any sorcery is available to this covenant member. This member must use red stones to invade but does not have to be a Darkwraith (though it is recommended you be one). These assassins rely less on physical combat, and more on magic. While it is recommended to keep a dagger on hand you should rely on using hidden body and chameleon to set up traps and launch soul spears and soul arrows while your enemy cant see you. Dark colored armor sets are also recommended to make you less visible.

    Chaos Sorcerers-
    When a group of the Vinheim Spooks journeyed into the great swamps the power of Chaos Fire corrupted them. These assassins now crazed scour nearby worlds for humanity. They're attunement and intelligence are high (int must be 50, att must be 23 or higher) while all other stats suffer severely. They may use any sorcery and any chaos pyromancy, along with acid surge, poison mist and toxic mist. Members of this faction must invade as red phantoms, but do not have to be darkwraiths to do so. It is recommended you join the chaos servants to obtain pyromancies, and then leave to join the darkwraith coveneant. . These Sorcerers are pure casters, using no weapons at all. Using the Tin Crystallization Catalyst as well as a fully upgraded Pyromancy flame is highly recommended. These assassins use the chaotic pyromancy spells to keep enemies at a distance while saving the precious Crystal Soul Spears for the perfect moment. Using dark colored armor and the ring of fog is recommended.

    Vinheim Darkstalkers-
    Students of the Vinheim schools less adept at casting powerful sorceries were not so quickly cast aside as they would be in other schools. Painstakingly taught basic spells these once through untrainable sorcerers became deadly assassins who made good use of basic spells such as Hidden Body and Fall Control. This build is a combat based build relying on good dexterity as well as moderate vit and end. Keeping in mind this build is also required to have enough int to cast basic spells such as hidden body, chameleon, fall control and hush. It is recommended to use a weapon and shield you are comfortable with, as well as having a catalyst and bow on reserve.

    Vinheim Trapmaster-
    Upon searching for the rite of kindling, these assassins have harnessed the powers of the Gravelord and use it to lure would-be prey to their own worlds. They litter their own world with traps and camouflage themselves and stay hidden until it is time to strike. They use items like dung pies to make their world uninhabitable. They may also use spells such as poison mist, toxic mist and acid surge. They may snipe at their enemies with bows and use poison arrows. This build may or may not focus on physical or magical combat, but it must use the basic stealth spells as the others do. Apart from that this is the most free build as far as stats go but it must still follow the basic rules of the covenant. If you are confused about building a trapmaster contacted the covenant lord for more in depth explanations.

    Dragon Scholar-
    The Dragon Scholars upon arrival to Lordran began a journey to find remnants of dragons. You must join the dragon covenant and obtain the dragon body to use this build, you may stay in the dragon covenant but you must invade as a red phantom. They gave their devotion to the everlasting dragon and in turn were given the ability to become dragonoids. The dragonoid is the perfect hunter and they used this newfound ability to improve their skills as assassins. While they still rely on stealth and magic to win their battles they can hold their own in combat due to the benefits of their dragon bodies. This build like the darkstalkers focuses on dexterity endurance and vitality while still having enough intelligence for the basic stealth spells. They however do not wear armor, instead they use the dragon body.

    Character Building

    To begin ,the covenant has a level restriction of 80. You are however urged to keep your character under that level. You are free to build your character within certain means. Each specific faction has its own rules about building as explained above. If you need help with character building there are many helpful people on the forums, and also most covenant members will be able to assist you. Here are some sample builds for your enjoyment. Note there is no trapmaster build because trapmasters have no build type.

    Vinhiem Spook-
    Vinhiem Darkstalker-
    Chaos Sorcerer-
    Dragon Scholar-

    Basic universal build rules:
    1. No faith, you may not level up the faith stat.
    2. Darkstalkers may have high int but they may not cast high level sorceries, you may only do this for high damage out of magic weapons.
    3. Spooks may not wield anything but daggers as weapons.
    4. Strength should be kept as low as possible. If your strength is above 14 or so you can probably save some points and lower it.
    5. Remember, Spooks and Chaos Sorcerers are essentially glass cannons and are rather advanced builds. Tread cautiously.
    6. There is no "ultimate" build here, there is always a give and take and that is half of the intent of the building and level cap.


    You are very limited in your choice of armor. You must use light armor. As a general rule if the Wiki says that the armor is "light armor" then it is allowed. You are encouraged to use darker sets of armor such as black leather, shadow garb and the gold hemmed robes. Here is a list of accepted armors for use in this covenant. Please note if a piece of armor you'd like to use is not on this list it is not allowed in the covenant. The armors are shown how they appear on the wiki page, please see the armors page to get the list of individual pieces of each set.

    Wanderer Set
    Thief Set
    Hunter Set
    Sorcerer Set
    Shadow Set
    Black Sorcerer Set
    Antiquated Set
    Maiden Set
    Hollow Thief Set
    Painted Guardian Set
    Dingy Set
    Big Hats Set
    Gold Hemmed Set
    Black Set
    Gwyndolyn's Set

    Weapons and Shields

    You are limited to using smaller weapons in this covenant. Normal swords, fist weapons, daggers, curved swords, katana's, whips, bows and crossbows are all allowed. However great swords, ultra great swords, axes, hammers, pole weapons and the dragon slayer greatbow are all off limits. *Its suggested that if you are within this covenant you only upgrade str to the point where it allows you to wield your weapon of choice. Below is a list of acceptable weapons and shields you may use. Weapons and shields that do not appear on the list may not be used.
    Fist Weapons
    Dark Hand
    Bare Fists/Dragon Bare Fists
    Ghost Blade
    Bandits Knive
    Parrying Dagger
    Priscilla's Dagger

    Short Sword
    Long Sword
    Barbed Straight Sword
    Sunlight Straight Sword
    Balder Side Sword
    Silver Knight Straight Sword
    Crystal Straight Sword
    Mail Breaker
    Ricard's Rapier
    Velka's rapier

    Curved Swords
    Quelaag's Furysword
    Painting Guardian Sword
    Jagged Ghost Blade
    Chaos Blade

    Notched Whip

    Bows and Crossbows
    Light Crossbow
    Heavy Crossbow
    Sniper Crossbow
    Short Bow
    Composite Bow
    Long Bow
    Black Bow of Pharris

    Small Leather Shield
    Leather Shield
    Target Shield
    Crystal Ring Shield
    Dark Hand

    Rings and Other Items
    All rings are fair game but I urge you to stay away from the cookie cutter rings such as the Ring of Favor and Protection and the Dark Wood Grain Ring. There are many other rings to use that will help you much more for this style of play. All consumables are up for use and I encourage creative use of prism stones, dung pies, poison knives and pine resins.

    Here are some recommended rings, along with why:

    Hornet Ring: Sort of self explanatory as this ring boosts critical damage.
    Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring: This ring boosts the power of sorcery making it good for use alongside powerful spells as well as with weapon buffs.
    Lingering Dragoncrest Ring: This ring lengthens the duration of spells, making you need to cast fall control, weapon buffs, hidden body and so forth less often during an invasion.
    Wolf Ring: This ring gives you 40 poise, being unable to equip armors with poise this can help you get off an extra parry attempt, or walk through a r1 combo to get a bs.
    Hawk Ring: This ring boosts the range and damage with bows. In combination with a strong bow you can take out targets from a distance.
    Ring of Fog: Despite what many will say, post patch this ring is still quite useful. With the right colored armor on you can be nearly invisible to your enemy.
    Cloranthy Ring: This ring boosts stamina regeneration and can come in handy during a long fight, or while trying to outrun your enemy.
    Dusk Crown Ring: For spooks and Chaos Sorcerers this can be very useful in conjunction with the Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring and the Tin Crystallization Catalyst. It halves hp and doubles castings.

    Magic and Pyromancies:
    Here's a list of magic and pyrmancies used by the covenant, their proper uses and who may use them. Note Trapmasters do not face these restrictions. Also note some sorceries are left out but still available for use, only the pyromancies listed may be used however.

    Soul Arrow, Heavy, Great and Great Heavy: These spells are usable by all members and faces no restrictions. These spells can deal good damage as well as frustrate enemies and chip their health away.
    Homing Soul Mass, Crystal Homing Soul Mass: These spells are restricted to Spooks and Chaos Sorcerers. This spell can force enemies to keep their distance, but do face glitches in pvp.
    Hush: This spell is usable by all members. This spell completely silences your character. Be careful however, the aura around your feet can give your location away.
    Cast Light: This spell is usable by all members, but is however situational.
    Soul Spear, Crystal Soul Spear: This spell is reserved for the Spooks and Chaos Sorcerers. It will with correct stats and equipment one shot nearly any player. Use your few castings wisely.
    Magic Weapon, Great Magic Weapon, Crystal Magic Weapon, Hidden Weapon: These may be used by all but will be best in the hands of the combat oriented.
    Hidden Body: May be used by all members. Makes user transparent and in the right area with the right armor nearly invisible.
    Chameleon: May be used by all members. Turns user into an object from the environment. Be careful as some people can tell whats a person and whats actually environmental.
    Aural Decoy: May be used by all members, not very useful but can be misleading if used right.
    White Dragon Breath: Reserved for the Spooks alone, this spell is deadly in the right hands.
    Fall Control: May be used by all covenant members. Negates damage from most falls, can be useful to skip ahead in the level to set traps for a foe, or to trick them into losing a lot of health by falling to chase you.

    The following are pyromancies and may only be used by the Chaos Sorcerers and Trapmasters.
    Chaos Fire Whip: Can deal high damage to an unsuspecting foe, the lava left can block passages temporarily.
    Acid Surge: Damages equipment, can cause other players to panic or clear an area.
    Chaos Storm: Creates pillars of fire and leaves lava. Can deal high damage and make an area un-walkable for a short amount of time.
    Chaos Fireball: Throws a large fire that leaves lava behind. It deals high damage and in the right hands has many different uses.
    Poison and Toxic mist: Cause poison or toxin to a foe, can cause players to panic and clear an area.
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    Assassins of Vinheim - Page 5 Empty Re: Assassins of Vinheim

    Post by TehInfamousAmos Mon Apr 23, 2012 4:28 pm

    Thank you - I think it will make the job easier for any new members. Btw My SL15 is currently invading so much in Sen's xD

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    Assassins of Vinheim - Page 5 Empty Re: Assassins of Vinheim

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Tue Apr 24, 2012 7:43 am

    Oh goodies to share. I got another nice assassination. I waited in and alcove at the top of the Anor Londo area with the Bow Knight. I used him as my eyes and waited for about 5 mins while a panicked little host ran around destroying all of the knights and vases. Finally he manned up and summoned a sunbro.

    They both came up top the sunbro triggering the knight in opposite stair case like a fool sealing his own demise. SO out I rush out my two knighly enemies having covered my advance, now lying dead on the floor. I spring forwards closing with the host and catch him with my estoc in a quick BS, though that was just to incapacitate huim with i took out yellow. Yellow begins to piss me off with his dual lightning kats (yay I love to see that) and gets a Fire Dagger +9 riposte (yeah i know my own moveset too well) for 1300+ Damage. The host then starts to madly run around hoping to BS me.

    As a veteran Pivot BSer of the Forest Hunters and a reasonably skilled Chain BSer (Yeah I know not cool) I avoided the Chain BSing and managed to get some GSA off on him. So like a scared fellow he runs off to he bonfire to summon his mate again.

    NO SIR I SAY TO HIM NO SAH INDEED! Race down the stairs right past Siegmieyer open the one way door and close it again (lol) and race down the steps to see a phantom summoning message appear! Like a daring and dashin rogue I invisible up! And subtly sneak into the bonfire room.

    There I am confronted by a scene of horror the like of which only H.P Lovecraft hisself could describe. I almost fainted there in sheer terror, I heard a scream from somewhere nearby but could not be certain it wasn't myself. For there before me in the vast chamber was a mass so hideously ugly and reviled that I was almost sick. There, in that cavern, illuminated by the flickering lights of the nearby bonfire I saw the host, transformed by his own fear and malice now comporting himself in..... FULL HAVELS SET!

    Oh the horrors. however he hadn't seen me. With heart in my mouth I crept closer, barely daring to breathe lest I draw upon myself the ravenous beast. Finally I stood at his back. Drew my Estoc and plunged the blade deep into its armoured flesh.

    Oh how it writhed and squirmed! Its death cries still haunt me to this day, I have not forgotten the sheer amalgamous terror its very being caused me.

    And then I was gone. Free of the nightmare I had encroached upon.

    And all without an Indiction. Not bad for a days work huh?

    Last edited by ViralEnsign_ on Tue Apr 24, 2012 8:09 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Assassins of Vinheim - Page 5 Empty Re: Assassins of Vinheim

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Tue Apr 24, 2012 8:06 am

    Oh and while i hate to sound like a prick. I'd love to be a trapmaster though the title gives me no real incentive to try for it.

    I like Lords blade a lot better than Graverobber. So ill stick with Darkstalking until either someone claims that title or another one comes by.

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    Assassins of Vinheim - Page 5 Empty Re: Assassins of Vinheim

    Post by eninala Tue Apr 24, 2012 9:53 am

    I've got a SL 65 character who could be a spook:

    I didn't create it specifically for this covenant and wouldn't be playing it exclusively as an AoV character. I also plan to do regular invasions and duelling with this character. My set up would be totally different - I'd be using Moonlight Greatsword, Velka's Rapier, and Antiquated Set when not doing AoV invasions, and Black Set with Bandit's Dagger when doing AoV.

    Would that be kosher?

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    Assassins of Vinheim - Page 5 Empty Re: Assassins of Vinheim

    Post by ErrJon6661 Tue Apr 24, 2012 1:10 pm

    I dont see why not haha. Pm me and I can add you to the page.

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    Assassins of Vinheim - Page 5 Empty Re: Assassins of Vinheim

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Tue Apr 24, 2012 6:58 pm

    IS there a required number of kills for ranking up more? I'm all abouts getting the highest of ranks!

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    Assassins of Vinheim - Page 5 Empty Re: Assassins of Vinheim

    Post by ErrJon6661 Tue Apr 24, 2012 9:15 pm

    @Viral. Ranking is explained on the page, like just about everything else.

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    Assassins of Vinheim - Page 5 Empty Re: Assassins of Vinheim

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Tue Apr 24, 2012 10:17 pm

    Gotcha. Now we just need to get some more contracts. I've been researching our client who hired the current contract. Interesting results indeed.

    Sens is great for me at SL51. I get more or less about 8-12 invasions an hour. Also Chameleon and Hidden Body work wonders in there. People just rush on by without even noticing me.

    I tried ghosting a guy once. Suffice to say it worked until I got too close to him then he saw me appear on his screen and freaked out... then DCed. And I got hate for it.

    Go figure.

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    Assassins of Vinheim - Page 5 Empty Re: Assassins of Vinheim

    Post by ErrJon6661 Tue Apr 24, 2012 10:19 pm

    Hate mail is funner as an assassin. I got bored in anor londo so i was following people to the boss door. Then bsing them before they could cross the fog haha.

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    Assassins of Vinheim - Page 5 Empty Re: Assassins of Vinheim

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Tue Apr 24, 2012 10:26 pm

    ErrJon6661 wrote:Hate mail is funner as an assassin. I got bored in anor londo so i was following people to the boss door. Then bsing them before they could cross the fog haha.

    I know that one alright except I followed the 3 man team to the gate and while they all started gesturing in thier mafescent glory I BSed both the Sunbros and force the host to run through the gate with half his health.

    That was brilliant. The guy actually wrote 3 full messages about how much of an *** I was. Nothing special but there was some really creative stuff in them.

    All I responded to him with were various quotes from my fav philosophers and the badass second comment.

    "When all the world is overcharged with inhabitants, then the last remedy of all is war, which provideth for every man, by victory or death."

    and my personal fav

    I was chosen for this mission because killing is an art. And I am a Master.

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    Assassins of Vinheim - Page 5 Empty Re: Assassins of Vinheim

    Post by ErrJon6661 Thu May 03, 2012 1:31 pm

    Alright everyone. This past week has been extremely hectic for me and I don't see my schedule clearing up any time soon. THis week I have left eventless so that everyone may finish their builds and get more practice in.

    Next week however is open for a new event. So suggestions are welcome. I was considering ToG for fun, but know that I will likely not be on for a while sad

    Also I'm closing enrollment for now. When enrollment is re-opened it will be much more difficult to enter the covenant. I'll let you guys know more about that later however.

    Lastly, I would like to appoint another duke but have nothing to go off of as far as who to appoint. So if you're up for the responsibility PM me and tell me why you feel you should become a duke. Please know that you will be in charge of the covenant along with Fin for the next few weeks.

    If anyone has further questions feel free to pm me with them and I will get back to you guys when I can. With that said from here on until further notice Fin will be in charge of the assassins.

    Happy hunting.
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    Assassins of Vinheim - Page 5 Empty Re: Assassins of Vinheim

    Post by FinPeku Thu May 03, 2012 3:47 pm

    Ok, that's cool. We'll figure something out. Unless someone has something against it we'll invade tomb of giants next week. And maybe duke's archives after that. Next weeks event will probably still be quite normal without any special rules or anything so everyone can practice and test their builds, but I might come up with something special for duke's archives. Suggestions are always welcome of course happy

    By the way. The other day when I was invading Anor Londo, one case made me go :evil:
    I invaded near the boss gate and ran up the stairs to cast chameleon and wait. I saw the host had two phantoms with him so I didn't want to hesitate. I waited until they attacked the sentinels and then quickly ran down and launched css at one of the phantoms. He instantly died and didn't have a chance to react. Then i used white dragon breath at the second phantom who was fighting a sentinel. He didn't die but staggered and the sentinel took care of the rest. It all happened so fast that the host who obviously had better gear than me, just freaked out and fled behind one pillar. I ran near him and readied my dagger and dung pies. Then suddenly he disconnected and my superbly executed assassinations were both for nothing :x
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    Assassins of Vinheim - Page 5 Empty Re: Assassins of Vinheim

    Post by DoughGuy Thu May 03, 2012 11:06 pm

    Sorry I havent been able to do any assassining lately. Had uni plus organising the war plus trying to speed level a toon for king of fighters has left me with no time.
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    Assassins of Vinheim - Page 5 Empty Re: Assassins of Vinheim

    Post by FinPeku Sat May 05, 2012 9:45 am

    Next weeks event
    monday 5.7 - sunday 5.13

    Attention all assassins! Since Err is unable to run this covenant for some time, I got the job of organizing next weeks event.

    So, we will be invading Tomb of Giants. As I mentioned in my previous post, there aren't any special rules this time. I know the war between knights and gravesworn has taken much time from some of our members, so I want everyone to be able to have their builds finished and practice playing with them. Remember that we have already been offered jobs by other covenants so you are not doing the builds for nothing.

    So instead of having any special rules this time, I'm asking every participating member to send a message to this thread about some funny or cool successful or failed invasion. I hope this opens up some conversation about different tactics and some do's & dont's when being an assassin. For example, I have learned over and over again to be patient and not to make a move too early.

    As a sidenote, do not send hatemail. If someone sends you some, try to reply politely and mention that you are a part of a user made covenant.

    So here it is in a nutshell:

    1. Invade at Tomb of Giants

    2. This is a covenant event, so your build MUST follow the covenant rules

    3. Don't send hatemail.

    4. Share us one or more stories about your successful or failed invasions. You can do this during or after the event.

    Please read this post, and feel free to ask any questions happy

    Happy hunting!

    Last edited by FinPeku on Sat May 05, 2012 9:12 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    Assassins of Vinheim - Page 5 Empty Re: Assassins of Vinheim

    Post by DoughGuy Sat May 05, 2012 9:49 am

    Im not sure I can trust you guys now. I saw you in the ToG today Fin and I know what you were up to.
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    Assassins of Vinheim - Page 5 Empty Re: Assassins of Vinheim

    Post by FinPeku Sat May 05, 2012 10:12 am

    Haha big grin

    I'm sorry. I was just trying to complete the job I was given. I was still not on either side in the war you know.

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    Assassins of Vinheim - Page 5 Empty Re: Assassins of Vinheim

    Post by DoughGuy Sat May 05, 2012 10:15 am

    Well it doesnt matter since we couldnt meet up. However it will be written into the lore. My daring escape from an assassin.
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    Assassins of Vinheim - Page 5 Empty Re: Assassins of Vinheim

    Post by FinPeku Sat May 05, 2012 10:23 am

    That's fine. I admit that I was very disappointed that it didn't work. I had everything planned for a perfect strike big grin

    Looks like I need to read the lore. I hope you won't make it too embarrassing for me big grin

    "assassin tripped on a bone and fell to his miserable death"
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    Assassins of Vinheim - Page 5 Empty Re: Assassins of Vinheim

    Post by DoughGuy Sat May 05, 2012 10:26 am

    It was more going ot be like "An sneaky assassin popped pout but Oscar saw him in the reflection of his shield. he quickly dodged and appried the assassins blade redirecting it into the assassins knee. Yelping (yes yelping) in pain the assassin quite nglamourously hopped off the edge of the cliff and fell into the abys.
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    Assassins of Vinheim - Page 5 Empty Re: Assassins of Vinheim

    Post by FinPeku Sat May 05, 2012 10:43 am

    big grin Haha! Fair enough. At least it was dagger that I took in the knee.

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