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    My first PVP victory & other wierd tales

    Town Crier
    Town Crier

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    My first PVP victory & other wierd tales - Page 3 Empty Re: My first PVP victory & other wierd tales

    Post by Tolvo Thu Apr 05, 2012 2:37 am

    I prefer to take up more the role of Socrates...With a great curved sword on his shoulder.

    Oh yeah, another funny little story, yesterday I invaded the forest and wound up on the stairs, I see three people rushing at me and rather than do the smart thing and dodge past and lead them into the forest, I decide to cast WotG. One rolls through, the others get hit, I cast it again, the host and a sunbro go right off the side of the cliff. The living summon who didn't get hit ran at me for a second then looked at them, and did

    Look Skyward

    Quite a sight to see really.
    Stat Guru
    Stat Guru

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    My first PVP victory & other wierd tales - Page 3 Empty Re: My first PVP victory & other wierd tales

    Post by BLA1NE Thu Apr 05, 2012 2:40 am

    Imarreteet23 wrote:
    cloudyeki wrote:I need to get a pair of Avelyn. Medival Desperado build!
    this guy... Is the ultimate troll
    I was gonna say: What a magnificent troll.

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    My first PVP victory & other wierd tales - Page 3 Empty Re: My first PVP victory & other wierd tales

    Post by Imarreteet23 Thu Apr 05, 2012 2:41 am

    Its almost like an artform.
    Town Crier
    Town Crier

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    My first PVP victory & other wierd tales - Page 3 Empty Re: My first PVP victory & other wierd tales

    Post by Tolvo Thu Apr 05, 2012 2:43 am

    No, Art would be the Goro forest invader. That guy is my hero in Dark Souls.

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    My first PVP victory & other wierd tales - Page 3 Empty Re: My first PVP victory & other wierd tales

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