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    The Search for Lore

    Duke's Archivist
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    The Search for Lore  - Page 18 Empty Re: The Search for Lore

    Post by DoughGuy Tue Apr 17, 2012 11:56 pm

    Haha. I dot think Zena was destroyed like Oz was. If it was the last place for Dom to hide would be in lordran near Seath's minions. I think it makes more sense for them to be allies or at least trade partners. The crystal ember was created bySeath making it unlikely that Zena could make its own crystal weapons/inspired Seath to start doing stuff with crystals.

    What do yo personally think crystals are? Do you think they're just another form of matter or do you think they're something more?
    Chosen Undead
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    The Search for Lore  - Page 18 Empty Re: The Search for Lore

    Post by User Wed Apr 18, 2012 12:16 am

    Crystals... I always liked the aspect of them. In my mind, they take the philosophy of the God of War/Blacksmith Deity and Seath the Scaleless as Well. The God of War believed in the power of the arm, in which for a person was the physical self. Seath was that of more so the inner self, being that of the soul (which gave birth to sorcery). Now for weapons, it is different.

    Crystal Sorceries we have seen are a product of normal sorceries becoming enhanced in quality by the addition to the soul. Frampt, curiously enough, is able to crunch down items into souls as well. Perhaps, if I may say, that the potential of the crystal is that of the soul, amplifying it of sorts in the form of the soul becoming the outer layer. In a sense, the soul morphs into an outer layer of a weapon. It is why at times many of the crystals are blue (sorcery) and white (the colour of the soul in Dark Souls).

    Crystal Weapons is the aspect of the soul of the weapon grwoing more power, extending into an outer layer. Sadly, the crystal weapon has no real soul, except for what is given into the weapon. For example, occult weapons are more soul worthy than a physical weapon. Crystal weapons, however, are worth less in terms of souls. Why?

    Simple. The Crystal form is part of the soul itself. That is why it is so powerful, yet brittle. The Soul is usually defined within the being, however in the case of weaponry is formed in the outside. The power of a soul is strong, however weak within the exterior, usually dependent upon a host. For crystal weapons, they cover the host, the weapon, with crystals, the aspect of the souls. The soul brings itself out form the wepaon, in which case makes it brittle. In this, when frmapt consumes it, the crystal weapons are worth nothing, as the soul of the weapon is no longer in the weapon, but part of it... if you understand what I am saying.

    For sorcries, it takes a different approach. Sorceries take the power of using the soul of thyself. The addition to crystal magic amplifies it, and does not mkae it brittle. Why? Because sorcery was already an aspect that comes from the soul, and a weapon is of different quality to that of sorcery. With the addition to crystals in sorcery, the soul aspect of the sorcery is amplified, as the soul within the user, the caster, is possibly amplified as well, leaving a more destructive force at hand.

    It is also noted that one thing supports this very clearly: Crystal Caves. In the crystal caves, we find many invisible bridges that we can not see, and yet ar econnected to the crystals. The one that holds the blue slab is all alone, and atatched to no other crystal... other than the invisible bridge. These crystals are the outer form of the object. The invisible bridges are, well, an aspect of the soul. The soul of an object. Similar to that of weaponry.

    Now, it is interesting that such bridges seems to act of similar taste to the illusions of Gwynevre, in which the enemies are not real, yet give off souls and weaponry (dmeon spear and giant halberd comes to mind, and even chunks). Can it be that such implimentation of Ooacile was used within the crystal cave, as well as the majority of Seath's Work. Hard to say. However, it seems that Seath wants the Flame of Disparity to be relit once again, as seen from Gwynevre (an illusion) as well as the aspect of gwyndolin (a sorcerer maiden, which has similar qualities to the failed experimentes within the archive prisons... curious, isn't it?). I know that Seath probably betrayed the Gods of Sun... but I have found also proof that he also supported them, again and again... but that is for another time. I am derailing from the question.

    So what do I see of crystals? The Amplification and Morphing of the aspect of the soul, in many regards. Powerful, yet brittle. Their is a reason why it is the most strong physically, and why Seath has transformed himself into a creature of crystals (he does not spill blood... he spills crystals). For the sorcery spells it works, as it amplifies the inner self. For weapons, it morphs the soul physically. It depends on how the crystal works, whether it is physical or... internal. Depends. For internal, as we see with sorcery spells, it is amplification. For physical such as the hollow crystals and the crystal weapons, it is a morphed soul, transforming the host of the soul into a closer... connection, towards the hosts soul and form... the essence (mind) and form (body). I hope it explains the aspect of the crystal.
    Duke's Archivist
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    The Search for Lore  - Page 18 Empty Re: The Search for Lore

    Post by DoughGuy Wed Apr 18, 2012 12:28 am

    In the magical theory 201 theory thread we came up with Crytsal being super condensced soul matter. So homing crystal soulmass is just like homing soulmass except the particles are denser thus dealing more damage. And that when you are cursed the crystals you see forming are parts of your soul trapped outside of your body, thus weakening your life force.
    Chosen Undead
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    The Search for Lore  - Page 18 Empty Re: The Search for Lore

    Post by User Wed Apr 18, 2012 12:31 am

    Like I said, amplification and morphing. Depends whether it is a physical form (morph) or an internal essence (amplification).

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    The Search for Lore  - Page 18 Empty Re: The Search for Lore

    Post by Yukon Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:23 pm

    I am pretty sure I read here that the server has the primodial serpent on it as a design.

    I just noticed that the description changes depending on how you upgraded it ever so slightly.

    +14, +5 lightning and +9 occult says its "imbued with a fightful occult energy"
    +5 chaos says "it's imbued with a fightful HERETICAL energy"

    Do you guys think there is significance to this change, have you noticed any other item descriptions changing due to chaos path?
    Duke's Archivist
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    The Search for Lore  - Page 18 Empty Re: The Search for Lore

    Post by DoughGuy Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:40 pm

    Well when you think about it Gwyn's all about order and stuff while the bed of chaos is all about .. chaos. So from Gwyn's perspective a blade imbued with chaos energy would be viewed as heretical. Before the chaos part though it just stole life from people so it was merely occult energy.
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    The Search for Lore  - Page 18 Empty Re: The Search for Lore

    Post by User Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:46 pm

    Does for flame as well. We already discussed this in wiki discussion.

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    The Search for Lore  - Page 18 Empty Re: The Search for Lore

    Post by Yukon Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:54 pm

    Thanks acidic, I didn't know. I don't really keep up with the wiki lore chats much.
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    The Search for Lore  - Page 18 Empty Re: The Search for Lore

    Post by User Thu Apr 19, 2012 11:46 pm

    Neither do I.
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    The Search for Lore  - Page 18 Empty Re: The Search for Lore

    Post by Tolvo Fri Apr 20, 2012 5:59 pm

    I keep reading these, and it goes in one eye and out the other because of my Illness. When I'm better Acid I'll definitely re-read them, then post my ideas that you've already considered that I somehow missed where you obviously pointed them out in a post already.
    Chosen Undead
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    The Search for Lore  - Page 18 Empty Re: The Search for Lore

    Post by User Mon Apr 23, 2012 4:28 pm

    Take your time tolvo. You can do it.
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    The Search for Lore  - Page 18 Empty Re: The Search for Lore

    Post by User Mon Apr 23, 2012 6:59 pm

    April the 23... a week after it will be the 30. This entire thing started on December the 31st, before the beginning of the new year. Long, long track. lots of changes towards what we know. It has been fun. I am still searching for lore, and I have much to post about. Sadly, my angst to write it all down again and again is repulsive to me. I am not going to record myself, so don't even bother giving that idea... I already thought about it.

    I was going to post about the witches, mildred, and the dragons within Lordran. Sadly, I feel as if that is of little interest to me, as I am STILL trying to find answers: Why does mildred help you kill the fire spider? Where are the rest of the daughters of chaos, the two that are missing? Why is the eldest daughter not changed like the spider witches? Where is mildred if she is not dead (as she lacks a corpse)? Are the corpses of the two missing witches truly the stems of the bed of chaos that are required to be removed, or are they just chains to protect the firekeeper set by the bed of chaos, and no more?

    These questions repluse me day after day. So, for a better list of things, lets go towards a much more friendlier topic, in which might enlighten you on how I have found some information in terms of what is what. You must thank Velka for this:

    33. Snuggly the Crow

    Aw, a crow. A creature that ties to the very Goddess of Sin, as many of you recall from my previous posts. This crow has helped me again and again in what the lore is, and yet many I have found disregard him in many cases. So, in the absence of this beautiful creature, let us see the list of things that he can trade, and in turn enlighten us as well.

    The only item I will not talk about is the pendant, as it has been talked about again and again, and it is unnecessary to speculate even more. However, it can be said that it ties the god of war to Velka (as the souvenirs are found in the painted world) as well as the Tomb of Gwyn (seeing as the ears are used for exchange to Gwyndolin, which protects the sunlight blade and grave of the lord of sunlight... even if the body is not there)

    Rubbish - titanite Chunk

    This is possibly the funniest item that is in the list. As you know, rubbish is found only two ways: From either the death of forest invaders, or found on a corpse in undead burg. The Rubbish, as many have picked up, know the description as such:

    "Rubbish with no value.

    "Who in their right mind would bother carrying this around? Perhaps you need help."

    Now, when the crow is given this rubbish, even thou it has no value, it accepts it as trade able. In fact, the item it gives is a very useful item for those who want to make items of weakness to of greater magnitude: The titanite Chunk

    "...With the discovery of chunks in Lordran, the race to locate the Legendary Slabs has begun. But could they be mere myth?"

    Now this is its own joke set within the game for many to see. As the chunk is the lesser and broken version of the titanite Slab, cherished by all for the use of ascension, rubbish is the breaking of an item as such. Similar to how the chunk is the broken version of the slab. Such a mocking can say that it makes fun of the character, especially those who farm and search for many of the items within Lordran. The player searches for items for them to become greater, in which the items they find may just be rubbish when you find it. Even the chunk is of similar quality, being rubbish compared to that of the titanite Slab. This is a possible arrow towards farmers in general, as we all know that many have tried to farm such Slabs from different enemies, only to get Chunk; Chunks being rubbish compared to the Slab that the enemy can drop.

    Such enemies, including Chaos Eaters, Darkwraiths, Pinwheel Servants, and Moonlight Butterflies drop Slabs, also drop chunks as well. In the eyes of a farmer, such drops are rubbish compared to the greater goal.

    Sunlight Medal - White titanite Chunk

    Yes, this is a simple one to see. The sunlight medal being the item used by the God of War, while the White Chunks are used only for blacksmiths such as Andre, in which gives a closer tie to both the God of War and the Blacksmith Deity.

    As well, the white chunks are found in one place and one place only: The Tomb of Giants. Such ties gives the ideals in which how the skeletons were made. As the skeletons that drop the white chunks are of the bone towers and the pinwheels; enemies that are of combination of bones together, in which are of similar taste of Nito. Nito is the ideal of death, as the creature is made to bring death, similar to the occult creature known as Priscilla. Such ties show that the creature would have held possibly the Dark Ember, which is hidden within the world of Velka.

    Such ties of the white chunk being used by the blacksmiths that follow the ideals of Blacksmith Deity and God of War gives ties to the God of War and Blacksmith Deity also towards Velka as well, and functions similar to that of the pendant and souvenir of reprisal for Snuggly. Go figure.

    Moss Clumps - Twinkling titanite

    "...After this titanite was peeled from its Slab, it is said that it received a special power, but its specific nature is not clear."

    Now, this is an odd insight. For many that know, their is no slab that we know that it originates from. Perhaps this slab is a normal titanite slab, or a slab that we have yet to find. It may even originate from the Demon titanite, as it is said that such titanite are slabs that were infused and transformed into titanite demons.

    Now the twinkling titanite is found in two places: The Clams of the Dragons, and the Crystal Lizards. BOTH are tied to the dragons in general, as both Ash Lake and Crystal Caves has such creatures over populating these areas. Such crystal lizards are hard to say as of what it is, but it could be that such lizards are of dragon origin.

    So what connects the moss to the titanite? The moss comes from trees found within darkroot, the section that has been taken over by Seath (as seen by the hydra, crystal golem, the tree lizards (show later), and the moonlight butterfly). Such ties could say that the shrub monsters are of dragon origin, or at least created from the essence of Seath's control as well as the Dragons. Such ties shows the control Seath has of the divine ember, which also holds the key to the sworn enemy of Seath: Havel the Rock

    Cracked Red Eye Orb - Purging Stone

    Aw man. Where to begin....

    Such ties are of both dragon entities. One is the dark beast Kaathe. The other are the man-eater clams, found always in the areas of Dragons. Both are items that are of expensive quality, being that the cracked orbs are of high quality and rarity, and the purging stone is of rarity as well. The purging stone was treasured by the earl of carim

    "Ash-colored stone encasing a skull. Secret treasure of Arstor, the Earl of Carim. Reduces curse build-up and breaks curse.

    "Humans are helpless against curses, and can only redirect their influence.

    "The Purging Stone does not dispel curses, but receives them as a surrogate. The stone itself was once a person or some other being."

    The purging stone is made to remove the curse inflicted onto someone, in which humans are weak against. Although it does not remove it, but instead puts the curse into a trapped, damned soul, which is the pearl of the man-eater clam. Such stones describe the factor that two are given when one cracked orb is given to Snuggly. 'Eye for an Eye', in a sense. The orb is a curse of the beings world, made so that one person kills a living being, in which case the form of the human undead is given to the Darkwraith in terms of one humanity. The Darkwraith surrogates the humanity from the human form of the master of the world, the undead. Similar to how the purging stone is used to remove the cursed form of an undead, in which the stone absorbs it.

    Such ideals may show the quality of the man eater clams. Not only do they drop purging stones, but also twinkling titanite as well. Such factors may connect the red orb towards the clams in a sense, however how that is, is unknown. However the quality of surrogation from both expensive treasures are clear. The use of such treasures are one time only each as well.

    Humanities - Rings of Sacrifice

    This does not need to be described. However the use of twin humanities to be used for rare ring of sacrifice gives it a purple quality to the ring; The rare ring is of the same colour as Velka, being that she is of purple essence.

    Interestingly enough, the exchange of firekeeper souls is impossible for many to use. Curiously enough, it accepts many of the flame items such as the pyromancy flame, as well as humanity, however the use of firekeeper souls is impossible. Why that is, is unknown. However as Velka was suppose to be the lord of darkness (if she is what Kaathe said she would be) as well as the crows are a hidden symbol of Velka, it can be said that as the firekeeper is of the flame of disparity, in which Velka had abandoned. This might show the ideals of what Velka sees of the Flame even more.

    Prism Stone - Demon titanite

    Such Prism stones and Demon titanite is... odd. The Demon titanite is of the abandoned slabs of the blacksmith deity, and the prism stone gives such a titanite slab. So... what is the connection?

    Interesting. Such a prism stone is used in order to mark where you must go, as wlel as find the hidden areas within Lordran. Interestingly enough, the Blacksmith Deity only believed in the ideals of the arm (and faith), but shows no concern of intelligence. Perhaps the ideals of the Prism Stone is to show

    "Warm pebble emitting a beautiful phasing aura of seven colors, with a very rare eight.

    "The rainbow stone does nothing special, but can serve as a path marker, and can be dropped off a cliff to judge height by the sound of descent.

    "If a loud noise is heard upon its landing, then a fall off the ledge is surely lethal."

    Or, as it indicates, it could be that the eighth hidden colour of the prism is connected to the ideals of the God of War itself; Connected to the blacksmith deity. Such ideals of snuggly connecting the two has its ideals of possibly the secret of the God of War/Blacksmith Deity being that of the eighth colour. How, I do not know. Perhaps research on the readers part is required.

    Dung Pie - Demon titanite

    A supporter of my ideals of Vamos being that of the barbarians. The dung pie being the crap that comes from the Barbarians, which are infected in Blighttown. The Barbarians that throw stones also drop pick axes; The pick axe is a weapon that is favored by the Blacksmith Vamos, who could have used the fire hammer any time to defend himself... but doesn't. Such ties can say that the Barbarians were once creatures who were tied towards Lordran majorly in the old days. As they are of physical strength, and that the demon titanite is that of the God of War/Blacksmith Deity, it may be that the Barbarians were once followers of such a being the same way as Andre and the three stoned, divine blacksmiths.

    Now, Vamos and the Barbarians have ties towards the flames as well. Vamos is a blacksmith that follows the ideals of the ancient blacksmith practice of the flames, in which later is abandoned from use until the chaos flame rose in power in the age of dark. Such ideals could say that the creatures, the barbarians, were once the followers of the Blacksmith when he was of the flame instead of the faithful embers, and as Vamos is locked away from any to find, is possibly one of the last Blacksmiths that follow the old, or even is the last blacksmith of the flame blacksmiths and barbarians, who are not infected within blight town.

    Pyromancy Flames - Red titanite Chunk and Slab

    Such ties does not need to be said, however it can be said that this strongly ties the ideals of the pyromancy flame being connected to the flame, as the red chunks and slabs are used for flame ascension of weaponry. Interestingly enough, such red chunks are the most common of all the coloured chunks, being found in many demons.

    Although it has been said in another topic, the Chaos Eater is a popular creature who drops such red chunks. Strangely enough, the Sunlight Maggots also drop such chunks as well, who also drop the sunlight medallions as well; supporting the above statement of connection between the old and new. Interestingly enough, the Chaos Eater, although rarely, also drops White Chunks as well. More so rare than even getting the red slab. Yet, it is still possible. My research is connecting towards what I have discovered with my comrade, although we are still trying to replicate it, as it happened to us twice (and never again).

    Such sunlight maggots who drop the red chunks also drop the sunlight medals. Interestingly enough, another creature of the God of War, the titanite demon, is found guarding the door so that none can go threw. Interestingly enough, this is the only respawnable creature, and the door is only accessable for those of chaos origin. As well, the titanite demon does not protect those who go threw the door, but more so across the bridge towards lost izalith. It can be said that it is protecting and making sure that demons do not leave the area, instead of leaving the area.

    Egg Vermifuge - Dragon Scale

    The Egg Vermifuge is only seen in two areas: The egg infected in the demon ruins, as well as the tree lizards in the forest... or better yet, tree dragons. As the forest is infected by the entities of Seath the Scaleless, it seems that the Egg Vermifuge is of Dragon Origin. It removes the parasites of the eggs that infect humans. Interestingly enough, the egg is that of two creatures or more residing together, while the dragons are of one creature. Such ideals can be seen from the dragon body, which neglects being used if the chaos grub larva is on the being who holds such dragon rites. As the egg also grows in power if souls are absorbed, as well as the dragon body being an upgrade to the being itself, it can be said that it is a stem draw between selfishness and selflessness. Such ideals of the chaos and dragons shows what could be the 'right' path to follow for the player.

    Sunlight Maggot - Old Witch's Ring

    Such ties also shows the ideals of the sunlight maggot tying the blacksmith deity with the old and new blacksmith usage: Divine and Flame. Interestingly enough, the old Witch's Ring is found on only one sunlight maggot, which is unique than the rest and unrespawnable. It has glowing eyes, which is unique to itself. Such red eyes ties towards the chaos, as many creatures of chaos, as well as the chaos flame, is red. It can be said that the Sunlight Helm is possibly a creature which is consumed by chaos, while other maggots do not seem to be as such.

    Sack - Demon Great Hammer

    THIS! This, right here, it the bane of my research for Mildred. Such ties of Sack, an item that connects both mildred and the butchers in the depths. Such Demon Hammer also ties towards both the Dragons and Chaos as well. The Demon Hammer coming from an arch tree, a quality of the dragons, and used by the asylum demon, a demon of chaos. Such ties goes to show... what are the bucthers? What is mildred?

    Interestingly enough, the Depths and Blighttown have connections to both the Dragons (Depths and arch tree area of Blighttown) and the Chaos (infected areas of Blighttown, including ghouls and flame bugs). Interestingly enough, a plank shield, an item that Mildred uses, is found within the Great Hollow (although is not her, due to the body being male... she is a she). Even more so, Mildred is seen killing the Chaos Witch with you if you defeat her. She is also naked... a quality that is of the dragons, as show by Logan and the Dragon Stone Rites. She is extremely strong in body, same as the butchers. The two are of the same quality as the divine blacksmiths and the barbarians, being humans of high strength. Such ties of Mildred are still being speculated, however it seems that she has good ties towards the dragons... good ties.

    Skull Lantern - Ring of Fog

    Research still continues for this. Why is it so? What is this trying to say of the undead necromancers and the cat alvina? It is not of the gravelords, as the necromancers work for the pinwheel master: The creature of Nito who stole and ran away from Nito. So what is it? I have yet to find out, but it will be soon.

    Ring of the Sun Princess - 2 Divine Blessings

    Not needed for explanation. Just for you to see. The Divine Blessing is of two: One for you, one for another. The Ring of the Sun Princess is used to amplify healing miracles. Such healing miracles are also popular to the Sun Princess, being that the soothing and bountiful sunlight increases in power from it.

    Xanthous Crown - Ring of Favor and Protection

    I have used this to show ties of Xanthous, the Chaos Servants, and Priscilla in before posts in this thread. I would link it, but it is buried deep. Such favor and protection has ties to Lautrec as well in possible philosophies, with such solitude makes it losing all aspects for other, believing in the love of one being. In this case, it could be Priscilla.

    As you can see, such a crow has its own beauties. Such a crow has shown much for me, and perhaps it will enlighten you. I am still working on Mildred and the Witches of Chaos and Dark, but I still need more information. I hope this helps you.
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    The Search for Lore  - Page 18 Empty Re: The Search for Lore

    Post by DoughGuy Mon Apr 23, 2012 7:24 pm

    Just in case you havent seen this Acidic it may help you -
    Maneater Mildred
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    The Search for Lore  - Page 18 Empty Re: The Search for Lore

    Post by User Mon Apr 23, 2012 7:29 pm

    does not help, doughbo. But I thank you; you show me what has already been discussed in the past. Yet...

    She seems to show other qualities as well, and it seems to tie to the dragons. You may disprove, but I have yet to claim enough information. When I do, she will be on part of my post with the witches, both chaos and dark. You will see soon, my friend. I just need a little more...

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    The Search for Lore  - Page 18 Empty Re: The Search for Lore

    Post by WyrmHero Mon Apr 23, 2012 7:52 pm

    I like how the Xanthous Crown and the RoFaP are connected, that's why I added the Favor set for my Lifehunters. I was trying to make a connection with the pendant and souvenirs using the ties it could have, but it's so damn complicated. I think it has to do with Gwyndolin.

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    The Search for Lore  - Page 18 Empty Re: The Search for Lore

    Post by Shkar Mon Apr 23, 2012 10:55 pm

    Hm, I wonder if the Barbarians aren't From's take on the traditional dwarves. As you pointed out, they share similarities with Vamos. Both use pickaxes, Vamos' helm is similar to traditional dwarven armor, the barbarians are possibly former residents of Izalith, and given their location may have mutated.

    Plus, Vamos has a beard and is rather stout, so he strikes me as a tall dwarvish figure.

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    The Search for Lore  - Page 18 Empty Re: The Search for Lore

    Post by baltis Fri Apr 27, 2012 6:48 am

    First post on here so dnt know if wht im about to put is relevent to your search acid but here I go recently gt the charred ring right n whn i had it on n kiked my kiks were lik fire kiks n would lik to also state tht whn I was fighting solair aft taurus demon on another file to get his sword n his kiks were also fire kiks sry if ths was already found out before but just thought it was kinda importent.The Search for Lore  - Page 18 945058907
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    The Search for Lore  - Page 18 Empty Re: The Search for Lore

    Post by DoughGuy Fri Apr 27, 2012 7:30 am

    baltis wrote:First post on here so dnt know if wht im about to put is relevent to your search acid but here I go recently gt the charred ring right n whn i had it on n kiked my kiks were lik fire kiks n would lik to also state tht whn I was fighting solair aft taurus demon on another file to get his sword n his kiks were also fire kiks sry if ths was already found out before but just thought it was kinda importent.The Search for Lore  - Page 18 945058907
    Welcome to the forum!

    Yes it is already known and may i just suggest that Glyphblades thread or even just the general discussion forum would be better for this kind of info.

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    The Search for Lore  - Page 18 Empty Re: The Search for Lore

    Post by WyrmHero Mon Apr 30, 2012 1:43 am

    So Acid, I read the item description of Vow of Silence. It says that it was the secret rite of Velka. Have you found any connection to the rite of kindling? Is the miracle just another rite?
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    The Search for Lore  - Page 18 Empty Re: The Search for Lore

    Post by User Mon Apr 30, 2012 8:06 am

    Yet to find out.

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    The Search for Lore  - Page 18 Empty Re: The Search for Lore

    Post by Eolan Mon Apr 30, 2012 8:22 am

    Anastacia of astora, has had her tongue cut out maybe for breaking her vow of silence? Reah is seeking the rite of kindling and lets just look at their two armor sets.

    Any connection?
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    The Search for Lore  - Page 18 Empty Re: The Search for Lore

    Post by DoughGuy Mon Apr 30, 2012 8:29 am

    hmmm, the vow of silence as a rite that binds to a persons tongue. If they speak of something they are forbidden to they lose their ability to speak. Unfortunately the wiki isnt working for me so I cant check the description.
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    The Search for Lore  - Page 18 Empty Re: The Search for Lore

    Post by User Tue May 01, 2012 12:40 pm

    "Secret rite of the black-haired witch Velka. Prevents casting of magic within effect area.
    Velka, the Goddess of Sin, is a rogue deity, but she is versed in arts both new and old, and is considered to have a great range of influence even as gods are concerned."

    Vow of Silence description. Does not show tongue mutilation nor cut off. Just the hindering of Magic of all kind, except for those of Dragon Body and magic weapons (which are of similar qualities to each other)

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    The Search for Lore  - Page 18 Empty Re: The Search for Lore

    Post by Yukon Tue May 01, 2012 3:15 pm

    The channelers in seaths place do chant when they cast magic though, so perhaps it could be seen as a form of silencing magic to cut out a persons tongue. Though it does seem the majority of people use catalysts and not chants, perhaps it was different in the past. Just an interesting observation.

    Personally I think her tongue was cut out for other reasons.

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    The Search for Lore  - Page 18 Empty Re: The Search for Lore

    Post by FattyOfDoom Tue May 01, 2012 6:27 pm

    Hey all! My first post here so...... Yeah. Anyway, there was something that has confused me. I read through Acid's post, (I love them btw) but it's the bit about kirk being one of the sons of chaos. Isn't the 7 are ;Queelag
    The sickly spider
    The dead one holding the armor
    Ceaseless discharge
    The hollowed one
    And the Bed of Chaos?

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