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    Character Bio Compendeum (Now Helmed by the Murgence)

    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    Character Bio Compendeum (Now Helmed by the Murgence) Empty Character Bio Compendeum (Now Helmed by the Murgence)

    Post by Federally Sun Jul 22, 2012 6:19 pm

    I, Murgence the Sovereign do assume direct control of this thread.  

    With all of the RPing and lore writing going on I feel it's necessary to gather up character Bios for everyone participating. So I'm making this thread to do just that. Everyone who RP's post your characters Bio in it's full entirety and I will add links directly to the post in so people can skip right to the Bio's they want to read instead of scanning through the whole thread. This will also allow the usual banter and off topic sheannigans, as well as some more RP to not get in the way of the Bios.

    Please start your Bio with the character's name, title and brief description of their appearance, so like this:

    Name, title, covenant



    For those who need help building a character Check Doughy's Help Thread

    Character Bios:


    Twin Wolves

    The Red Hand


    Followers of Izalith


    Brotherhood of the Blade


    Noble Knights


    Scions of Artorias



    Silas "X"

    Messengers of Velka



    The Hand

    Protectors of Lord Gwyn


    Seath's Sorcerers

    Zacham Sane
    Leonardo Lazra



    Knight's Successors


    Carim Gentleman's Society

    Adrian Riversdale

    Princess' Guard

    Cris Burlow

    The Exiled of Ariamis

    Tamar and Tamara
    Darron of Carim
    Sirra Exiled

    Masked Seekers

    Enaid Waleis

    The Sunlight Coalition



    The Exiled One
    The Batman of Lordran
    Silvester of Carim
    Etraiu & Hihime(Forum Pirate)
    Oniim Hajar-eesha
    Lady Alain Ireilla Valerion
    Skye Bveska
    The Knight with No Name
    Soris Ice Goldwing

    Last edited by Emergence on Wed Sep 11, 2013 10:25 pm; edited 35 times in total (Reason for editing : Updating last edited date to current)
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    Character Bio Compendeum (Now Helmed by the Murgence) Empty Re: Character Bio Compendeum (Now Helmed by the Murgence)

    Post by Federally Sun Jul 22, 2012 6:21 pm

    First up, since it's my thread silly is Drake! So here is his intro and part 1!

    The Dead Knight Drake, Herald of Misery, Eye of Nito. Gravesworn Covenant

    Appearance: Drake is of similar height and build to the Black and Silver Knights that populate Lordran. He wears the armor of the Black Knights, but in place of the typical helm is a hood that hides his entire face. Through extended exposure to extreme heat the armor he wears has been fused to his skin, and under his hood Drake's appearance is grotesque with his entire face being burned and charred by flame.

    Personality traits: skilled battlefield tactician and charismatic leader. Fiercely loyal to his fellow Gravesworn, willing to forsake his safety and mission to protect them. Extremely suspicious, verging on paranoia, especially in regards to Avrik and the Ebon Hand. Has a strong need to be liked and respected by those around him. Requires purpose to function.

    Combat Skills: he wields a large Halberd, typically without a shield. He can wield the weapon one or two handed. Due to exposure he is resistant to flame and chooses to wield flame weapons and normal pyromancies, no chaos as it is too similar to the first flame. He is a powerful force on the battlefield, though his size makes him easy to out maneuver by fast opponents. He is particularly weak to divine weapons and holy miracles. He is a corpse reanimated by the powers of Nito, so while weapons can maim and disable him a special ritual is required to end him for good.

    Bio: Part 1
    The smell of burning flesh assaulted his nostrils as Drake ran. "Why didn't he warn us, why did he march us down here knowing that this would happen?" He couldn't spend time worrying about that now, there would be plenty of time for questions and anger later.  For now he needed to locate his men. 

    He kicked down a doorway to find himself outside, the scene in front of him one he'd never forget.  The Kiln was engulfed in a rapidly enlarging blaze of fire that seemed to consume all. Drake hurriedly surveyed the landscape for any signs of his men, but could only see the charred bodies of knights from other squads, those unlucky enough to be caught unaware by the blaze, their corpses dotting the landscape. "Norres, where are you?" he whispered. 

    In his mind a scene flashed showing his dear friend, and second in command, being consumed by the blaze as the rest of his squad burned around him.  Frustration welled inside him and he barely moved in time before the building he had emerged from erupted in a white hot flame snapping him back to reality.  He sprinted up the hill to the main gate as his mind raced Norres should know to lead the men to safety he thought. Drake had always held his men above all else and hoped Norres had been practical, forsaking him to save the squad and lead them to safety.

    He rushed up the hill climbing over collapsed buildings and the bodies of fallen knights, as he cleared a large fallen pillar something ahead drew his attention. There was a clump of black contrasting with the grey ash raining from the sky and quickly covering the landscape, as he hurried closer he could see movement. "Norres!" He yelled, with uncontrolled desperation in his voice, sprinting ever closer to what he hoped was his friend.

    In his haste Drake tripped on the sprawled body of a fellow knight, as he scrambled to his feet he took note of the emblem emblazoned on the knight's shield, "one of mine" he thought. Hurriedly getting to his feet he looked again towards the black dots ahead, slowly taking shape as he closed the distance.

    Six men he counted, four scattered on the ground and two standing amongst them weapons in hand. As he approached the man nearest to Drake struck out at the other with an overhead blow from his sword, crashing down upon the knight's shoulder crushing his armor and dropping him to his knees. Drake could not believe the scene playing out before him, "Norres?!" But the Knight paid no attention, instead he continued his assault, tightening his grip on the pommel of his sword and impaling the downed knight. Slowly he removed his blade from the victim and turned to face Drake, as he raised his shield the crest of Drake's second in command was plain to see.

    Before Drake had opportunity to react Norres lept into motion, closing the distance and slamming his shield into Drake, sending him flying. Kicking up plumes of ash as he tumbled down the hill Drake came to rest again on the body of his fallen soldier. He took a deep breath, trying not to choke on the ash filling the air, and stood to face Norres.

    The pair squared off as hell erupted around them. The structures of the Kiln were completely engulfed in flame as ash rained down from the sky burying fallen knights. "Norres, what has come over you?!" Desperation rang clear in Drake's voice, "our men depended on you, why would you turn on them now?!" Norres showed no sign of hearing his words.

    Drake shifted his grip on his halbred, unsure of how to act. As Norres began a slow deliberate advance Drake shuddered in his armor, he felt like he was boiling. The immense blaze was sweeping up the hill coming ever closer, it's radiant heat quickly over coming the substantial protection offered by his armor. If he was going to act it had to be now.

    Norres quickened his pace closing the distance, he came at Drake with his shield up and sword arm in motion. Drake reacted, sending a forward thrust with the spear point of his weapon. The move was countered with a deft swipe of Norres' shield opening Drake up to the slash that was to follow butDrake had seen this before. He had sparred many times with Norres, they had each other to thank for their skill on the battle field. Just as he had done before Drake went with the momentum of his weapon, spinning out of the way of Norres' sword.

    As he came out of his turn Drake saw Norres stooped low. He had put too much into his swing and the miss had thrown him off balance. Drake held is blade ready to strike back but he hesitated, his hands shook as a battle raged in his mind between his desire to live and his loyalty to his friend.

    Norres quickly seized upon Drake's moment of weakness and took the upper hand, regaining his balance as he reversed his grip on his sword, he rose with an upward slash. Drake dodged backwards but the blade bit into his inner thigh, cutting through the weak point in his armor plate.

    As Drake regained his footing he winced, a spasm of pain shot up his leg as blood splattered on the ground. He shifted his weight gingerly, every explosion of pain another reminder that his life may end here on this ash covered hill side, slain by the man he considered his dearest friend.

    As Norres circled him Drake's gaze flashed briefly to the bodies of his men around him. They lay in heaps on the ground, their armor displaying the damage inflicted by a skilled swordsman. Drake shook his head, his entire unit whom he had fought alongside deep in the demon infested ruins of Izalith was now dead at the hands of his second.

    With a renewed determination Drake again readied his weapon and charged at Norres. Unleashing a furious assault of jabs from the point of his halbred he forced Norres to retreat. Unrelenting in his assault Drake pursued, sending one furious blow after another. Norres deftly blocked with his shield and parried with his sword as he backed away. Then stepped back onto the body of a knight he himself had slain, throwing him off balance. As he fell a thrust from Drake hit home, the spear like point of his halbred piercing the chain mail seam in the side of Norres' armor.

    Drake was unprepared for what he next witnessed. Instead of the usual gush of blood that followed such a wound, a fine grey ash began to pour out of the hole in his armor. Norres had already been consumed by the flames, "but how do you still live!" Drake shouted as Norres brought himself to his feet. A loud clang of armor caught Drake's attention and he turned back for a moment to see other Knights, assumed dead, slowly walking from the burning buildings. "What has he done?" Drake's anger boiled inside him, "I watched those men die, heard their screams as they burned alive yet now they live again, curse you Gwyn!"

    Fueled by his rage Drake renewed his assault on Norres. With furious thrusts and slashes he attacked, every blow that landed caused a fresh cloud of ash to explode from Norres' armor. As Norres withered under the attack Drake shifted his stance and lifted his blade high over his head and swung down. Putting all of his malice into one final blow. The heavy blade of Drake's halberd crashed down onto Norres' right shoulder, tearing through his armor and sending a huge plume of ash shooting into the air. Drake watched as Norres slumped onto the ground, ash pouring out through a gaping hole in his chest plate. "I'm sorry friend," regret was thick in Drake's voice as he knelt down next to what remained of his dearest friend.

    However Drake was not allowed his moment of mourning as he felt the heat of the still burning blaze assault him. It was bearing down on him at a rapid pace, threatening to engulf him. He grabbed up Norres' shield and ran up the hill towards the large black gates that served as the sole exit from the Kiln.

    As he ran he could feel the heat of the flames pour through his armor doing untold damage to the flesh beneath. Around him the inferno raged, rapidly spreading and engulfing all that remained of the once great Kiln. Weaving through the collapsing stone pillars and bodies of fallen knights Drake pushed on, ignoring as best he could the agonizing pain coming from his wounded leg.

    Ahead a giant pillar of stone began collapsing.  He tried to quicken his pace and clear it before it crashed to the ground, but his wounds tore in pain slowing his progress.  He screamed in agony, watching the pillar finish its decent slamming to the ground blocking his only path. "No time to go around," Drake thought as he heaved himself over, barely reaching the top.  He rolled over the far side and clumsily landed on his feet, wincing in pain as he tried to resume his sprint to safety. Then suddenly out of the rubble, a hand reached out and grabbed hold of his ankle dragging him to the ground. His head crashed into a stone fragment, smashing his helmet and throwning it off his head. He looked back to see a fellow knight grasping his foot with a look of desperation in his eyes eyes.  "I'm sorry brother" he whispered as he swept his halberd down severing the knight's arm at the elbow. His leg free Drake scrambled to his feet and continued his desperate bid to escape.

    Approaching the long stairs before the gates Drake began his ascent. He climbed as quickly as he could, his desperation growing as the heat from the flames washed over him. When finally he climbed the last step and passed through the gates he was overtaken with relief. Awash with the feeling that he was finally safe Drake turned back to get one final view of the Kiln.

    Unable to travel further the fire raged, consuming the Kiln whole. Then suddenly with one final display of raw power it exploded, reaching out through the gate with a giant ball of flame. Enveloping Drake in the heat and pain he had tried so hard to escape.

    Last edited by Federally on Wed Aug 22, 2012 7:27 am; edited 3 times in total
    Chosen Undead
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    Character Bio Compendeum (Now Helmed by the Murgence) Empty Re: Character Bio Compendeum (Now Helmed by the Murgence)

    Post by Federally Sun Jul 22, 2012 6:21 pm

    Just because I always wish I'd had a post saved on the first page of every thread i've ever made I'm reserving this post silly

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    Character Bio Compendeum (Now Helmed by the Murgence) Empty Re: Character Bio Compendeum (Now Helmed by the Murgence)

    Post by RaynexFall Sun Jul 22, 2012 6:23 pm

    sounds like fun... i'll get Rayne's info up in a moment, once i figure out where i stuffed it... *looks under rock*

    EDIT: do you want the short version or the full version?

    Last edited by RaynexFall on Sun Jul 22, 2012 6:25 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    Post by cloudyeki Sun Jul 22, 2012 6:24 pm

    Any format you want to use?

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    Post by whitechikz11 Sun Jul 22, 2012 6:26 pm

    Hmm...Judge Magister Gabranth!

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    Post by RaynexFall Sun Jul 22, 2012 6:50 pm

    Rayne - GraveSworn (rank 0, as i don't have the game.)

    Appearance: Standing only a head shorter than most Capra Demons, Rayne's large size creates an intimidating figure, having mid back length, Dark Auburn colored hair, which sometimes covers one eye, it sways in the wind, and is unkempt, making it seem wild and ragged on occasion as it is very thick. His eye's are a mixture of purple and green, as his body was slowly imbued with toxic power, a muscular build, and tanned skin which looks close to the color of leather gives off the feel that he was in the sun a lot during his prime.

    History: Rayne was a warrior of prowess before his demise, he won many a battle. His death occurring as he attempted to bring down a force larger than himself. Years had passed after his fall, but alas, even the death of he was to be turned back, and he was raised again by the Dark Arts of necromancers, cursing him with the Dark Sign. After slaying those who had helped in his being brought from the dead, Rayne took refuge in the Tomb of the Giants, a place where he could hide in the dark, and not be found.

    As Rayne wandered the paths of the Tomb, he fell down a shaft, landing in a small pool of water, from which he found the crypt of Nito, the first of the dead. As he looked upon the crypt of this giant powerful being, he heard a calling in his mind, a calling that spoke to him about taking up the power of the gravelords, and slaying those who dare defy death. Heeding this call, Rayne came into the possession of the Gravelord Sword, and from then, has cursed the worlds of those who would defy his master, slaying those who defy death, and causing misery where his master could not.

    After slaying the last of those who would defy death, Rayne came back to his master's crypt, this time, to hear his master call for him to help his brethren, the servants of the Gravelord. Rayne did not know how to react to this calling, as he had never truly been apart of a group, even before he died, he had always chosen to fight alone. Many day's passed before Rayne finally chose, and in the end, he swore himself to the grave.

    Rayne has now taken up his blade to protect his Lord and Master, the first of the dead, who gave him purpose in his unlife. Siding with the ones known as the GraveSworn, and after trials throughout Lordran, he grew to be called the Blade of Nito, for he is relentless on the battlefield, and once he has a target, he will fell that target, it is only a matter of time. Rayne now resides in the tomb of Pinwheel, where he felled the Necromancer in three quick blows, he awaits those who dare to attempt attack his lord, and waits for his brethren to call upon his services, as he is always ready for battle.

    Weapons: Normally carrying two Gravelord Swords, Uses some Pyromancy, and carries a shield of Havel to imbue fear into those who would dare attack his lord.

    Last edited by RaynexFall on Sun Jul 22, 2012 8:04 pm; edited 2 times in total
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    Post by cloudyeki Sun Jul 22, 2012 7:00 pm

    Laplace, former archer of the Brigade, the Lord's Shadow for the Darkstalkers. After his former lord found out of his use of magic, Pyromancy taught to him by his mother, Laplace was killed and his corpse surrendered to the Way of White paladins.

    Coming to in the strange land of Lordran, Laplace wandered the region in search of a proper place for himself. At first as a protector of the ill White Lady in order to atone for his past. He grew bored though, and found himself within the ranks of the Forest Hunters afterwards, together with other assassinated brigade members. Again, he grew tired of it all, having lost his perception of time and bearing witness to too many acts in the name of false idols. It lead to his journey into the abyss to join the DarkStalkers, in the hopes to better the world.

    Laplace wears the Black Cleric set, with the Sealer's mask to hide the scars he got from his death. As for weapons, he uses gear he stole from those within his time. During his time as a forest hunter he used the sword of Sif, and the spear stolen from a Guard of Anor Londo. As a darkstalker he uses the Darkmoon bow with moonlight arrows and Quelaag's furysword. He also uses chaos pyromancy, though he has a hard time with it when he gets emotional.

    I'll probably expand on this later, but for now this'll do.

    Last edited by cloudyeki on Thu Aug 02, 2012 3:10 am; edited 2 times in total
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    Character Bio Compendeum (Now Helmed by the Murgence) Empty Re: Character Bio Compendeum (Now Helmed by the Murgence)

    Post by Federally Sun Jul 22, 2012 7:05 pm

    RaynexFall wrote:sounds like fun... i'll get Rayne's info up in a moment, once i figure out where i stuffed it... *looks under rock*

    EDIT: do you want the short version or the full version?

    This is long form, write as much as you want/think people will be willing to read silly We were previously limited by character count, here not so much. I'll be adjusting the lore post in our thread to link directly to posts here instead.

    @Cloud format? Um any, just looking for origin stories that give everyone an idea who your toon is. If you have a suggestions for a format I'm all ears.
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    Post by cloudyeki Sun Jul 22, 2012 7:07 pm

    Well something simple, like name and title/cov. rank and then a paragraph or 5 of there past.
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    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Sun Jul 22, 2012 7:19 pm

    How do you get in on this? What are the rules?

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    Post by RaynexFall Sun Jul 22, 2012 7:22 pm

    i like clouds idea, it will help to identify whose with whom.
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    Character Bio Compendeum (Now Helmed by the Murgence) Empty Re: Character Bio Compendeum (Now Helmed by the Murgence)

    Post by DoughGuy Sun Jul 22, 2012 7:35 pm

    White Knight Wulf
    White Knight Wulf

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    Character Bio Compendeum (Now Helmed by the Murgence) Empty Re: Character Bio Compendeum (Now Helmed by the Murgence)

    Post by White Knight Wulf Sun Jul 22, 2012 7:38 pm

    Name: Wolf/ Wulf Kastarnen Gravesworn Rank: Herald of Wolves w/+5 Corruption

    Age at time of Death: 30 Years Old

    Description: Tall, Square of jaw with ragged stubble, Swept back Silver Hair, Greying, possibly White. He is muscular, well defined muscles, perhaps not bulky, but lean and strong like a wolf. He wears a long leather duster over a thick reinforced plate mail suit, elaborately carved, flowing designs of pine forests, punctuated with a growling wolfs head on the gorget or chest plate. Carried a Long bladed katana and iron shield. Due to Nito’s influence on him Wulf takes on a more bestial appearance than before. His eyes are icy blue (like a husky’s/ arctic wolf) with slanted eyes, thick bushy eyebrows, silver too, a strong angled nose, thin lips, which often curve up in a (yes...) wolfish grin. He bears many scars one being a scar on right side of his mouth where the spike of a morning star ripped his mouth open, losing part of the tongue but not affecting his speech, and also a slight hollowing on one of his eyes where the bolt that killed him stuck.

    Lore: Wolf/Wulf is a tall grizzled veteran of the many years of conflict and war that ravaged his homeland, Thessia, during which time he found himself a pawn in the game of petty lords and nobles. Tired and disillusioned with the cause he has once so proudly take up he ended up falling in with a band of deserters turned bandit. In Thessia its is said that a man’s worth is determined for him at birth, his rank, honour, perhaps even his destiny, but while this is true is it also said that a man earns what he takes, and taking was something Wulf was good at. While the war continued to rage Wulf and his new brothers took to the field under their own banners, fighting for themselves and no one else. During this period of time, now known by the Theossi as the Reign of Wolves, Wulf and his band became the most feared band of reavers and bandits ever to have descended upon the realm. While many men called Wulf a thief, murderer, and villain there was no questioning the honour of the men he had killed though by what means Wulf had achieved these feats the people would never know, and disturbing rumour of packs of wolves running alongside his men and the appearance of a monstrous White Wolf in the mountains where they made their camps besmirched his name.
    Wulf rose to his height of power when he bested the former leader of the band in single combat, losing two fingers on his shield hand when the berserk captain’s axe cleft through his shield. However that was enough for Wulf and he seized the opportunity and power by plunging three feet of steel through the man’s gut plate, and thus taking the name of the “White Wolf of the East” and control of the bandit clans.

    For a time they would continue to raid baggage trains and small villages but Wulf was not satisfied with his takes and soon began to challenge the warring lords, sacking forts, treasure convoys, and arms shipments.

    Eventually it became clear that Wulf was no ordinary man and when rumour of his claim to the regions lordship several minor dukes would band together in an attempt to destroy him.

    The Battle of Shaleshend, as it has come to be known, was a bitter pill for Wulf as while he bested the alliance of lords much of his power was lost as his men fled up the valley only to become trapped and massacred. It was only when the absent vanguard of Wulf’s force made contact with the enemy’s rear guard that the battle turned. Of Wulf’s 500 bandits only 120 would return to him at the battles end.

    When the war ended the new regime made its claim to the throne known and its position that it would have no mercy on bandits and thieves Wulf became the target of a number of assassination attempts and was subject to a bounty worth that of a minor lordship.

    When his men turned on him in desperation he slew them all, starting the legend of the Silver Maned man who was possessed of the spirit of a Wolf.

    Now alone Wulf would wander the lands seeking out fighters worthy of his skill. Some said that it was penance for a life of crime, that he wanted to die, other said he was looking to avenge his clan mates who died at Shaleshend, other said it was the Wolf, and said no more.

    However as Wulf cut a bloody swathe across the countryside he would soon become aware of the legend of Artorias, brought to his country by traders and other adventures passing through.

    Soon after Wulf left for Lordran to meet with the Artorias, whom he did not know/believe to be dead, feeling some inner calling in seeking out another Wolf like him.

    In Lordran however Wulf came undone and was killed when he took a crossbow bolt to the eye from some hidden foe.

    As all dead eventually do, Wulf found himself in the domain of Nito, the Lord of Death. It was here that Nito spoke to him, his dread voice felt to Wulf as if he was dying a thousand times over.

    He proposed to Wulf a deal. Wulf would live again, to seek out Artorias the Abysswalker and end him, and in doing so would earn himself a legacy like that of no other man. In return he would serve Nito forevermore in bringing about the Age of the Dead. And when all was done he would sleep eternally and die the final death.

    Since that pact was made Wulf has faithfully served Nito in the Gravesworn and distinguished himself greatly slaying many well respected knights and putting the fear of death in many of the factions operating in Lordran.

    It is often said that each night on the full moon of the month that the “White Wolf of Nito” would ascend from the Tombs to hunt, never stopping, never sleeping, never tiring, only returning to his lair at the waxing of the moon.

    Weapons: Curved Swords, Greatswords, Katanas and Scythes

    Last edited by Wolfof Phyrexia on Thu Sep 27, 2012 3:35 am; edited 3 times in total

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    Post by RaynexFall Sun Jul 22, 2012 8:00 pm

    wow, nice bio Wolf, lol you make me want to add more to my own. which i probably will anyways... >.>
    White Knight Wulf
    White Knight Wulf

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    Post by White Knight Wulf Sun Jul 22, 2012 8:23 pm

    tell viral that not me im horrible at story telling
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    Post by Federally Sun Jul 22, 2012 8:26 pm

    WhatDoesThePendantDo? wrote:How do you get in on this? What are the rules?

    Well for now its just a collection of character bios for our covenant related RPs, so no real rules as of yet. Tho I believe I'll be adding some format suggestions as we go. With all the RP conversations going on people need to know who they're talking to, and they can find out here!
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    Post by cloudyeki Sun Jul 22, 2012 8:28 pm

    Actually I kinda like not knowing 100% of all the other toons around. It makes each meeting all the more interesting. Though this will help a veritable ***-ton for the most part.
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    Post by Federally Sun Jul 22, 2012 8:38 pm

    DoughGuy wrote:The Story of Eidolas

    What cov? NK?

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    Post by ViralEnsign_ Sun Jul 22, 2012 9:14 pm

    WHY DO THIS TO ME! YOU STOLE MY ENJOYMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Chosen Undead
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    Post by Federally Sun Jul 22, 2012 9:20 pm

    ViralEnsign_ wrote:WHY DO THIS TO ME! YOU STOLE MY ENJOYMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Time for Avrik's bio buddy!

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    Post by RaynexFall Sun Jul 22, 2012 9:22 pm

    lol... didn't you agree to this viral?

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    Post by ViralEnsign_ Sun Jul 22, 2012 10:14 pm

    No I was supposed to start it up. how am i supposed to earn a lore writing title like this. Avrik is boycotting this one until i calm down.......

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    Post by RaynexFall Sun Jul 22, 2012 10:16 pm

    well... idk what to say... sounds like we have a problem lol.
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    Post by Servant of Priscilla Sun Jul 22, 2012 10:29 pm

    Name: Crowley "The Burning Blade" Title: Consultant to the Brother Covenant: Followers of Izalith.

    Appearance: He stands no taller than most hollowed soldiers. He has ash colored hair from the times he has spent consulting with the brother in the flames. He has a smaller than average build which makes him very vulnerable but very agile. When he calls on the power of the Brother or the Brother is angered, Crowley fills with the Brother's lava and grows to the size of a Taurus Demon and becomes very resistant to fire. Although this form is very powerful he does not have much control over it.

    Bio: (Incomplete) Crowley was seeking more powerful pyromancies after all that he learned from Carmina. He found the White Witch Spider and her egg-burdened servants. Although she had pyromancy it was not what he was looking for, but she did tell him of Ceaseless and his powerful flames imbued in weapons. he found this in my interest so he continued on. As Crowley approached him he heard a thundering voice 'I know why you are here you seek my flame do you not?? Well if you would like to know the ways of the inner flame become my follower and suffer for Izalith!!!' Crowley decided to join the followers to learn the ways of more powerful inner pyromancies. Although he had notknown at the time he was one of few that could speak to Ceaseless, and he to him. He told him the story of what happened to him and his family so he swore on his blade to protect him with his life.

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