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    Character Bio Compendeum (Now Helmed by the Murgence)


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    Character Bio Compendeum (Now Helmed by the Murgence) - Page 8 Empty Re: Character Bio Compendeum (Now Helmed by the Murgence)

    Post by ROOSTER330 Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:29 am

    Federally wrote:Well I swear I double checked, but honestly that name needs another vowel lol.

    Lol, its from Norse myth, a fire demon of sorts. All the names are spelled similarly.... i used the true spelling, it sounds more like Surtur. Thanks btw
    Seth Winternight
    Seth Winternight

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    Character Bio Compendeum (Now Helmed by the Murgence) - Page 8 Empty Re: Character Bio Compendeum (Now Helmed by the Murgence)

    Post by Seth Winternight Tue Aug 14, 2012 6:21 pm

    Here's my character's bio:

    The Noble Knights

    Appearance: 5ft9, 218lbs (muscled), hair of pure black, defined facial features, green eyes. Thick metal armour with a faintly-coloured cloak of blue and gold, he wields a sword called "Andreia."
    Good traits: Strong, protective, loyal, calm & collective
    Bad traits: Gets overly attached, generally quiet, often strains to do too much and has tendencies to lose control if pushed hard enough.

    Making the journey to Lordran was somewhat of a neccessity to Simbarda. The lands of the firstborn to the flame are brimming with knowledge and secrets that would surely provide him with the strength and the answers he needs, in order to overcome his burdens and his darkened past. Dark memories that plague his mind... Black tendrils probing his conscious in an atempt to taint his sanity. Yet, this does not show on the exterior as he keeps a calm, straight face. The sweet scent of pollen and grass fade gradually, moulding with the encroaching stench of ash and death and this is a signal that Simbarda had arrived. A short breath gives him acknowledgement of his arrival in Lordran.

    The sunlight emboldened the grandure of this land, providing a shadowed silhouette before his eyes, so Simbarda took to a hightop while sweeping away what miserble creatures tried to hurt him. The better view gave him a better insight to his surroundings: tall keeps and castles stood guard over Lordran, as a unison of warriors suspicious of young Simbarda's arrival and this only peaked his curiosity.
    As much as a cliche in his mind that it was, Lordran appeared like an aged painting of undeniable beauty when the soft colours of nature met with the cold, hard tones of decadent structures old and new... New? At least appeared new to him. The warmth of the sun however, was peculiar as it felt warmer than in previous visited places, but the air tasted dry and stale as if something was missing... An uneasy feeling of emptyness. Simbarda felt a non-existent chill, yet he's dealt with lonliness and the austere before, being a knight in Thorolund's ranks... This was nothing new to him.

    He always had a knack to analyze landscapes quickly and he used said talents to scan his surroundings: chaos, putrid death and war can be easily masked by the dense forrests and towering masses of stone. Simbarda was to be careful and alert at all times, given the mad and wicked roam these lands... Even the once mighty and good have been tainted as they turned hollow. Prepared with supplies, thick metal-plated armour and his greatsword (dubbed Andreia), he headed for the nearby flame that is an obvious sign of a campsite... To the fabled firelink shrine.

    Each careful step was accompanied by a faint clank and sheen of his metal armour grazing plating and chain links, which resonates a harmonious yet calm sound against the bark and stone. Aproaching the bonfire cautiously, Simbarda felt a deep pain within his chest... Particularly his core where his heart is. But, this was regular since that incident, so he just beared with it. Focus regained on his vicinity, he kept a careful pace to the bonfire, eyes and ears out for danger as he knew all too well the deviousness of strategy and combat.

    Once the caution was reassured, he sat down and lay against a pillar of bricks to rest. Andreia place in her sheath and his pack laid on the ground, he finally had time to think in a relaxed state-of-mind. First step was to check his current condition: muscles ached with the exertion of his journey and received some minor injuries from battles... Nothing his skin couldn't heal over. This reminded him that he needed to clean and sharpen Andreia, so he spent the next few hours doing so.

    In this time, Simbarda recollected his memories of Andreia, his beloved, who he named said blade after. From his teens he always grew up around soldiers. As such, he always knew how to use a sword and knew how to use it well. In his homeland of Thorolund, he became a decorated knight and this resulted in his transformation into a man who rallied comrades. His strength, skill and intelligence did indeed earn him respect, but most of all, it was his willingness to sacrifice his life for the lives of his fellow knights. He would rather take the hit than have an ally take it instead... But his skill made sure that the enemy was killed. He smiled and as a response, Andreia gleamed a tad brighter. Back in the days of knighthood, he fell in love with a woman called Andreia, who was a sister knight and of similar age to Simbarda. Her long beautiful hair and faint blue eyes captured the young Sim's heart at first glance and her heart was captured by him in vice versa. As both their skills were tasted in battle, so was their companionship and the feelings they shared. The strength in their arms were met by the strength in their undying love for eachother and the two were later wed under a radiant sun in Thorolund countryside among a crowd of its citizens. She was Simbarda's heart and soul hereon after.

    The radiant sun reflected in his smile... But then his face turn cold as he remembered the tragedy followed some time after on an expedition into the East. In the dead of night, warriors and witches attacked his camp while many were asleep and indeed many of his brothers and sisters were slaughtered before alarm was raised and the battle ensued. In the frantic rush to battle, Simbarda got separated from his beloved Andreia who undoubtedly led a small detachment elsewhere in the camp. Chaos resounded in the clash of steal and the roars of fire... Accompanied by the screams of many and the splatters of blood. This however, did not phase young Simbarda as his calm mind strengthened his reflexes when he needed his skill to cut them down one by one. Eventually, the battle was turning in the Knights' favor and this was the moment Simbarda realised he had to look for his beloved, so his strength carried him swiftly along through the camp until he found her.

    In that moment, everything changed when Andreia and her small detachment were set upon by a great many dozens of the enemy and it was just a short time before her detachment was slain and she was left isolated. Desperation grew as Simbarda was frantic to reach her, cutting down all of the enemy in his way... But it was not enough. In those few seconds, time slowed down as Andreia and Simbarda's eyes locked in a gaze and a thousand unspoken words were shared: the lives they had, the lives they would have lived... the family they would have made. She clutched her stomach and smiled at Simbarda and his eyes widened as he realised what that meant.

    Alas, her body was impaled, cut and eviscerated by those savage and wretched bastards. Her tears mixed with the blood as she cried tears of crimson and her limp body boiled young Simbarda's blood to the point he lost all control. One by one the barbarians and witches were cut down with such force that the blood became a torrent as his once calm attitude vanished with pure rage.

    After all was done, the remainder of his fellow knights gathered around a crumpled man who was clutching the remains of his beloved Andreia. All of them knew his emotions were torn into tatters as he knelt in this wretched state. The blood in the vicinity painted a thousand words of sadness... A thousand words of revenge.

    "Simbarda, the enemy... are... dead. Defeated," said Tobias, a close comrade.

    "Just leave me Tobias, everyone. I-I... I need to rest... Here."

    "Yes sir... We will clear the bodies and prepare for a small funeral for knight Andreia and the others."


    The respected wishes of his friend is what drew him close to Tobias. The funeral was short and quick, but even up to this day, it hasn't ended for Simbarda. He clutched his beloved's sword in his stone grip and it was then he decided to reforge his weapon with hers, to take revenge. The result was a weapon of extremely dense titanium metal that cut through rock with ease... But the blade was forged on revenge. In the following night, he scoured the camp's surrounding area alone and came upon a village that housed the same barbarians and witches that slew his brethen and his beloved.

    Simbarda drew his sword and set upon the small village. What few warriors were there, were quickly slain and he then set upon the women and children. Innocent blood was spilled and this hatred and impurity resonated within his blood and his blade. A frail looking woman cast this curse of impurity upon him as her final moments were met at the end of his blade. The following day he wallowed in the mass of corpses and blood... Horror rose up in his conscious as he finally took in his actions. This was not him, it was not what he took the knighthood for.

    The blood of the innocent have stained me. I am impure.

    Memories after that were gone... dissapeared. All he remembers, was leaving that camp to travel to Lordran.
    He came back to his situation at hand, to find he was crying. Yet these tears were of blood, as he was tainted by his impurity. Knelt to the ground in pounding agony, crying tears of blood, he remembered why he came here. He came seeking the strength of companionship to help him bear his pain, the strength to fight for a cause he could be true to... to regain his old self. But most of all, he sought ways to become pure again, within the kindred flames of the first. Maybe then, his beloved's soul shan't be tainted with guilt by his reckless actions and once again they could be together. Whether Simbarda makes these goals a reality lies upon his strength and the lands of Lordran to embrace him.

    Last edited by Seth Winternight on Wed Aug 15, 2012 7:04 am; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : missed out some words and spelling)
    Seth Winternight
    Seth Winternight

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    Character Bio Compendeum (Now Helmed by the Murgence) - Page 8 Empty Re: Character Bio Compendeum (Now Helmed by the Murgence)

    Post by Seth Winternight Tue Aug 14, 2012 6:23 pm

    As his crippling agony and eyes shedding crimson contrasted with his goals on why he came, he somehow found a way to will himself to stand, but this wasn't for long as he buckled down again. Wiping his face clean, he didn't realise that a man, an unfamiliar figure was watching him some distance away. He couldn't tell the man's expression from underneath his helmet but he could probably guess it was pity. The steel-clad figure aproached Simbarda, walking casually yet his footsteps were strong.

    The man knelt down beside Simbarda and asked "What ails you paladin?"

    He felt the reassurance of his grip on his shoulder and this just acted as an urge of truth, but Simbarda knew better than to trouble strangers with personal problems, so he gave a fake excuse:

    "My body is just exhausted from the journey here, some blood got caught in my eye as I hacked away at a wretched undead. It's body lay upon the edge of the well."

    The knight laughed and tapped Simbarda's helmet grill back down so it covered his eyes.

    "That's what these are for Paladin."

    Still chuckling, he stood and offered a hand down to him and Simbarda gladly accepted his offer. Know that when this man hoisted Sim up, he took in his strong grip... But the man also had control over his strength. He was warm in spirit and this gave Sim a feeling of warmth too. What peaked his interest was his seemingly friendly nature, considering Simbarda was a stranger to him... But was he? He knew Simbarda as a paladin, but he never seen him before and most people outside of Thorolund hardly knew of what a paladin looked like.

    "You know I'm a paladin and one of Thorolund?"

    The knight points up and down his armour :

    "The armour gives it away, as I spend a lot of time with Paladins of my own these days, planning for the Gravesworn and all." He Pauses...

    "Forgive me, I haven't introduced myself. Oscar II of the Noble Knights."

    In politeness, he raised his right fist across his chest and bowed in Oscar's direction. He knew of Oscar's father, the legendary knight who came to Lordran to light the first flame at the kiln. He did not know that he had a son and this was interesting. Simbarda did not know of what Oscar spoke of, but he made sure to offer courtesy in return first. Gravesworn? He thought to himself.

    "I'm Simbarda, once Knight of Thorolund, I am now just a lone warrior." A sigh escaped Sim's lips. He was curious though from the mention of the Gravesworn and the Noble Knights. Noble knights? In Lordran? The curiosity would show on his face, but the grill hid his expression. Having taken a glance at the sky, the sun come just above his head, assuming that it's midday. No clouds were in sight and the sun's rays were warm, but that didn't disguise the stench of ash and death. Yet this whole place was calming and the greens from the stone's moss appeared brighter and more colourful. Rain was not to fall for quite a long time now.

    "I'm sorry, but I have just traveled to here recently and I do not know this 'Gravesworn' you mention, n'or anything of the 'Noble Knights' so I do apoligize Oscar."
    Oscar pointed to a hill a small walk away.

    "The stench of our victory is quite strong. I would happily tell you of my knights but I would rather do it in a more pleasant area."

    With that he walked towards the hill he had selected, Simbarda in tow. There he sat on the grass, waiting for SImbarda to catch up before he told him the tale of the Noble Knights. Of their wars, victories and losses. He told him of their foes and their allies in this new land. By the time he had finished quite a time had passed, and storm clouds gathered on the horizon.

    Indeed, the ground was charred along the way, indicating the signs of a battle, but the ground was starting its restoration process. The ground was indeed soft as he rested with Oscar and heard the exciting tales of the Noble Knights and their struggles. He was enthralled not just with the Knights' acts of bravery and good will, but with how Oscar told the story as his solid tone kept it exciting and he did not enjoy such a tale for quite some years now. By the time he was finished, he realised that the Noble Knights could indeed have the strength and the answers he looked for, but what would the knights want with an impure wretch as myself? The storm clouds appeared almost as a reflection that Simbarda thought of himself.
    "I had never known of such strength and good will in this place of Lordran. I merely thought it was for the wicked and corrupt... Or the impure. Yes..."

    This was a first that he lost focus and just trailed off in his thought.
    "With my knights, we plan to erase the corruption from this land. Humans will once again walk among its fields and cities, free from danger."

    He regained focus as Oscar began to speak. A man of his friendly attitude and supposed authority demanded respect.
    "And I find that it must be quite difficult for you, as this land would be crawling with a great many enemy. Surely you're outnumbered given the scale of the land in comparission with your following of Knights. Indeed I would help, but... I am not so sure."

    "We are always happen to accept new recruits into our ranks, especially knights and paladins at this time. But why are you unsure? Apart from a bit of forgetfulness you appear a capable warrior."

    I raise my head to look at him and I take off my helmet. I cannot lie to this man anymore, I may aswell just come out with it, considering anything out of the ordinary is ordinary here.
    "I am not as I once was. I have done terrible... horrid... wretched things. This was before I made this pilgrimage of my own accord. I'm not as Noble as I once cherished."
    On cue, his eyes leaked crimson once more as he felt the burden in his mind and the pains in his chest. Each heartbeat only ushered another bloodied tear and he almost felt ashamed in such company.

    "The blood of the innocent stain me, Sir Oscar... I am impure. What would noble knights, who strive for good, want with someone who is so wretched?"
    He was hoping Oscar would understand what he did from the way he spoke. Oscar looked at the man's bleeding eyes. The sight did not trouble him, Lordran had worn out any disgust he had before he arrived.

    "You can try Sim. You say you have sinned, and here you are in Lordran to punish yourself. But you can earn your redemption. Join me. Fight at the front of my lines, redeem yourself in the cleansing of corruption. Do not let this mistake destroy you."
    Redeem himself? Two words that he found hard to believe he heard. He would happily jump at the chance to redeem his impure blood. Such a man as Oscar, who showed him kindness without fearing I would have just turned and attacked... So relaxed and yet so authoratitive. His words strung truely like a finely crafted bowstring and he would accept his offer, but he had to ask something:
    "I would gladly accept your hand, but not to say I'm ungrateful or to be rude, I just wanted you to be sure. I may be worth more trouble than you can afford... Would you still chance that? If so, I will gladly join you."

    Oscar stood and walked a fair distance away, drawing his sword and shield as he did. He turned back to Simbarda and dropped into a fighting pose. "Show me you are worth it." he grinned.

    Confused at first, but realising that to Oscar, a good swordarm is one of the things he needs, he unsheaths Andreia and brandishes her like his own shining beacon. In one of his signature stances, he swiped his gauntlet across the flat of the blade to resonate a harmonious tone that echoed across the area.
    "Then I shall show you my strength and drive to fight."

    With that, Simbarda began aproaching Oscar, ready to swing. With that, they fight as Simbarda swings Andreia in an overhead arc that was designed to break oscars shield guard and leave him open. Indeed it did land on his shield, but the most it did was just stick Oscar further in the ground as his position was strong. Realising he left his chest open and Oscar was prepared to strike, he decided to let go with one hand and use his gauntlet to swipe away at Oscar's thrust. The clang of steel excited both of them as they met blade with blade and both showed skill, flaring some of their best techniques. The rain chattered upon steel, but the storm did not stop these two dedicated warriors from finishing their duel early. Both were determined to outmatch the other and the fight went on for what seemed an hour . After that, all was a blur as a flurry of blows from Simbarda were met by the clash and clunk of Oscar's sword and shield. He did land a hit on his pauldren and his left leg and severely dented his armour and drew a slight amount of blood. But in the exchanges, Oscar's blows were just as fierce and he even had the trick to swing both his shield and sword, the shield aimed to bash my head and the sword aimed to slash at my gut.

    Judging the risks, it was paramount to block the blade, but the shield would connect with his jaw. Understanding the best technique to block this, his used his sturdy gauntlet to punch the shield upward with the intention to knock him off balance and use Andreia to block the sword swing. Indeed it did play out as he intended, but he did not expect Oscar's strong kick which hit him straight in the ribs and knocked him over.

    When he regained his breath and found Andreia raised infront of him, it was a tad too late, as Oscar had his sword aimed right for Simbarda's chest. Oscar sheathed his sword and clipped his shield to his back, offering Simbarda his hand for a second time.
    "You fight well Paladin. I'm sure you'll be worth more than any trouble you could make."
    "I yield to your strength and I am pleased to have found my place in Lordran. Rest assured, my swordarm is yours m'sir."
    With that, Simbarda gladly accepted his hand and sheathed Andreia myself, as he led me to the Knights base of operations, the Duke's Archives, where he was to become a Noble Knight.

    Last edited by Seth Winternight on Sat Aug 18, 2012 11:06 am; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Added part 2 of the story. Thanks to Dough for his Input.)
    Chosen Undead
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    Character Bio Compendeum (Now Helmed by the Murgence) - Page 8 Empty Re: Character Bio Compendeum (Now Helmed by the Murgence)

    Post by Federally Tue Aug 14, 2012 6:34 pm

    You sir are added!
    Seth Winternight
    Seth Winternight

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    Post by Seth Winternight Tue Aug 14, 2012 6:36 pm

    Thankyou fed big grin

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    Post by ViralEnsign_ Tue Aug 14, 2012 7:20 pm

    Nice story dude I especially like how you added your own characters flaws that was awesome
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    Post by DoughGuy Tue Aug 14, 2012 7:21 pm

    You've got competition Viral winking
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    Post by Federally Tue Aug 14, 2012 7:31 pm

    Yes flaws are incredibly important omniscient, omnipotent RPs are so dull.

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    Post by ViralEnsign_ Tue Aug 14, 2012 7:36 pm

    I dont know about competition..... I'd say different style to mine own.

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    Post by mrbeckham87 Tue Aug 14, 2012 7:41 pm

    I'm a horrible story writer. but I want mine up there!
    Seth Winternight
    Seth Winternight

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    Post by Seth Winternight Tue Aug 14, 2012 7:46 pm

    I am glad you like my writing style. Dough told me he was going to say that to provoke you silly. Indeed, it is different and adding my character's flaws means that other characters' input into my RP can affect how my character will change and turn out.

    Example, a member of the Gravesworn could try to corrupt my character, while a member of the Noble Knights may make it part of their RP to protect me. etc etc.

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    Post by RaynexFall Tue Aug 14, 2012 10:28 pm

    ooh... corrupting people? i love corrupting people... hehe

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    Post by ViralEnsign_ Wed Aug 15, 2012 3:08 am

    Two new characters for the Bio Compendium

    Name: Geth

    Age: Unknown

    Personality: Cold, Impassive, Loyal, Unyielding, Incorruptable

    Flaws: Rigid Loyalty to his master and to Nito forces him/ compels him to act in certain ways, even at the detriment of his own missions.

    Description: Tall, Well Muscles, Has no face except a bright glowing orb that is hidden in his cowl. Typically weaks heavy armours, makes use of large polearms and swords.

    Lore: Geth was....well he doesn't really know what he was before Nito decided to piece him together from the souls of a thousand slain warriors. However he does know that he has a obligation to his lord who made him. However within the Gravesworn things are a little more comlicated for him. He is a member of the Ebon Hand though rarely see's eye to glowing orb with Avrik and his crazy, self motivated plans. As such he is a strong supported of Drakes policies on where the Gravesworn are supposed to be going. In recent months Geth has been promoted to Avriks lieutenant and is in charge of the Ebon Hand whenever Avrik is out on missions....which more often than not is all the time.


    Name: Artur Valerian

    Age: 24

    Personality: Intelligent, Confident,Headstrong, Brave,, Loyal

    Flaws: Artur is headstrong at time and very confident of his own abilities to the point where is is like to get himself and his allies in extreme danger if he isnt careful.

    Description: Tall, Lean Muscle, Short Dark hair, Green eyes. Often seen wearing elite knight armour, carries with him the generational replica weapons forged from the shards of Artorias very own weapons.

    Lore: Artur comes from Astora and grew up hearing tales about the Great Knights. Oscar, Tarkus, King Rendal, Ornstien, Gough, Ciadran, and most notably Artorias. From here sprung an untamable desire to emulate the greatest heroes of history. With this thought in mind Artur left Astora for other lands. On his journeys he discovered a natural aptitude for magic and the manipulation of his soul energies, as well as a new faith, the Word from Thessia, to call his own. Strong of Arm, Sharp of Eye, Stable of Soul, and Devoted in Faith he set out to his final testing ground, Lordran.

    Here he learned of the divergant time lines and hoped to use this unnatural warp in th fabric of reality to meet his hero's in their own times. With the help of an Eastern Warrior named Kirito he managed to make his way to the Grave of Artorias where upon he found the Great Grey Wolf Sif. Presenting his arms and armour before the was spared and allowed to look at the Grave of Artorias.

    At this time something over came him and he was visted by the spirit of an Old Man. Kirito, recognising this figure told Artur that it was the former First Disciple of the Scions of Artorias. Taking this to mean that the legacy woul have to carried on Kirito explained to Artur that he had killed the old man, and felt personally responsible for ensuring that the Scions carried on.

    Knowing what had to be done Artur set out to find information on how to manipulate the flow of time. His investogations led him to a witch, named Yvette. The initial meeting did not go well, Artur mistaking Yvettes powerful magic for forbidden arts. This incurred the wrath of her protector a veteran knight known as Letos. Despite Arturs skill in soul magics his soul arrows seemed to have no effect of the opposing knight. In the end he was defeated and forced to explain the situation to the pair.

    With the misunderstandings out of the way Kirito lefts to rejoin the Sentinels in the forest, while Yvette and Letos promised thier aid in escorting him to the Dukes Archives in Anor Londo. After a series of unnarrated and important events , particularly to Yvette and Letos, the trio arrived in Anor Londo and made thier way to the Dukes Archive only to find that the Noble Knights has taken the library for thier own. Letos and Yvette were accepted back into the Knights, although the witch did draw attention from a band of heavily armoured warriors.

    In anycase Letos took Artur before Oscar in the hopes of having the young Scion gain access to the restricted sections of the Archives.

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    Post by SunlightCrusader Wed Aug 15, 2012 4:12 am

    Perhaps I should assemble solid lore on my DM. I already built the framework in that cov lore thing we had a while back where we all talked in character. Such fun.
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    Post by Federally Wed Aug 15, 2012 5:59 am

    We have a thread like that still. It's the RP thread!
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    Post by Federally Wed Aug 15, 2012 6:02 am

    Viral what covenant is Artur in?

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    Post by ViralEnsign_ Wed Aug 15, 2012 6:50 am

    The Scions of Artorias who may get folded into the NK because with the DLC coming out I want the Scions to get a following
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    Post by DoughGuy Wed Aug 15, 2012 7:02 am

    Viral have you seen the disciples group on the wiki?
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    Post by Federally Wed Aug 15, 2012 7:02 am

    Okay, added!

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    Post by ViralEnsign_ Wed Aug 15, 2012 7:07 am

    DoughGuy wrote:Viral have you seen the disciples group on the wiki?

    No have they stolen my idea?
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    Post by DoughGuy Wed Aug 15, 2012 7:10 am
    They arent very organised but they exist.

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    Post by ViralEnsign_ Wed Aug 15, 2012 7:11 am

    Screw'em the Scions sound cooler and lets be honest these Disciples dont even seem to have a home page.

    in the NK, an already established groups, they could really take off!

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    Post by SunlightCrusader Wed Aug 15, 2012 7:21 am

    I agree with Viral. Im now going to bring this up over and over until it happens Dough I hope you know that.

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    Post by ViralEnsign_ Wed Aug 15, 2012 7:22 am

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    Post by DoughGuy Wed Aug 15, 2012 7:23 am

    SunlightCrusader wrote:I agree with Viral. Im now going to bring this up over and over until it happens Dough I hope you know that.
    Dont help him with his plan!

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