Nightly/Weekly Fight Club, SL 100
-Random matches
-Prearranged duels where both parties agree upon rules of engagement for that fight only.
-2v2 Arena Nights
-Theme Nights: Cosplays, gear, weapons
-Topic Nights: Countering strategies, gear, weapons
Reply to this thread with online ID and you will be added to the chat. Also, when permitted by an admin presence, the forum chatbox will be activated to allow for easier organizing.
FC will be periodically streamed at
Any participants who stream are also welcome to do so! Just remember to nudge people to the wiki/forums for more involvement.
Universal Time
This is a 24/7 ongoing Fight Club with every Saturday being Official Fight Night!
All time zones are welcome and the FC can be scaffolded to accommodate.
Soul Level
The Depths - Giant Rat Room
PS3, Xbox 360, PC
Leader/Moderator: reim0027
Hosts PS3
- reim0027. PSN: reim0027_4, reim0027_5, and reim0027_6
- Emergence (Sponsored by Manny's House of Munch). PSN: EmergenceDS
- Maneater_Mildred. PSN: zog1313
- Demon Slayer. PSN: Fuegillo
- DemonOfFate. PSN: DemonOfFate
- FinPeku. PSN: FinPeku
- Jansports. PSN: Wizard_Cleave
- VaDoom. PSN: mega_perle
- sure-magicians. PSN: sure-magicians
- ChillerHR. PSN: ChillerHR
- mofomey. PSN: mofomey
- Walter_White. PSN: Dark_Sunbro
Hosts Xbox
- WaLKA. GT: iHokuto Shinken ??
- tinypantha. GT: Tinypantha
- Phoenix Rising. GT: l Aim v Here l
- RenegadeCop. GT: KNIFE4LIFE32
- Maltenge. GT: Indecision22
- OminousSquaffle . GT: OmenofEpicness
Hosts PC
Have Fun.
No griping, no whining, no salt.
Uplift and elevate the knowledge of everyone involved. Share tips, pointers, strategies and methods.
We are taking a minimalist approach to rules in an attempt to build a culture of adaptation and learning, but the following apply:
-No spellswapping
-Any gamebreaking glitches will be banned/added as discovered.
How to Participate
Red Sign Down up on the ledge (where you drop down after the chest with the Large Ember).
Check in on this thread and in the chat to see who is around.
- XachAttack. PSN: Xach_Attack
- CrackSouls. PSN: Glennie67
- miclo514. PSN: latinking88
- mugenis4real. PSN: WorldspineWurm
- Emergence. PSN: EmergenceDS
- billy_bayonet. PSN: Billy-bayonet
- Maneater_Mildred. PSN: zog1313
- Sneezer. PSN: Sneezer75
- Ghadis_God. PSN: Ghadis_God
- mofomey. PSN: mofomey
- Demon Slayer. PSN: Fuegillo
- grossemesser. PSN: argent2319
- Forum Pirate. PSN: Forum_Pirate
- DemonOfFate. PSN: DemonOfFate
- FinPeku. PSN: FinPeku
- Jansports. PSN: Wizard_Cleave
- luvz2fight. PSN: luvz2fight2
- quench PSN: quenchy
- robsthedon PSN: robsthedon
- murkulanvippi. PSN: murkulanvippi
- VaDoom. PSN: mega_perle
- sure-magicians. PSN: sure-magicians
- shadowzninjaz. PSN: shadowz_ninjaz
- LK-8912. PSN: LK-8912
- Walter White. PSN: Dark_Sunbro
- Uparkaam. PSN: Uparkaam
- EeAyEss. PSN: EeAyEss
- crbngville2. PSN: crbngville2
- madmath. PSN: MadMathy
- Halicarnassis. PSN: Halicarnassis
- kazumoshi. PSN: kazumoshi
- IzalithFM. PSN: IzalithFM
- Drumock. PSN: Nictimus
- The Once-Ler. PSN IDs: kingphisher2 and Once-Ler_
- ChillerHR. PSN: ChillerHR
- O1va_. PSN: o1va_
- leonardo503. PSN: leonardo503
- Acarnatia. PSN: Try-chu
- twilightwarwolf. PSN: twlightwarwolf and Milleneum_TnVolk
- BrandBrandBrand. PSN: BrandBrandBrand
- Jwebby6. PSN: Jwebby6
- Myztyrio. PSN: Myztyrio and AzureArmageddon
- Walter_White. PSN: Dark_Sunbro
- the-battybusters. PSN: the-battybusters
- B-Star Raw. PSN: pikachu_696969
- inksoldier. PSN: nakohduh
- Squashy_Avocado. PSN: Squashy__Avocado
- DensetsuShun. PSN: DensetsuShun
- Avenger649. PSN: Avenger649
- Prime618. PSN: Pickachu618
- crackmuppet. PSN: crackmuppetdks
- slashemVC. PSN: slashemvc
- Bluebonichronic. PSN: Bluebonichronic
- Wilkinson324. PSN: The_Blue_Hobbit
- Lmaousine. PSN: Lmaousine
- Eko. PSN: Oh My Pancake
- MistahrFox. PSN: Mr-SilentFox
- Jovias-86. PSN: Jovias-86
- phastings. PSN: robert frost
- SageOfToads123. PSN: SageofToads
- TheDeviantKnight. PSN: TheDeviantKnight
- Japolone. PSN: Don_Japolone
- LintyJones. PSN: LintyJones
- OR2008. PSN: OR2008
- Phenetylaminos. PSN: Phenetylaminos
- OmniBot. PSN: OmniBot
- Ahhotep1. PSN: Ahhotep1
- Solid WolF. PSN: Solid_WolF92
- inksoldier. PSN: nakohduh or inksoldier09
- DyingAce. PSNs: BloodyCheerio, BleedinAce
- Montante. PSN: X_-TMS-_X
- WhatDoesThePendantDo? GT: DiogenesSinope7
- WaLKA. GT: iHokuto Shinken
- trzzy. GT: Tz Is Missing
- RenegadeCop. GT: KNIFE4LIFE32
- xRamenatorx. GT: xRamenatorx
- Phoenix Rising. GT: l Aim v Here l
- tinypantha. GT: Tinypantha
- Fry1156. GT: fry11
- RenegadeCop. GT: KNIFE4LIFE32
- OmegaX105. GT: OmegaX105
- Dieselzilla. GT: xGBx ReagRaptor
- megaoptamas759. GT: megaoptamas759
- MegaShadow7878. GT: HoraryHydra40
- Maltenge. GT: Indecision22
- tristan7. GT: tristan7
- KnightOfAstora. GT: JustinAkatsuki
- nadnal. GT: nadnal
- Bassman Bob. GT: JazzBlaster J
- Lich 180. GT: Lich180
- cultcon. GFWL ID: cultcon
- Qyntius. GFWL ID: Qyntius
Reply to Post with Your PSN, Gamertag, ID
Last edited by reim0027 on Fri Oct 11, 2013 10:16 pm; edited 66 times in total