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    New Magic?


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    New Magic? - Page 4 Empty Re: New Magic?

    Post by SadPanda Wed May 15, 2013 6:24 pm

    sparkly-twinkly-lizard wrote:hex magic
    each spell costs health as the player must cut themselves to use blood as a catalyst. moves include things like self mutation buffs for physical defense/attack and blood projectiles (ala deadman wonderland anime) as well as as a spell that uses a slain redphantoms bloodstain to summon a skeleton beast.
    "Cut themselves to use blood as a catalyst", that would be the edgiest thing in any video game. Ever.

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    New Magic? - Page 4 Empty Re: New Magic?

    Post by raecor14 Wed May 15, 2013 9:07 pm

    SadPanda wrote:
    sparkly-twinkly-lizard wrote:hex magic
    each spell costs health as the player must cut themselves to use blood as a catalyst. moves include things like self mutation buffs for physical defense/attack and blood projectiles (ala deadman wonderland anime) as well as as a spell that uses a slain redphantoms bloodstain to summon a skeleton beast.
    "Cut themselves to use blood as a catalyst", that would be the edgiest thing in any video game. Ever.
    my generation is screwed up enough, one game that uses cutting as a tool won't screw many more people up.
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    New Magic? - Page 4 Empty Re: New Magic?

    Post by sparkly-twinkly-lizard Thu May 16, 2013 3:54 am

    actually blood magic etc has shown up in other games if i remember correctly it just could only be used by villains and usually there was a cutscene involving it to because its' "edgy"

    personally i feel having the player able to use such magic further adds to dark souls moral ambiguity, which is one of its big plot/ rp things.

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    New Magic? - Page 4 Empty Re: New Magic?

    Post by raecor14 Thu May 16, 2013 3:56 am

    but blood magic is to black and white for dark souls......

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    New Magic? - Page 4 Empty Re: New Magic?

    Post by chaos4ever181 Thu May 16, 2013 4:17 pm

    sparkly-twinkly-lizard wrote:actually blood magic etc has shown up in other games if i remember correctly it just could only be used by villains and usually there was a cutscene involving it to because its' "edgy"

    personally i feel having the player able to use such magic further adds to dark souls moral ambiguity, which is one of its big plot/ rp things.

    Blood magic sounds like a dark pyromancer thing, similar to that of Power Within. Power Within grants players more damage while the player slowly lose life. If blood magic were to be involved in DSII, it'd be similar to Power Within or Chaos Blade.

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    New Magic? - Page 4 Empty Re: New Magic?

    Post by arshan272 Fri May 17, 2013 12:02 am

    Animaaal wrote:@arshan272

    First off all, imaginary +1! cheers
    Finicky forum tells me I cant vote anymore today... sad

    There's only a couple comments and one question.

    COMMENT: Regarding multiple catalysts. If they had something similar to the Talisman of Beasts from Demon's Souls or more equipment slots, it wouldn't be an issue. I dont really think its bad now either.

    The biggest problem I ever had with my pure caster was casting combos with this (what feels like) generic attunement system.

    COMMENT: Completely on board with the miracle=support, sorcery=mix, pyro=science thing. Nicely put.

    QUESTION: RE: "FOUR: Pure magic...." You reference it to Demon's Souls and the viability of it in comparison to Dark you mean pure magic was easier in Demon's because of mana?

    Reason I ask is because the "magic" in Dark Souls is much more pvp viable than it was in Demon's Souls, and vise-versa from a pve perspective.

    Yes, or at least the ability to continually cast a spell was Easier. Also, regarding your Talisman of Beasts comment, I realize that more items like that would be perfect, so long as they gave high magic adjust in exchange for having dual stat requirements. With which we end up with the same problem.

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    New Magic? - Page 4 Empty Re: New Magic?

    Post by arshan272 Fri May 17, 2013 12:04 am

    Serious_Much wrote:To you guys speculating on the way magics are:

    Anyways, you need to look at the descriptions in game of items and spells, some of your wild theories are way off the mark (chemical energy, really?). Guys, it's not meant to be real- it's meant to be supernatural, stop trying to naturalise it.

    I'm a lore nerd. I already know how the magic is supposed to "work", but I am using hard science as a sort of analogy. The magic in the Souls series is largely traditional, which means very little chance for Ice magic as it has no historical basis. It does have a scientific basis, which is what I propose be the way for implementation.
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    New Magic? - Page 4 Empty Re: New Magic?

    Post by hey its andres Fri May 17, 2013 1:36 am

    As far as blood magic being "edgy" for a game, you should all play Killer 7. Blood is edgy if you're 5. For an older person, blood is merely something necessary for life, and I feel calling it edgy gives it a negative feel (negative as in lame not edgy). Anyways, yeah here's your blood "magic."

    Blood magic would have to be reinvented to be awesome and creative.
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    New Magic? - Page 4 Empty Re: New Magic?

    Post by Animaaal Fri May 17, 2013 2:24 am

    arshan272 wrote:...Yes, or at least the ability to continually cast a spell was Easier. Also, regarding your Talisman of Beasts comment, I realize that more items like that would be perfect, so long as they gave high magic adjust in exchange for having dual stat requirements. With which we end up with the same problem....

    I don't know about that, some castings I used for poise damage not damage. Not having to cycle-swap combos alone would seem like an even trade imo.

    I'd gladly take spell combo stunlocks in exchange for weaker damage. Imo, the biggest problem with casters and caster/spellswords compared to spellswords is the awkward attunement cycling system in place now. It would be much more fun, imo, casting some crazy combos without having to remove your thumb from the stick. It feels very "unfluid" to me...

    ...I'm prolly just dreamin for too much though. Shrug

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    New Magic? - Page 4 Empty Re: New Magic?

    Post by wretchedsausage Sat May 18, 2013 8:54 am

    Dark Souls 2 needs to introduce "melee magic", magic designed for close range encounters, rather than shooting soul spears from a distance. things like Persuers and Homing Soul Mass are on the right track, but work needs to be done to allow for casters to use magic up close and personal, and not have every attack dodged with a lazy roll to the left.

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    New Magic? - Page 4 Empty Re: New Magic?

    Post by WandererReece Sat May 18, 2013 10:48 am

    wretchedsausage wrote:Dark Souls 2 needs to introduce "melee magic".

    Wrath of God, Great Combustion, Fire Whip, Undead Rapport, Dark Bead.

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    New Magic? - Page 4 Empty Re: New Magic?

    Post by Slarg232 Sat May 18, 2013 12:24 pm

    There is one thing that needs to be stolen from Skyrim; Rune Magic.

    Inscribe a Rune into the ground, and a Wrath of the Gods (Miracles), Toxic Mist (Pyro) or something for Sorceries if an enemy runs into it.

    Would be worthless for PVE, but imagine the fun that would come from them out of Invasions XD

    And I'm on the fence of a sort of Pyromatic Blood Magic; all it would do is give them even MORE of a reason to go Pyro/Health Stack. Would be boss, though.
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    New Magic? - Page 4 Empty Re: New Magic?

    Post by Animaaal Sat May 18, 2013 1:59 pm

    wretchedsausage wrote:Dark Souls 2 needs to introduce "melee magic", magic designed for close range encounters, rather than shooting soul spears from a distance. things like Persuers and Homing Soul Mass are on the right track, but work needs to be done to allow for casters to use magic up close and personal, and not have every attack dodged with a lazy roll to the left.

    Good point. As of now magic-->melee or melee-->magic combos are lacking. I'd like to see combos that are initiated by simply switching to your catalyst after say a r2 attack from a melee weapon. Or being able to quick cast immediately by cycling your attunement slot.

    The basic casting combos in Dark Souls are okay, but unless you're willing to spam spam spam, pulling off a combo mixed with melee and pyro/sorceries/miracles just feels kinda clunky and awkward. With the exception of the basic and boring 2 hit combos that everyone plays with.

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    New Magic? - Page 4 Empty Re: New Magic?

    Post by SadPanda Sat May 18, 2013 11:02 pm

    Slarg232 wrote:There is one thing that needs to be stolen from Skyrim; Rune Magic.

    Inscribe a Rune into the ground, and a Wrath of the Gods (Miracles), Toxic Mist (Pyro) or something for Sorceries if an enemy runs into it.

    Would be worthless for PVE, but imagine the fun that would come from them out of Invasions XD

    And I'm on the fence of a sort of Pyromatic Blood Magic; all it would do is give them even MORE of a reason to go Pyro/Health Stack. Would be boss, though.
    This is exactly what I've been trying to say all along. Sigils/glyphs/runes would be so useful in PvP, both for the host and the invader.

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    New Magic? - Page 4 Empty Re: New Magic?

    Post by Seignar Sun May 19, 2013 12:27 am

    I would personally like them to expand on "Control" or "Illusory" magic, such as Undead Rapport and Aural Decoy. New magic such as:

    1) A ranged magic that turns an enemy into a 3rd party.
    2) The ability to create a decoy of yourself. (Tricks mobs that haven't noticed you)
    3) The ability to change the appearance of your weapon
    4) Blind Cloud (for phantoms it would just remove Lock-on) (It decreases aggro ranges)
    5) The ability to take the appearance of one enemy. (Safety against the same mobs if they haven't noticed you)
    6) AoE that turns all nearby enemies to your allies (Friendly Fire disabled). (Counter-gank, you Channeler!)
    7) AoE that all nearby enemies 3rd party.

    Also, I would like to see more unique weapon buffs, magic only uses them as to buff damage, but there could also be:

    1) Add Status effect
    2) Increase Poise Damage
    3) Extend Range (Dark Anguish (not Abyssal Anguish, thing overpowered), anyone?)
    4) Increase effectiveness of already present status effects.
    5) Increases chip damage.
    6) Decreases stamina usage.
    7) Decreases weight.

    Also, some more miscellaneous effects such as:

    1) Add AoE explosions to bow shots.
    2) Pull enemies towards you (Magic Whip, go!)
    3) Force Iron Flesh on an enemy (The new TWoP?)
    4) Turn Fall Damage into a shockwave attack.

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    New Magic? - Page 4 Empty Re: New Magic?

    Post by Slarg232 Sun May 19, 2013 1:19 am

    SadPanda wrote:
    Slarg232 wrote:There is one thing that needs to be stolen from Skyrim; Rune Magic.

    Inscribe a Rune into the ground, and a Wrath of the Gods (Miracles), Toxic Mist (Pyro) or something for Sorceries if an enemy runs into it.

    Would be worthless for PVE, but imagine the fun that would come from them out of Invasions XD

    And I'm on the fence of a sort of Pyromatic Blood Magic; all it would do is give them even MORE of a reason to go Pyro/Health Stack. Would be boss, though.
    This is exactly what I've been trying to say all along. Sigils/glyphs/runes would be so useful in PvP, both for the host and the invader.

    It would be AWESOME!

    Invade ahead of the target in Sen's Fortress, put a Toxic Rune on one of the narrow pathways so they HAVE to walk over it, peg them with arrows while they try to navigate it while Toxic. Or put a Kharmic Rune in the Catacombs, so unsavey players might get knocked off the side. Or do the same to any Invader. I love this idea.

    Also, Seignar, the Fall Damage to AoE, while awesome, really doesn't come into play except in the Catacombs and a couple of places in the Forest, doesn't it?

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    New Magic? - Page 4 Empty Re: New Magic?

    Post by Seignar Sun May 19, 2013 1:23 am

    Is this new magic for DkS or DkSII (New maps)? Also, it would come into play anywhere you get fall damage with intensity depending on height. I can see people mixing Plunging attacks for a murderous surprise attack. Or just being used to stagger during a chase.

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    New Magic? - Page 4 Empty Re: New Magic?

    Post by Slarg232 Sun May 19, 2013 1:36 am

    Oooo, too true there. Yeah, plungings would suddenly become even more deadly.

    Forgot we were talking about new maps that they have even said "We want to make them more Verticle" XD
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    New Magic? - Page 4 Empty Re: New Magic?

    Post by hey its andres Wed May 22, 2013 2:36 pm

    I realize that ice may be a possibility because ice magic does make a very small appearance in DkS. Maybe as a mist (poison mist style) attack.

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    New Magic? - Page 4 Empty Re: New Magic?

    Post by SlothAlmighty Fri May 24, 2013 5:17 pm

    I think a confusion spell would be cool. could cause enemies to randomly attack each other, on PvP it could flip the screen/controls horizontally so that when you push left you go right, etc.

    also a spell that lowers equip burden would be useful.

    lock picking spell?

    shapeshifting spell like chameleon but makes you look like an enemy.
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    New Magic? - Page 4 Empty Re: New Magic?

    Post by sparkly-twinkly-lizard Fri May 24, 2013 6:25 pm

    the lcok pickign thing was taken care off by the master key item so i kinda doubt that one but i like the enemy metamorph idea... hmm
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    New Magic? - Page 4 Empty Re: New Magic?

    Post by ublug Wed May 29, 2013 1:44 pm

    I would like a faith based weapon buff that increases the weapon's poise break and stamina damage, but at the cost of reduced AR.
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    New Magic? - Page 4 Empty Re: New Magic?

    Post by hey its andres Fri Jun 14, 2013 2:52 am

    It looks like they implemented a variant of my wind blade! I'm so happy biggrin Finally sorcerers can have actually melee castings

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    New Magic? - Page 4 Empty Re: New Magic?

    Post by Scaredbyowls Tue Jul 02, 2013 6:15 am

    I agree with everyone that says necromancy, it seems like it would make pvp more challenging and add a bit of surprise when fighting someone.. on the down side Gankers would rule the flipping world..
    The, fire weapon buff too.. 
    I'd like to see some earth-related spells, you know, vines, trees, various other plant life, and dirt..
    I dunno, things that will make mages more than R1R1R1R1R1R1 with dark bead.

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    New Magic? - Page 4 Empty Re: New Magic?

    Post by FAMISIL1 Wed Jul 10, 2013 7:52 pm


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